The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 928 Idle Chapter in the Palace

Ge Shouli did not remind Zhang Fan of any form or detail.It's just to remind him to grasp the general direction in this matter.But this is for Zhang Fan.That's enough.even.This helped Zhang Fan.Compared with Zhang Juzheng's detailed reminders, Zhang Fan benefited more.

certainly.Zhang Fan is not saying that what Zhang Juzheng said to him is useless.The usefulness is natural.only.It's actually very limited.If Zhang Fan just did what Zhang Juzheng said.At that time, it is inevitable that some lose sight of one another.The likelihood of trouble in the end is also much higher.

But if it is done according to Ge Shouli's method.Then there will be no problem.Ge Shouli's words were actually only one sentence.When Zhang Fan is doing this.We must grasp the measure.Don't overdo it.What Ge Shouli was referring to.It's the whole thing.It means that Zhang Fan was appointed by Empress Dowager Li to investigate the assassination incident.And in the end, he will deal with Zhu Xuanqi's matter.But for Zhang Fan.Ge Shouli's words could be taken as true by him.Use it on the whole thing.This also includes the things he did at the source of this matter.

As long as Zhang Fan can remember this point.on this matter.No matter what, stick to such a standard to handle things.Then everything will be fine.That is.On the surface, it sounds like Ge Shouli didn't say anything.But actually.Ge Shouli actually said the most important thing to Zhang Fan.

In matter what.Zhang Fan was very grateful to Ge Shouli.only.Such words of thanks.Zhang Fan couldn't speak.In the current situation, he seemed unable to say anything.Just when Zhang Fan looked at Ge Shouli and didn't know what to say.Sudden.Zhang Fan thought of one thing.A thing that just happened above the court.A thing about Ge Shouli that happened in the court just now.

Think about that.Zhang Fan's complexion couldn't help but change a bit.And Ge Shouli's side.He naturally didn't know what Zhang Fan was thinking.But when he saw the change in Zhang Fan's face.I also became a little curious in my heart.He couldn't help asking: "Master Zhang, what are you thinking of with such a good kung fu? This face is really ugly." Because just now.Zhang Fan confessed to him.It made Ge Shouli and Zhang Fan get closer.Even now the two are in the palace.But it can also be like that in private.Opened up to speak.No need to hide things.No more charades.

"No. Master Ge. I just thought of something." Zhang Fan looked at Ge Shouli.Seeing him speak so frankly.I don't intend to hide it either.Straight up. "Master Ge a little... a little different from usual."

"Oh. It's different." Ge Shouli heard what Zhang Fan said.On the surface, there is nothing to show.But my heart is also tight.He already knew what Zhang Fan was going to say.But he asked anyway. "What's the difference."

It's really interesting to say.Both of them have just decided.Be honest with the other person.If you have something to say, just say it.But it was mentioned.But the two of them returned to the previous look of being cautious when speaking.but.This is also impossible.After all this kind of thing.For any two people.That's all.It's impossible to be honest with each other.

Zhang Fan also had this weird idea in his heart.But although he hesitated.But this thing.In fact, that was the main reason why he caught up with Ge Shouli just now.If you don't speak up, ask for clarification.Then all this is a bit upside down.Thought of here.Zhang Fan planned not to hide anything anymore.Just ask.

"Master Ge today speaks differently than in the past," Zhang Fan said. "That's when Mr. Ge asked the queen mother what's going on. If Mr. Ge was on weekdays, he would never say that. The name of Mr. Ge was mentioned in the court. Whether it is a good relationship with Mr. Ge, or with Mr. Ge. In the past, there was some resentment, but they always praised Mr. Ge very much. And the four words 'senior and prudent' would appear every time. But Mr. Ge never thought about it. He just laughed it off That's all. I never said that I was really "mature and prudent".

"These are the things that Zhang Fan admires Master Ge the most. Just imagine. After so many years in the court, it is still possible to do this. It is really not easy. But today, Master Ge did something that made Zhang Fan think." What I don't understand. Mr. Ge not only admitted that he is indeed the title of "senior and prudent", but also used it.

"Today is in court. Master Ge asked the truth about the Queen Mother Li. It can be regarded as coercion. If it were changed to the past, Master Ge would never do that. That's why Zhang Fan said that Master Ge today is the same as in the past. It's different. It's very different. If it was Mr. Ge in the past, how could he do such a thing."

