The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 930 1 Everything goes well

next.The court began to make such a noise.Since the morning of that day.Those academicians and ministers came and went in front of their homes without stopping.Unless it is after the unitary hour.otherwise.As long as it is morning.These people are absolutely restless.

Fortunately.Now it's as worrying as it was before.In today's imperial court.Including the territory under the rule of Ming Dynasty, it is relatively stable.Nothing happened.There is nothing to worry about too much.Now that it's so messed up, I can't see any problems.If we say at this time.If there is another mess.That would be a big trouble.

Now in the court.Among the things that everyone knows.What needs attention is the northeast side.But there's nothing wrong with that.Take the Minister of the Ministry of War as an example.He was also one of the people who knew the inside story of the assassination.There are also many people who want to find him to understand the situation.But he only needs one sentence.North Korea and China have military affairs to deal with.Naturally, there is no need to worry about those people still coming to trouble him.

certainly.His words.But it's not just to send those people away.He really cares about Northeast affairs very much.Now Wang Gao is due to certain things.Greatly hurt.And just when Wang Gao's vitality was seriously injured.He didn't pay attention to Li Chengliang for the time being.Just staring at the back of himself.

The same is true for Zhang Fan.He is also one of the people who knows the truth of the matter.There are also people who want to find him to understand the situation.and.Although Zhang Fan is Jin Yiwei.But his image in the court is that he is a relatively easy-to-talk person.Apparently there's nothing wrong with that.But Zhang Fan is the commander of Jinyiwei.It brought him a lot of convenience.He doesn't need to do much.Just say that you have something to do.It is impossible for others to bother him again.after all.Now everyone knows that Zhang Fan was assigned by Queen Mother Li to investigate Zhu Yijun's assassination.That's an excellent Fan used such an excuse.No one is seen.No one dared to be dissatisfied.

but.Zhang Fan during this time.Actually nothing happened.And now there is such a guise again.It can be regarded as a legitimate also began to care about things in the Northeast.Speaking of caring about things in the Northeast.It might be better to say that he cared about Wang Degui who had been there for two or three months.

but.It looks like now.Everything is fine with Wang Degui.Moreover, the task assigned by Zhang Fan was also completed very well.certainly.Zhang Fan did not receive any news from Wang Degui.In fact.Since he sent Wang Degui out.until now.He never had any contact with Wang Degui again.And he's the eyeliner on Li Chengliang's side.Haven't received any news either.This means that Wang Degui is either dead.Either is very safe.There was no need to ask Li Chengliang for help.And the news obtained from Wang Gao.It can be clearly known.Wang Degui is alive and well.And they are still executing orders according to Zhang Fan's instructions.He continued to assassinate Wang Gao's generals.

Especially after entering August.Whether it is the court.Or Li Chengliang.Or the news received by Jinyiwei and Dongchang.All written clearly.During this period of time, Wang Gao was only busy with the affairs behind him.He didn't have the energy to care about Li Chengliang's side at all.Not to mention that he was going to harass Li Chengliang's expansion of the Six Forts.In this way.Li Chengliang felt comfortable over there.But Wang Gao was about to go crazy.

According to the news that first.Several of his generals were killed.When Wang Gao heard the news just now.I don't really care.Just passing on the word.Make them pay attention.But then.During the next two months.More and more people died.

And faced with this situation.Wang Gao also had to start paying attention.But those generals under him.Most of them were the leaders of the small tribes who belonged to him.This is a bit troublesome.After all, although he is Wang Gao's subordinate.But what those people say is the first of a movie.If it wasn't for Wang Gao's summons on weekdays.These people are all staying in their own tribe.In this way.Wang Gao also had no way to send his own people to protect them.After all, that's it.Just give the other person a feeling of wanting to take over.Even if these people are Wang Gao's subordinates.But each department belongs to each department.There are some things that Wang Gao still needs to grasp clearly.

