The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 920 Well-founded

"Master Zhang, what's going on here?" Sure enough, as Zhang Fan expected, he finally asked Zhang Fan, "You have real evidence for what you said,"

"That's right, Mr. Zhang, it's not a trivial matter to say that there was a feudal prince in the dynasty who assassinated His Majesty." Immediately, since someone has already spoken, someone will follow up immediately, "Say this You have to be responsible for what you say, if you falsely frame the prince of this dynasty without any real evidence, Master Zhang will not be able to bear the crime, right?"

"That's right, how could..."


All of a sudden, the court was full of questioning voices against Zhang Fan. Of course, it didn't mean that these people had any quarrel with Zhang Fan. Now they took advantage of such an opportunity to explode like this. They were not like this, even if they were Nowadays, many people are pointing at Zhang Fan and saying these words in a questioning tone, but they don't actually want to do anything to Zhang Fan.

Although these people are a little excited now, these people are not fools. Even if they are so excited, they understand very well in their hearts. No matter how you say this matter, it actually has nothing to do with Zhang Fan. This reason, this beginning, these words were spoken by Zhang Fan, but this does not mean that this is Zhang Fan's original intention, but in fact, no one would think that Zhang Fan originally thought so.

This has nothing to do with Zhang Fan's identity. No matter who he is, if he wants to say such a thing in front of so many ministers, there are conditions. This condition is definitely not him. The reason is not whether he knows it, nor whether he wants to say it. If it is only because of himself, as long as this person is not a fool, it is absolutely impossible to say it.

And Zhang Fan, is he a fool? Absolutely not. He was able to win the favor of two generations of emperors. Perhaps it was due to luck at the beginning, but if he can continue until now, it is definitely his own ability. Not even a fool.

So now, Zhang Fan would say such a thing, it has nothing to do with him at all, and these people present knew very well that there must be someone behind Zhang Fan who made him say that, and he would do this Speaking of which, it is actually not difficult to guess who that person is. First of all, the person who can make Zhang Fan speak like this must be a person with a higher status and power than him. There are indeed many people with status, but there are really not many people who can have such status and such power at the same time.

Like Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, the power in their hands can barely be counted, but their status is not enough, and if it is other princes or dukes, or even today's emperor, this status is definitely enough, But these people have no power, and it is impossible for Zhang Fan to say such words that almost push himself to the forefront for the sake of people who have no power to protect him.

In other words, the answer is already obvious. There is only one person who has both the status and the power to order Zhang Fan to say such a thing, and he is the rightful owner of the Palace of Compassion and Ning, who is also in charge of the entire world. The powerful one, the biological mother of the Holy Majesty today, is the Empress Dowager Li, and besides the Empress Dowager Li, she absolutely does not think of anyone else.

In other words, the reason why Zhang Fan said that just now was entirely because it was ordered by the Queen Mother Li, and it was the Queen Mother Li who asked him to say that. Almost at this moment, all the ministers present thought of this possibility Among these people, more than half of them are convinced of this possibility shortly after thinking about it, and the rest, although they are not yet convinced, are just skeptical.

Those people asked Zhang Fan just now, just to make sure of this point.

"My lords, please be quiet and listen to what I have to say," Zhang Fan said loudly.

Immediately, all the people in the hall closed their mouths, and they all looked at Zhang Fan, waiting for him to speak. After all, they were arguing just now, in the final analysis, to find out what was going on. Zhang Fan was about to speak, of course they had to listen attentively.

"I know what the adults are thinking," Zhang Fan looked at these people and said, "And since I have admitted this matter just now, and said that this matter is related to the current situation of this dynasty, A vassal king has a relationship, this kind of thing will naturally not be nonsense by this official, "

When Zhang Fan said this, he stopped, and the ministers below who heard Zhang Fan's words did not start arguing again like before, but looked at each other, but this time, the eyes of these people Among them, that appearance is definitely not right, how can I put it, even if no one speaks, but now there is a strange atmosphere everywhere in the whole hall, and those few university scholars and monks who have known about this for a long time The grown-ups also showed puzzled expressions and looked at Zhang Fan. Although they also thought that Zhang Fan would say that, it must have been ordered by the Queen Mother Li, but they were also curious and wanted to know what Zhang Fan would do next. say something.

