The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 929 This chapter is gone

Zhang Fan listened quietly to Ge Shouli's narration, without interrupting or saying anything. Ge Shouli's words sounded like he was showing off his footprints in the court for decades. You know, 45 years is naturally not counted. It's short, but there are not many people who can reach this position in 45 years like Ge Shouli, and Ge Shouli has done it, so he naturally has the capital to show off.

But Zhang Fan is not a superficial person. Anyone who knows a little about Ge Shouli can tell that Ge Shouli is not bragging about his achievements. What he said It is said that his 45-year experience in the court is actually equivalent to the experience of the Jiajing and Longqing dynasties. Yes, if we talk about the Ming Dynasty, when was the most chaotic period? When Ming Yingzong was in power, things happened before and after the Battle of Tumubao.

But when it comes to things in the imperial court, when it comes to the most chaotic time, I am afraid that it was the Jiajing Dynasty. It is not that the chaos of the Jiajing Dynasty had such a huge impact. It's a "chaos", all kinds of people and things keep appearing, talking about traitors, the reality is Xia Yan, then Yan Song, and behind that, there are Xu Jie and Gao Gong who originally uphold the concept, but they are arbitrary when they are old. The existence of arrogance, in short, from Jiajing to Longqing, during the two dynasties here, there were really constant things.

But Ge Shouli saw all of this completely. Speaking of which, after so many things, how could it be possible for a person not to be tired.

What's more, for Ge Shouli, he doesn't have too many selfish desires. His greatest ambition is not to be able to rise to the top, nor is it to revitalize the Ming Dynasty and pass it on to the future. His greatest ambition is to hope that the court can be stable. Just come down.

Back then, when Yan Song provoked the officials of the Ministry of Officials to transfer him to Yingtian, a place that was considered a cold palace for officials, Ge Shouli did not make any noise. At that time, Ge Shouli had won the trust of Emperor Jiajing. If you want to complain for yourself, you only need to give a discount. Even if Yan Song was so powerful at that time, he could not immediately return to his post, but he would never stay in Yingtian for so long, but Ge Shouli No, because he knew that if he did that at that time, Emperor Jiajing would definitely speak, and once Emperor Jiajing spoke, the court would definitely be in chaos, and at that time, if Yan Song would use this chaos to do something, it would only make people The situation became more chaotic, and Ge Shouli didn't want the smoky court that had been disturbed by Yan Song to become even more chaotic, so he didn't speak.

And even in the later stage, as a first-rank member of the court and possessing great power, he had no problem speaking or anything, but at that time, the cabinet was headed by Gao Gong, and there were constant disputes, and Gao Gong was increasingly acting recklessly At that time, at the end, Feng Bao started with Zhang Juzheng as the executor. In short, it can be said that at that time, Gao Gong was scattered when the tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Almost everyone in the entire court was besieging Gao Gong. This matter, Zhang Fan also Having experienced it, Zhang Fan also understood the situation at that time. It can be said that Gao Gong at that time was indeed a little frustrated, and he did many things that should not be done. Even if Zhang Fan didn't do anything, but his In my heart, I can't help but have a lot of resentment towards Gao Gong.

However, Ge Shouli was the only one who remained unmoved at the time, and even later, although Ge Shouli had never said anything, Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, who wanted to kill Gao Gong, were afraid that Ge Shouli would stand up and make trouble. He wanted to force him to submit to him, but Ge Shouli was steadfast and unyielding. Not to mention Feng Bao's temptation, even if it was extremely intimidating, Ge Shouli didn't take it to heart at all, and just refused to agree to him.

The reason why Ge Shouli did this was for the stability of the court, because at that time he knew that although Feng Bao had no evil intentions, he was blinded by power. It can be seen that Feng Bao at that time was really a little too crazy. At that time, Feng Bao just wanted to find an opportunity to let him clean up the imperial court in a legitimate way. Those left behind were those who had been involved with Gao Gong in the past.

And Ge Shouli, of course, knows this very well. He understands that once he agrees to Feng Bao, Gao Gong will die, and Gao Gong will not die. Ge Shouli is still in second place. The most important thing is that Gao Gong Once they die, hundreds of people in the court will be implicated. Those people, even if they don't die, will definitely end up being demoted or exiled for a reason. As a result, the court will be extremely turbulent, and Ge Shouli will never want that to happen of.

