The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 932 Various News

When the news that this matter may be related to a current vassal king is released.It really became lively.Almost everyone is discussing this issue.But it was discussed for a few days.In the end there was no conclusion.And those few people who know what happened to this matter.He also never mentioned last.Shocked though.But so many days without an answer.The enthusiasm of these people also gradually cooled down.

But those princes.Although someone started it.Although they all sent letters to show their loyalty.But for these letters.Except for the original letter from Qinghui Wang Zhu Fang.Empress Dowager Li never replied to anyone's letter.It is precisely because of this.Let those princes all worry.But this thing.But it is not good to write to ask again.After all, if you do that.It makes people feel like they have a guilty conscience.So now.No more letters from the prince.

Although these princes did not write.All of them are rushing.but.They are impatient.But it can't be about other people's business.Especially for Queen Mother Li.There are no such people to bother her.It's too late for her to be happy.How can you care about these things?Moreover.Why don't these people write anymore.Empress Dowager Li also understood in her heart.She does.It would be nice to scare them for a while like this.

In short.Things were slowly calming down in this situation.After five or six days.Almost very few people will mention this matter again.but.This matter was destined to be impossible to calm down so hastily.Just when no one mentioned it.a message.Once again, it made this matter noisy.

Many people don't know the source of this news.But the news spread faster than before.In fact.It just took less than two hours.The news has already spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital.

And the content of this message is simple.There are only so few words.It was about the assassination of His Majesty the Emperor this time.It is very likely that it has something to do with Zhu Xuanqi, king of Shuduan.

All of a sudden.The vibration in the court is really not small.after all.Before Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.There are many princes who have jointly signed on to the Shu.He expressed his disapproval of letting such a young Zhu Yijun take over the throne.Or at least one of the royal clan should be elected as the regent.And among the joint names of many princes.The first one is the name.It was Zhu Xuanqi's.Anyway, that's it.

this matter.Not many people know about it.But it's not a secret.So when everyone heard that the assassination had something to do with Zhu Xuanqi.All to play sound.Is there any grudge between Zhu Xuanqi and Zhu Yijun, their mother and son?As a result, I inquired.Such news was spread.

This time.Everyone knows it all.Empress Dowager Li rejected Zhu Xuanqi's words.And after that.It is already conceivable.After everyone knows about this matter.Combined with the news that is not yet known to be true or false.Even if it feels wrong.However, [-] to [-] percent believed that Zhu Xuanqi was probably involved in something.

certainly.Many people still don't believe it.These people feel.Zhu Xuanqi is such a prince.Such a nice place in the Southwest.Have fun.Why do such a thing.and.Although the distance between Southwest and here is very far.But there is also news over there.

Besides.If any prince really wanted to do this.Definitely preparing for this rebellion.As long as the current emperor dies.The court will be in chaos.The court was in chaos.You can send troops there.By the time.It is very possible to fish in troubled waters like this.Maybe Jing Nan can be copied successfully.

but.Anyone who knows what's going on in Southwest China now knows that.Zhu Xuanqi had no preparations for this at all.certainly.As a vassal.There are more or less private soldiers under his hands.Not to mention Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shu.The mountain is high and the emperor is far away.The place is still very rich.There is no need to worry about whether or not you can afford private soldiers.

But the crucial question is not this.The key is.Although Zhu Xuanqi did have private soldiers under his command.But the number of private soldiers.It's just about 2000 people.Maybe it's on the other side of Sichuan.These 2000 private soldiers.Well equipped.Well trained.Already have the strength to compete with the Imperial Forest Army.But at the end of the day.This is only 2000 people.Only 2000 people.In such a great country.Attempts to overthrow the regime.This is simply a fool's dream.Not to mention.Everything in the current Ming Dynasty has turned around.This is even more impossible.

certainly.Perhaps Zhu Xuanqi secretly kept more soldiers and horses.However, this has been proven to be impossible.Whether it is the news obtained by the ministers in the court through various channels.Or the information found by investigative agencies such as Dongchang and Jinyiwei.That's all.Under Zhu Xuanqi's hands.Except for these 2000 people.There is no other power.

