"My lord," Wang Meng saluted Zhang Fan who entered the yamen.

It's just after noon now, and it's just after noon, and many people are resting at noon. Even in this yamen of Jinyiwei, the guards outside dare not be careless, but the people on duty inside the yamen But now it is not like before. If they were in the past, they would never have time to rest. If they were caught, they would have to be punished. But since Zhang Fan became the head of the family, he said that as long as they can After the work is done, it doesn't hurt to take a break.

Although Zhang Fan's words sound suspicious that everything will become procrastinated and people will become lazy, in fact, Jin Yiwei is still the same Jin Yiwei from before, and the efficiency of Jin Yiwei has not changed at all. It can still be completed within the stipulated time. Of course, although Zhang Fan said so, he didn't just do it blindly. If someone makes a mistake in the work, Zhang Fan can also do it when it is time to be strict. He was merciless, so after he punished three people, no one dared to be too slack. Even if they wanted to rest, they would definitely not treat business as a joke.

"Well," Zhang Fan nodded to Wang Meng, and asked as he walked, "Any news recently?"

"If my lord wants to ask about news from the court..." Wang Meng paused at this point, looked at Zhang Fan, and then continued, "I'm afraid the news I got from the humble position doesn't need to be known by my lord."

Hearing what Wang Meng said, Zhang Fan smiled, indeed, what Wang Meng said was not wrong at all, now Zhang Fan goes back to court every day, and chats with Zhang Juzheng every day, just such a seemingly ordinary chat, Zhang Fan was already able to hear a lot of things, so he really didn't need to ask Wang Meng any more about the affairs of the imperial court, just listening to the gossip was enough.

"By the way, my lord," Wang Meng said suddenly, "The humble staff has received news about the Northeast."

"Oh, how do you say it?" Zhang Fan immediately asked when he heard that it was about the Northeast. He was very concerned about the Northeast. Once he heard any news, as long as the matter at hand was not too important, he would temporarily put it aside. Come down, let's hear what's going on in the northeast.

"Brother Wang, I think you'll be back soon," Wang Meng said. When this matter was brought up, even Wang Meng, who was normally unsmiling, showed a smile.

"Oh." Hearing Wang Meng's words, Zhang Fan naturally became concerned. "How can I say it? Maybe there is some news from Wang Degui's side." This was the first thing Zhang Fan thought of.

"No," Wang Meng shook his head and said, "Brother Wang is hiding somewhere in the northeast, and surrounded by such a group of people, how could there be any news?"

"Then why do you say that?" Zhang Fan couldn't help but become curious when he heard Wang Meng's words.

"Beizhi said that because he received some news from the Northeast today," Wang Meng said.

It turned out that after several months of "hard work" by Wang Degui's group, some capable generals under Wang Gao's command had already been killed, and the others who were not killed were also because of Wang Degui. They really killed a lot of people, and those who were so arrogant in the past and didn't take this matter to heart also raised their guards. After all, in the past few months, they have died too much. There are many people.

Now these people are all protecting themselves tightly, no matter they are eating or sleeping, they can be regarded as full-time guards, and some people have put down their previous figures and asked Wang Gao for help, asking him to send someone protection, and some even simply moved to live with Wang Gao for a period of time.

Regarding this, although Wang Gao was very upset, he was very upset that these people lost too many generals under his command because of their arrogance, and all of them were capable people that he planned to use as the main force. How can Wang Gao be more happy, but no matter how unhappy he is with these people in his heart, there is no other way now, he must protect these people, his only capable men, Wang Gao can't afford any losses now.

In this way, whether it is poisoning the food, or sneaking in to assassinate at night, although it is not impossible, it is very troublesome, and there will be losses here, whether it is Wang Degui or those desperadoes , all of them don’t intend to do that, what Wang Degui considers is the problem of people’s hearts, once someone is injured or injured, others will not be willing to continue working, and then he will not be able to complete the task Zhang Fan assigned him, and those It is natural for people to think about their own interests.

