The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 931 The So-Called Reaction

Since the news of the emperor's assassination spread, everyone has been talking about it, not only those who are in official careers, but even ordinary people will discuss it.

Normally, these people would never be allowed to discuss such things without permission. Of course, the people in the capital are a little different. After all, they have lived in the capital since they were young. At the feet of the emperor, daily gossip is always indispensable. These things, but if they talked about this kind of thing in the past, if they were heard by the officials, they would definitely come and stop them.

But this time, the situation was different. At the beginning, the common people were talking about it. When they saw the official messenger coming, they naturally shut up immediately. Several times, some officials came to join in the fun when they heard someone talking about this incident. This kind of incident can be said to be unprecedented and unheard of.

Of course, there is something involved behind this. It is certainly wrong for ordinary people to discuss this matter, but they will not be arrested. After all, in the eyes of the imperial court, these are ordinary civilians and uneducated people. Some of these situations are normal. At most, go forward to obstruct them and tell them not to say these things publicly, and it will be considered as the end of the matter.

But officials, those who eat the emperor's food naturally can't talk about it.

But now, even these people dare to say these things, and they say it logically, as if they know something inside, some even go so far as to speculate, some people say things that are more than just What the five people who knew what was going on about this matter did, it was even more evil, and it also made people sigh about the twists and turns of fate and the fate of the royal family. Storytelling is fun too.

Of course, there is no need to discuss what is behind this now. If those things are mentioned, they will involve various aspects. I am afraid that I can’t finish talking in a day and a night, but this matter is only from the surface, and the impact is already very great. Getting older, first of all, the news was spread quite quickly after being rumored by so many people.

Moreover, among them, this matter was related to a certain vassal king. Such a news, after it was announced in the early court of that day, was so fast that it could not be concealed. , in fact, that night, people far away in Henan already knew about it. It can be seen that the so-called ancient times with backward times and undeveloped communication and transmission can't stop this kind of explosive news at all. transmission speed.

And the ensuing situation is easy to predict. After three days, the people's congresses in the north and south of the Yangtze River have already known the news, even in the far southwest. After knowing the news, officials from all over the country Naturally, there was an uproar, everyone was asking what was going on with this matter.

However, these officials are only inquiring. After all, no matter what you say about this matter, the prince has already been involved. That is the royal family's own business. I really got angry in my heart. Most of these people are more or less involved with a certain prince today, and even have some gray transactions in private. They are afraid that they will be involved with themselves Some people are also related to this matter. When the time comes, the crime of treason will definitely be settled. These princes are all of the same blood of the Zhu family. Even if they are demoted to common people, they can still escape death. But as for their ministers, even if the Empress Dowager Li doesn't want their lives, some people in the court will naturally think so, and they will be in trouble at that time. Therefore, these people are no less worried than others, for fear that they will be implicated .

And the people who are most worried about this matter are those princes. After all, even if they know that they have never done this kind of thing, if they are planted, they can't stand it. It’s true, but he can escape death by relying on many relationships, but, who would like to be a happy prince if he doesn’t do it well, but he will be demoted to a commoner, and he will have to suffer the grievance of the crime? .

Therefore, as soon as this matter got out, some people started to move, and these people were not like those ministers, they just went crazy like other people to inquire, but they didn't ask the right lord, these are princes, and they Now almost everyone feels that they are the one under suspicion. If they are still like this at this time, just asking about it will increase their suspicion.

Therefore, since this is the case, it is better to go directly to the palace to ask about things, and at the same time to show your heart and prove your innocence.

And the first one who went to school, no, it can’t be said that he was a student, it’s more like a letter from home, but the first one who did this is a very important person, who is already 52 this year. The very old King Qinghui Zhu Fang, of course, this King Qinghui is not too old, but his seniority is extremely high.

Zhu Yufang is the seventh generation of King Qing of the Ming Dynasty, and the second son of the concubine Zhu Taixuan, the king of Ding. He was granted the title of King of Tongxiang in the eighth year of Jiajing. Wang, he has been in power for 20 years now.

Speaking of it this way, it's nothing, and it's hard for ordinary people to understand. Let's put it another way, King Qinghui Zhu Fang, in terms of seniority, he is of the same generation as Emperor Zhengde's father, Ming Xiaozong Zhu Youtang, in other words In other words, this Zhu Yifang belonged to Zhu Yijun's great-uncle and grand-uncle, who was three times older than Zhu Yijun, not to mention Zhu Yijun, even the current Empress Dowager Li had to be courteous.

And such a person who never mentions his seniority, who is still sick, and who is about to die, is now worried about the impact of this matter on him, and he was the first to write a letter, so it can be seen How much impact did this incident have? Of course, if it wasn't for Zhu Fang's poor health, he might have gone to the palace himself.

But facing such a person, no matter whether it is Zhu Yijun, the Queen Mother Li, or anyone in the court, they all have to treat each other with courtesy. , Empress Dowager Li also attaches great importance to this matter. That reply letter was almost not written by her own hand. head, so this is the end of the matter.

Empress Dowager Li did not hide this matter from anyone, and even took the initiative to tell people about it. As a result, everyone in the court knew about it. We all know it, and within half a month, the whole world will know about it. Therefore, it didn't take long for many other princes to know about Zhu Fang's letter.

This is what Empress Dowager Li did on purpose. She did this to set Zhu Xuanqi up. You must know that among so many clan and vassal kings in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shuduan, can be said to be the farthest from the capital. That’s right, even if it’s [-] li urgently, the distance from the capital to Chengdu will still take several days, and when the time comes, Zhu Xuanqi, who received the news, hesitated and inquired again, and had to It took a few days, and it took several days for him to write the letter and send it to the capital. Now, it is already certain that Zhu Xuanqi is definitely the last prince to send the letter.

At that time, after Zhang Fan submitted the results of his "investigation", and combined with the fact that Zhu Xuanqi was the last letter to come, if he was to be convicted in this way, Zhu Xuanqi would definitely be unable to argue and say anything at that time. No, and there is no way to explain it at all. If the crime is confirmed, everything is just a cloud.

However, Zhu Fang’s letter is not the point. The point is that Zhu Fang’s move is a good start. Originally, the other princes were still hesitating. , I can't decide what time to find a house, after all, this kind of thing always makes people feel that whoever is the first to ask is guilty and has a ghost in his heart.

Now, Zhu Fangfang started, it has nothing to do with his seniority, in fact, on this matter, these princes think that as long as they are not the first one, it is fine, of course, with a senior person like Zhu Fangfang to be the first One in his early years is naturally better.

Therefore, within a few days, nearly ten letters were received in the palace, and without exception, all of them were written by those vassal kings. Inside, it was really lively, and now those ministers no longer asked which prince they were related to, but analyzed the princes who sent letters to see who was the most likely.

However, there is one thing that everyone did not think of. The letter clarified that only those princes with fiefs, some people who lived in the capital and had no title of prince, were indifferent. But now it seems normal, after all they It really has nothing to do with this matter. If others don't believe it, they themselves won't think there is a problem.

After five or six days like this, the court gradually stabilized a little bit. However, it didn't take long before the news was revealed.

Naturally, once those news are released, it will naturally cause an uproar again.

But now, the king of Shuduan who is far away in the southwest has not received the news, right?

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