"Just now, Lord Ge stood up to ask questions, and I answered truthfully," Zhang Fan continued, "That's right, the matter of His Majesty's assassination this time was investigated by me and my subordinate Jin Yiwei. , that assassin has been captured by my subordinates, and is now being interrogated in Jinyiwei's yamen. However, this assassin is very stubborn. Since he was sent back the night before yesterday, my subordinates have never been idle, but until now, But he still refused to speak." Having said that, Zhang Fan paused again, although he showed a very troublesome expression on his face, but he kept laughing in his heart, what interrogation until now, Zhuo Yang is now locked up The yamen is good, but where did the interrogation come from? He was eating and drinking with Liang Chao all day long. Anyway, he can't get out now, and he can't practice kung fu. Besides, there is nothing else to do.

However, what Zhang Fan thinks here is his business, but on the other side, when the people present heard what Zhang Fan said, what they thought in their hearts was completely different. There are many things that will not change, not to mention, since the Queen Mother Li entrusted Zhang Fan to investigate and deal with the matter of the emperor being assassinated, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan He used his own life as a bet on his gentle treatment of others, that is to say, Zhang Fan's words, in the ears of these ministers, really made them feel a little scared.

Jin Yiwei, after interrogating the prisoner who assassinated the emperor for almost two full days, he didn't ask anything. Everyone can imagine how to deal with this kind of thing. Zhang Fan took over this task from the Empress Dowager Li. It's like taking over a hot potato, and it's another matter if he did a good job, but if he can't find out, he will definitely be unlucky. Therefore, everyone present felt that Jin Yiwei would never show mercy this time, except because This assassin is very important, he can't be killed, as long as he has a breath, he will toss hard.

And after two days, after being interrogated by Jin Yiwei, he didn't say a word. If it looked to outsiders, he would just be surprised that this assassin is really a tough guy, and he can survive such torture, but these people present would not Looking at it this way, they don't care what happens to an assassin. The first thing they see is that there is definitely something behind this matter.

To be able to find such an assassin to assassinate the emperor, it is obvious that the person who did this must have skills, and not only that, this person must also be powerful and powerful, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to find such an assassin. Assassin, this assassin may have been one of that person's subordinates originally, or maybe this assassin has some reason to be caught by that person, making him have to do this, but no matter which one it is, it makes the people present feel that this This thing is absolutely out of the ordinary.

That is to say, it is just a very tough assassin, but it has already convinced these people present that what Zhang Fan said, a vassal king was implicated in this assassination incident. , it is very likely not to scare people, it is true.

"Now, I don't have any more evidence in my hands." Zhang Fan waited for a while to let these people digest what he just said before continuing, "However, no matter how powerful this assassin is, after all It’s just one person, please rest assured, my lords, Ben Guang believes that Jin Yiwei will have a way to pry his mouth open and let him speak.”

"However, Master Taifu," Zhang Fan's voice just finished, someone stood up and asked again, "Master Taifu said it himself just now, and there is no more evidence now, and is the assassin stubborn? I don't care about it, but I only know that the assassin hasn't opened his mouth yet. If that's the case, Mr. Taifu should have guessed the news. Why, Mr. Taifu just said that this matter involves the people of this dynasty The matter of a vassal king is so certain, Mr. Taifu, isn't this contradictory?"

"Yeah yeah……"

"that is……"


Immediately, someone started talking again.

"My lords, since I dare to say this, it must be well-founded," Zhang Fan said, "Besides, how could I be able to tell tales about this matter?"

Zhang Fan's words made the hall quiet again.

"And..." Zhang Fan looked around and said with a smile, "Actually, not only Zhang Fan can be sure of this matter, in fact, yesterday, the cabinet's Grand Scholars and six ministers also knew about it. Things, they can also testify, "

Zhang Fan threw a question to several other people who all had surprised faces,

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