That is.From this point of view.Anyway.Zhu Xuanqi also showed no signs of intending to rebel.Since he, Zhu Xuanqi, doesn't want to rebel.Then he did a good job as a prince of peace.Why do you want to do this kind of assassination of the emperor?This is simply the old birthday star hanged himself.Tired of life.and.Zhu Xuanqi is arrogant.But not the kind of heartless soon as the news is released.Some people who know a little bit about the situation in the southwest.All in disbelief.I think this is just a deliberate fabrication by many people.

And those who believe it.There is also no evidence.But there is one thing they can say.That's up to now.There are so many vassals in the current dynasty.All wrote to clarify their innocence.But Zhu Xuanqi was the only one who didn't.That's all.It is very suspicious.

certainly.This point of view is actually untenable.After all, it was too far from the capital to the southwest.It takes a lot of time for the news to reach there.And even the northwest side is not much closer than the southwest.Some are even further away.But the way there is easier.The road to Shu mentioned by Li Taibai is difficult.It is difficult to go to the blue sky.This is not mere exaggeration for the sake of art.It is true.

so.A lot of people for this message.It's also a little sneering.

but.Not yet when the shock of the news has been flattened.The following news came out again.It was even more shocking.

And this time.Although neither Jin Yiwei nor Zhang Fan personally issued any official statement.But according to rumors.This news came from Jin Yiwei.That is.That killer is from Sichuan.It is on Mount Qingcheng not far from Chengdu.

Is there anyone in Chengdu who can get in touch with the emperor?There is only one Shuduan king Zhu Xuanqi.

All of a sudden.That was really lively.Let's talk about those pretentious things at the beginning.Unconvincing.That's fine.But the problem is.Now that the news is released.But people don't know how to deal with it.Especially those who felt that the previous news was all nonsense at first.Those who think Zhu Xuanqi is innocent.All were stunned.

especially.Although no one can confirm whether this news is true or not.Jin Yiwei and Zhang Fan have never said publicly whether this is the case.But no one dared to say that the news was false.after all.Zhang Fan also knew the news.And Zhang Fan who knew the news.face inquiries from others.Did not admit.But also did not deny.This makes people understand.It seems that the news is indeed true.

Very simple reason.this kind of thing.So big.No matter what Zhang Fan did, it was impossible for him to tell right from wrong.That is.Now Zhang Fan is facing everyone's inquiries.Since he didn't deny it.Even if you don't admit it.But it also means that he has acquiesced.

Now that Zhang Fan has been able to find out.The news is indeed true.That is to say.This matter is absolutely inseparable from Zhu Xuanqi.

Of course.Those people who didn't believe that the matter was done by Zhu Xuanqi.Even shocked by the news.But when they calm down and think about it.But he had another idea.They still don't feel that Zhu Xuanqi did this.Probably.This thing was done by someone else.Then it was planted on Zhu Xuanqi.even.The people who do it.There is no enmity with Zhu Yijun or Queen Mother Li.This is just to frame Zhu Xuanqi.

Although these make sense.but.One thing is absolutely impossible to deny.That's the thing no matter what the hell is going on.They must all be related to Zhu Xuanqi.It is absolutely impossible that Zhu Xuanqi was chosen by chance.It just so happened that he was framed.In the eyes of these court ministers.It is absolutely impossible for such a coincidence to happen in the world.

That is.No matter how.Even Zhu Xuanqi couldn't get rid of the relationship.

but.One thing that makes those who are still speaking for Zhu Xuanqi feel dangerous.That is, the assassin has not spoken up to now.

If it is framed Zhu Xuanqi.Then it shouldn't take long for the assassin to speak.but now.However, he has been tortured by Jin Yiwei for nearly ten days.He didn't even say a word.If so.These people feel that there is a big problem.I was afraid that he would stand up like this.There really was something going on that they didn't want to hear.

But for Zhang Fan.He doesn't care about these anymore.Now he just needs to do his job well step by step.

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