But if Ge Shouli refuses to agree, Feng Bao will not dare to act, because Ge Shouli does not express his position, Feng Bao dare not bet, he does not know if Ge Shouli will do anything when he really does it, but Feng Bao understands that once Ge Shouli If he stood up to oppose it, not only would his goal not be achieved, but it would also cause him to get himself into a lot of trouble.

All of these are all expounding the fact that Ge Shouli's real revenge. Some people may say that Ge Shouli's ideas are too mediocre and too inactive. If Ge Shouli is more active, the situation of the court will definitely be worse. It's better now, but many people didn't realize that by doing this, Ge Shouli was able to keep the affairs of the court under control and not go beyond.

All in all, from the Jiajing period to the present, too many things have happened in the Ming Dynasty, and the reason why all of these things are within a tolerable range, Ge Shouli is definitely one of the well-deserved heroes.

But now, he was already feeling tired. Although the imperial court had stabilized, even if the situation in it was dominated by one family, it had stabilized after all. It was true that Ge Shouli wanted to retire with success, There is no need to be too sorry. After all, Ge Shouli is already 70 years old. Even if something happens in the future, judging from the current situation, it will take at least ten years. Ten years later Well, Ge Shouli is already 80 years old, even if he still has something to do in his heart at the age of [-], there is nothing he can do.

But even so, Zhang Fan, who suddenly understood Ge Shouli's thoughts, still felt that it was a pity. There are very few people in the court who can be like Ge Shouli. , there is also Hai Rui, who is quite strong and capable of doing things, but Hai Rui is now 57 years old. What's more, Hai Rui is an official, honest and upright, but he is too sharp, which is really offended There are too many people, even the emperor admires him very much, but because he offended too many people, he still can't get up the official position.

Of course, it is undeniable that Hai Rui's current status and official status allow him to be close to the people and do more practical things for the people, but Zhang Fan understands that it is impossible to change the current situation of the entire court just by fighting against the injustices of a few people. , there have always been corrupt officials. Even if Hai Rui can take out all the corrupt officials in Nanzhili, there are still more than ten other provinces in the world, and there are these officials in the capital. Hai Rui alone can't afford it. Functional.

Today, without one Ge Shouli, there is one less person in the court who can restrain Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng. Although Zhang Fan also believes that Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng can't make any big mistakes, he still Worrying.

But now, Ge Shouli's departure has become an unchangeable thing. Even if Zhang Fan doesn't want to, even Ge Shouli himself doesn't want to, but the actual situation doesn't allow them to choose anymore.

"It doesn't have to be like this," Ge Shouli couldn't help saying when he saw Zhang Fan's appearance and knew what was going on in his heart, "Actually, I have already made plans. Next month, I plan to resign from His Majesty. , although I was a little bit reluctant, but I really put down a stone in my heart, "

Hearing what Ge Shouli said, Zhang Fan was a little confused.

"Master Zhang, you should remember," Ge Shouli said, "It was the fifth year of Longqing, when Gao Gong went home to recuperate. At that time, I mentioned to Emperor Xian that I wanted to go home. I am still alive, but I have been in power for 45 years, but I can't help my old mother. It is really unfilial. Now, although my old mother is still alive, she is too old and physically inconvenient. If I don't go back, the word "unfilial" is really serious Just sit tight, and I hope Mr. Zhang will be considerate, "

Looking at Ge Shouli, Zhang Fan knew in his heart that what he said were all excuses, but he couldn't refute them. In other words, no matter what he thought about this matter, he was helpless.

Perhaps, all of this is just doomed.

At this time, there was a faint noise from where the two came. It seems that even those ministers with a strong "hungry for knowledge" sometimes know how to retreat. At least, these people obviously Yes, I understand that just such a short time is like digging out some news from the mouths of those university scholars and seniors. It is really not very realistic. Besides, there will be plenty of time in the future anyway.

"It seems that now is the time to retreat from the court," Ge Shouli said with a smile, "So, I'm going back too." After finishing speaking, Ge Shouli nodded to Zhang Fan, then turned and left.

But Zhang Fan looked at Ge Shouli's leaving back, didn't speak, just cupped his fists and saluted Ge Shouli.

Not many people noticed this picture, in fact, there was only one Zhang Juzheng, but after Zhang Juzheng saw it, he was happy, but also a little bit disappointed.

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