But it is also because of this.Let Wang Gao even understand the seriousness of the matter.But it is also impossible to take any measures at all.And those generals under him.That is, the leaders of the various tribes.Even if he was warned by Wang Gao in this way.But they simply ignored it.The left ear enters the right ear and more exits.Even many of them.Even knowing that many tribal leaders who had surrendered to Wang Gao's command had been assassinated.But still feel safe.Some people even think so.All of this was completely directed by Wang Gao himself.After all, those dead leaders.They were more or less at odds with Wang Gao in the past.Wang Gao just wanted to use this to deter them.

certainly.This candidate.In fact, it was before Zhang Fan sent Wang Degui out.Just let people investigate well.Then gave the list to Wang Degui.The first dozen or so people.Since Wang Gao's subordinates are the most capable.He is also the leader of many tribes under him.It is also a person who has more or less grievances with Wang Gao.This was specially chosen by Zhang Fan.The purpose is to cause chaos within the Jurchen clan.It can also cause troubles inside Wang Gao.

In this way.The consequences are.No one can pay attention to it.And at the end.These chiefs are careless.Wang Degui and the others found a gap.Got it.

Here is some news that Zhang Fan doesn't know.Wang Degui and the others attacked.They are all very cautious.No matter for anyone.It doesn't matter how many green forest characters are among them who are not afraid of anything.But when doing this.They are all cautious.I'm afraid there was a little mistake.after all.As long as this thing can be done.And be able to go back alive.They are to live.And be free.This kind of thing is not a luxury for many people.But for those who have lost their freedom.Even those who have been sentenced to death.But it is extremely precious.

certainly.They can also choose not to complete the agreement with Zhang Fan.leave directly.But in that case.In the future, they will face Jin Yiwei's never-ending lore order.He also risked his own family's life.this risk.Few people would be willing to take the risk.

so.When these people are doing this.All with care.And never bring contempt for foreigners into such matters related to his future.Before each hands-on.They all had to do some scouting before doing anything.And if they can do it, they can assassinate.Then you will definitely not do it clearly.

almost every action.They are all put to work at night.Wait until the target falls asleep late at night.They then sneaked into the tribe to do it.Such an act of assassination.Not too many people.So they every time.Almost always just two or three people.One person is responsible for the killer.The other two are responsible for guarding and responding.certainly.The other ten or so people will not be too far away.Once something unexpected happens.The signal will be sent immediately.They'll be over there right away.

These people are not afraid of things like not coming to respond.After all, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope now.Once something goes wrong.Definitely not one person's problem.and.The people who go to "work" are not fixed.It comes in rotation.No one dared to make any moves in this regard.That was simply a joke with his own life.

And their caution.It has reached an extreme point.This time they go.It can be said to be adequate. **, Mongolian sweat medicine and the like brought a lot.Sometimes I look for an opportunity to put it in the wine and dishes early.Others deal with it with scented incense and the like.Fortunately, the weather in the Northeast is relatively cold.Even in summer.It was still cold there at night.Those targets naturally lived in tents.In this way, the incense and the like will be useful.And even if you encounter that kind of drinking, you are already drunk.before they do it.Still want to use the case.It can be seen from this.How cautious they are in this matter.It has come to such a point.

But even so.It's been a few months.There are still two times.Even if the target has been killed.But it alarmed others.Besieged by opposing tribes.Fortunately, Wang Degui's prestige among those people is not bad.Rescue is also very timely.So until now.Among so many people.There are indeed many injured.But none of them died.

In short.This is the situation in the Northeast now.Zhang Fan knew some of them.There are some things that Zhang Fan doesn't know.And there are some things that Zhang Fan has been paying attention to.From the present point of view.Even if it's just what Zhang Fan knows, it's an explanation.Everything works fine now.There is no problem.

But even so.Zhang Fan has never let go of his concern for the Northeast.

And now.Although Zhang Fan is still like this.But now he has one more thing to do after all.That is how to show that the time of the assassination this time has something to do with King Shuduan.

Since that morning.There was no news for three days of silence.And this whole three days.The interest of those people has not diminished in the slightest.Always in high spirits.

But after three days.Things are different.More and more direct news broke out.Let the capital immediately become noisy.certainly.Not just Beijing.Wait for another time.Wait for the news to get out.That will be more lively.

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