Say something.This is not to talk silly.When talking about such a tense and solemn thing.There was such a big gasp.It is really uncomfortable.But now.Because the news that Zhang Fan said really surprised these people.So no one would blame Zhang Fan for torturing them like this.No.It should be said that they simply didn't have the time to blame Zhang Fan.

What Zhang Fan said.It really shocked them too much.It actually said that the evidence for the assassination of the emperor pointed to a prince.And also a prince.This had to surprise the ministers present.

If there is a prince who wants to assassinate the emperor.This kind of thing is honest.It really makes sense.on this land.Thousands of years from ancient times to the present.People are most proficient in fighting among themselves.Not to mention a place like the imperial court where each tries to exclude others for their own interests.Even if this kind of thing happens between relatives and relatives.It's really nothing surprising.

but.What surprised these people was not the timing of the assassination among the royal families.Rather surprised.If this thing is true.That means.The world is going to be in chaos again.after all.That's the prince.Although I don't know which vassal king it is.And I'm afraid even if they ask.Zhang Fan may not be able to say.But there were only a few princes in the Ming Dynasty.And some of them are even more powerful.And as a powerful vassal king.What else could assassinate the emperor do.Only one thing.That is, he himself wants to sit on the throne.

If it really came to that time.Regardless of the strength of the vassal.No matter whether the court can suppress him or not.But chaos is certain.From the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present.In fact, the use of force has never stopped.But that's only on the frontier.It is a last resort.But it is true that the Ming Dynasty has seen the civil strife afterwards.Actually there are only a few things.

The most famous one was when Ming Chengzu Zhu Di was still King Yan.The battle of Jingnan was launched.and.Zhu Di succeeded.and.Zhu Di's success.Also made great achievements for thousands of years.But Zhu Di's success.There is an inevitable simultaneous.But there are also many completely irreproducible.

And the impact of Zhu Di.Just to make some people think.Even if he did not inherit the great rule.But it can also be taken by force.This is not.In the Zhengde period.That King Ning who doesn't know what's good or bad.No, just found an opportunity.There was also a mutiny.but.That time it didn't work out.This can be regarded as Zhu Di's credit.

Zhu Di moved his capital to Shuntian Mansion.It's not just for the reason of controlling the frontier troops in northern Xinjiang.He is on guard against other people will imitate him.Jing Nan again.And if anything.By the time.The army mobilized by the imperial court in the north.Most of the soldiers among them had fought against the Tartars in the frontier.these soldiers.Especially those in the south who live in peace and prosperity.What a poorly trained soldier can match.It can even be said.It was difficult for Zhu Di to succeed in Jingjing.It is inseparable from the soldiers under his command who have fought against the Tartars for so many years.

That is.Today's Ming Dynasty.I am not afraid of the occurrence of civil strife that someone dares to rebel.But not being afraid is not being afraid.That's when things come to an end and there's nothing we can do.Naturally, it is necessary to stand up.Fear is also useless at all.But now.None of this has happened yet.If it can be avoided.That is of course a good thing.

and.The most important thing.It is also the reason why these ministers are worried and shocked.very simple.That is, once such civil strife occurs within the territory of Ming Dynasty.The people are bound to be in chaos.perhaps.And what packs a man with ambition.Maybe they will take advantage of this opportunity to develop their power.This situation will be troublesome in the future.

besides.It's about those Yuanmeng remnants in the north.Although now.The north has been settled.The imperial court and I agreed to re-open the agreement of the mutual tribute market.I also agreed to return to Shun Mingting.And the Ming court also helped Alda take control of the entire Tatar.

but.this kind of thing.That covenant.If someone really believes that those Hulu in the north can be controlled with just such a thin piece of paper.I'm afraid he is really the biggest fool in the world.By the time.There was chaos inside Daming.There is an [-]% chance that the Tartars will send their troops south.