In short, those big bosses can't continue to assassinate, but Wang Degui and the others didn't give up. It's just that they shifted their assassination targets to those little bosses. Most of those people have already surrendered to Wang Gao, but Since the tribe is relatively small, the people under him are also relatively small, and people with limited talents, these people were not the targets of Wang Degui and the others from the beginning, so Wang Gao did not protect these people, and it is still the same now, but Now, these people have also become the targets of Wang Degui and the others.

It is not only Wang Degui who agrees to do this, after all, although the impact on Wang Gao is relatively small, it is still there, and those desperadoes also agree, in their view, the more they are doing now If there is more, then it will be easier to talk to Zhang Fan in the future, and it will be easier to get freedom.

But now, the news that Wang Meng has received is that although some tribal leaders under the name of Wang Gao have been assassinated in the Northeast, the number is very small, and the interval between them has become very small. He's grown up, that's why Wang Meng dared to say that Wang Degui is probably coming back soon.

As for this news, Zhang Fan is naturally very happy. After all, Wang Degui is outside now, and Zhang Fan is very worried about his safety. If he can come back earlier, Zhang Fan will feel a lot more at ease. In terms of things, in fact, what Wang Degui and the others have done has far exceeded Zhang Fan's expectations. According to Zhang Fan's original plan, as long as half of Wang Gao's capable men can be assassinated, they will be killed. It is already enough, but Wang Degui and the others can be said to have overfulfilled the task.

Hearing this happy event made Zhang Fan, who was not in a bad mood, feel even more relaxed.

The two of them had already entered the room while they were talking like this.

When Wang Meng closed the door, Zhang Fan asked, "How is it? What happened to Zhuo Yang?"

Hearing Zhang Fan asked about this matter, Wang Meng had a look of helplessness on his face again: "My lord, it's been the same all this time. Ever since Zhuo Yang was 'locked' up, Liang Chao has been in prison almost every day. It's all over, and now the box that was originally a torture tool was accidentally opened, even if there was nothing in it, it could still smell the smell of wine and vegetables, but after the past few days, that boy Liang Chao It seems that he doesn't have much money, since he got married, he has handed over all his salary to Hong'er for safekeeping, he doesn't have much left on him, and now, the food for the two of them has dropped a lot, "

No wonder even Wang Meng has a face of helplessness in the face of this kind of thing. No matter who hears this kind of thing, I am afraid that everyone will feel extremely helpless, but Zhang Fan has no choice. After all, Liang Chao would do this at the beginning. Although Zhang Fan has no famous words, he agrees. After all, he wants to make up for Zhuo Yang. Even if Zhuo Yang just followed his orders, and nothing will happen in the end, he still wronged him after all. up.

And this kind of reward in disguise, it is really inappropriate for Wang Meng to do it. He is not that kind of person, so he had to let Liang Chao do it. Now it seems that Liang Chao likes this job very much, and he is already addicted to it. .

"You'll let Liang Chao go to the government treasury to collect 100 taels of silver later," Zhang Fan ordered after thinking for a while, although he felt that doing so was a bit too ridiculous.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Meng did the same, with a wry smile on his face again. Obviously, he also understood Zhang Fan's intention for doing this. He couldn't get out, and here he couldn't bring in good wine and food openly, so he could only "trouble" Liang Chao.

"It seems that now..." Wang Meng said helplessly, "The restaurant business here is about to get better again," Wang Meng joked.

"By the way, have you found a candidate?" Zhang Fan asked suddenly.

Wang Meng immediately became serious and nodded.

The candidate Zhang Fan mentioned is naturally the scapegoat. This is a very important or very unimportant link. If no one interferes with Jin Yiwei's interrogation this time, then the scapegoat is not needed at all, but Once someone comes, this is a must. At that time, there must be no problems on the scene.

"How is it? Is it reliable?" Zhang Fan asked.

"There shouldn't be any problem," Wang Meng said, "That's a gangster who did all kinds of crimes. It's just that when I found him in Henan, he couldn't see that he was in good condition. Moreover, it seemed that the brothers over there were a bit too much. After a little more 'enthusiasm', the man is already a little delirious, and he will admit almost anything when asked,"

"That's it," Zhang Fan nodded and said, "Let's just leave him alone. It seems that if he is needed to appear on the stage at that time, I have to go up and ask him personally, otherwise I will miss it." ,"

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