"I didn't expect you to see it." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Ge Shouli did not deny anything.Just smiled wryly and shook his head.Said. "At first, I thought. At that time, everyone in the court was paying attention to His Majesty's assassination. It should be that no one would notice my abnormality, which is not very conspicuous at all. After all, as a subject, it is really normal to care about His Majesty's assassination. Very much. But. I forgot about you. I thought about it. What is going on. You already knew about it. Naturally, you won’t pay attention to it. So I’m deceiving myself a bit.

"However. Now that you have discovered the problem. Presumably you should also understand why I would do that."

Facing Ge Shouli's rhetorical question.Zhang Fan looked at him.And did not speak.Instead, he nodded heavily.Said he already knew.

And got Zhang Fan's reply.Ge Shouli could only sigh again.After a while.Then he said: "I was born in the 15th year of Hongzhi. In the seventh year of Jiajing, I went to the provincial examination. I was the first in the rural examination that year. The second year. I went to Beijing to catch up with the examination. I won the Jinshi. I was awarded the title of Zhangde Tuiguan .After that. I came here again. I am not in charge. After that. It is the Ministry of Rites.

"I still remember when I was in the Ministry of Rites. Something happened. It was also the thing that made me famous. At that time, there were many close branches of the palace. They all wanted to go to the next level. They wanted to be named Prince County The king or something. But this matter, in the final analysis, is recommended by the Ministry of Rites. Therefore, at that time, the Ministry of Rites was the place where these Wangfu's near branch offices had the most traffic. These people wanted to bribe some money and make some connections. Think He wanted to make a prince or something. But at that time, Emperor Jiajing had been on the throne for more than ten years, but he still felt that some people in the court were dissatisfied with him. Because of this, Emperor Jiajing always liked to trouble people in the court. That year, the Ministry of Rites happened to find out. In the end, a total of more than [-] taels of bribes were found. But among them, my name was the only one.

"Actually. Speaking of it now, it's a bit too bragging. Even myself. I'm a little embarrassed. At that time, I was young and energetic. But it's not long after my forty years. Plus. Come on .My family is rich. I don’t care about the money at all. Secondly, I am young and energetic. I don’t care about those things at all. But it’s not that I was really honest in my heart at that time. But in short, it’s like this. Emperor Jiajing also I think I am honest. It is worth using.

"After that, I have been to many places. The deputy envoy of Tixue in Henan; the inspector of Shanxi, the chief envoy of Shaanxi, the censor of the right deputy capital, the governor of Henan, and then the minister of the household department, the governor of the Ministry of Finance, and the university. Not long after. .I was appointed as Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials. I was promoted to Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites of Nanjing. But at that time, it was said that I was promoted. In fact, I meant to go to Yingtian. I think Mr. Zhang also understood. It is because of that time. Yan Song felt that I It's in the way of his business. It's just the officials of the official department. Even when His Majesty asked. The ministers in the court at that time did say that I was sick. I can't be too tired. I invite you to go to Yingtian. But these. I But I didn’t take it seriously. Until Emperor Jiajing passed away and Emperor Longqing ascended the throne. That year was the first year of Longqing. His Majesty restarted me as Minister of the Ministry of Households. After that, Gao Gong’s affairs. I was Minister of the Ministry of Punishment for a period of time. Until now, the Zuodu Yushi.

"These. These are the things I have done since I became an official. But I said these. I don't want to say how clean I am. I have senior qualifications and the like. I just want to say. 'Three Dynasties Veteran' is a word. In my heart Although I feel that the word "yuanlao" and Li are really ashamed, but the saying of "three dynasties" is not fake at all. I think I became an official in the eighth year of Jiajing. Until now. The first year of Wanli. It is already It has been a full 45 years. Even if he is a farmer, 45 years of experience has allowed him to see too many things. What's more, he is on such a career path with many ups and downs.

"During the Jiajing period. It can be said that it was the beginning of all these troubles. I saw Xia Yan's appearance from triumph to frustration. After that, it was Yan Song. The funny thing is that Xia Yan's figure has not completely receded. Everyone can still Thinking of him. Knowing his fate. But Yan Song didn't care about these things. He started doing those things again. Who will be there after that. There are too many. I can't tell for a while. Until now. This is It's a lot more stable. Even today's Feng Bao. His behavior is really a bit outrageous. But he didn't act in a disorderly manner. And I can see it. He didn't have any disorder The heart of the dynasty.

"In this way, the court is really peaceful. Even if there are still some external disputes. But as long as the court is stable, those things are really not worth mentioning. Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt that I was really a little Tired. This person. Since he is tired, he must rest. Isn't he."

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