If this is the case.At that time, the Ming Dynasty can really be called external and internal troubles.Even in the end, the whole Ming court can work together.Eliminate both external and internal troubles.But it will also hurt your vitality sharply.I don't know when I want to get back to life.

all in all.No matter from any aspect.These ministers present.They don't want things to develop to that point.That's not to say these guys are all working together these days.It's all based on the interests of the court.In fact, there are many factors of private interests involved.This matter above.Self-interest and public interest are inseparable.

after all.If it really messed up by then.Military generals will once again stand on top of civilian officials.And the so-called "a scholar meets a soldier. There is no reason to explain" is such a truth.Let you spit out lotus flowers.Can reverse black and white.But when the time comes.The opponent has a knife in his hand.If I can't refute you.But I was not convinced.Cut it down with a knife.No matter how sharp these people's lips are.It can't stop the sword.

Even if they don't want to use their tongues.But when the time comes.Want to engage in power or something.There is no chance at all.all in all.Specializing in such things as power play.It is best to be in a peaceful situation.

And these people think so now.It is not alarmist talk.Rather they understand.All this is really possible.It wasn't that they blindly believed in the possibility that Zhang Fan said.It is because.this kind of thing.If there is no evidence found.How dare Zhang Fan say it with such certainty?

so.Now it is above the Great Hall of the Emperor.It's really a fryer.Everyone is talking.And the sound is not such a noisy environment.Even the person standing next to you.You can't even hear what he's saying.

And the person who caused such a situation.Zhang Fan.But standing in place.Even the expression on his face has not changed.It's not like watching a good show.It's just that Zhang Fan really didn't pay much attention to what these people were talking about.

"Yuande." Aside.Zhang Juzheng thought for a long time.He tugged on Zhang Fan's sleeve.Said. "You...why did you say it? Or...or did you say that the assassin had already been interrogated by your subordinates and found out something wrong."

"No. The teacher misunderstood." Zhang Fan shook his head.Still a calm look.Said. "The assassin's mouth is really hard. And he obviously knows a little about how Jinyiwei interrogates prisoners. So yesterday, the students' subordinates also used everything they could. But he didn't say a word Said. And. Because of this incident. This assassin is the only clue. He can’t be cruel. He’s still spending time there.”

"Then why do you say that." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Zhang Juzheng couldn't help becoming anxious. "This kind of thing. Everyone knows that it is absolutely terrible to say it. Why do you want to. Besides. Yesterday in the Compassionate Ning Palace. Didn't you say it all? All of this is just speculation now. There is no conclusive evidence. You just said that. When the time comes to find out, this is not the case. Duan Wang will never let you go. Didn’t I tell you yesterday. Don’t do this kind of thing too much. It's over. You need to leave some room. Why didn't you listen to it at all." Zhang Juzheng at this moment.Really anxious.

"Teacher, students can't help themselves." Zhang Fan sighed.Said. "Besides. Although the students have said so now, it's just a rough idea. Didn't they say anything else?"

"I can't help myself." Hearing these four words from Zhang Fan.Zhang Juzheng also frowned.He is a person who speaks and does things very carefully.And listen to others.I will also pick up the most critical listening.As it is now.As soon as Zhang Fan's words came out.Zhang Juzheng immediately recognized the four most important words. "Involuntary". "What the hell is going on. Could it be that..." It was just a matter of a moment.Zhang Juzheng had already thought of that possibility.

"Teacher guessed it too." Zhang Fan approached Zhang Juzheng.whispered. "Although the evidence is insufficient now, the assassin can't pry his mouth open. However, the queen mother seems to have determined her heart. This matter was done by King Duan. Yesterday, the queen mother called the students into the palace again. Although it is not stated clearly, the students can still hear it. The empress dowager's meaning. It is made clear to let the students disclose this matter intentionally or unintentionally. Now, the students are just doing it according to the will. The teacher must never Don't blame the students by mistake."

"This..." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Zhang Juzheng really didn't know what to say for a while.

"What the teacher said to the students yesterday. The students have not forgotten." Zhang Fan said immediately.But above the expression was a wry smile. "But this matter. It's just as the student said. The student is completely following the order. It's involuntary."

These words.Zhang Fan's expression really was a wry smile.even though.What follows is nonsense.Empress Dowager Li did not look for him.But Zhang Fan understood what Empress Dowager Li meant.Actually.In the Ci Ning Palace yesterday.Empress Dowager Li has already done that.But what Zhang Fan has to do now is.Just imprint this idea in the minds of more people.

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