The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 934 Good News Comes

The morning in the capital has just begun.Said it was just beginning.It's just that it's already halfway through.And actually.This is for Beijing.It cannot be said that it is just beginning.Actually an hour ago.Someone has already started the day's work.There are farmers and businessmen.Delivery.certainly.Naturally, those are also indispensable.Regardless of spring and autumn.You have to get up like a star and a moon.Hurrying to the court ministers who went to the early court.

Today's morning.There is nothing special about it.Although now.Zhu Yijun, the emperor, was assassinated.No results yet.Moreover, a current vassal king was implicated.And he was also a vassal who had some ties with the mother and son of the emperor's mother in the court.It can be said that this period of time is absolutely indispensable.

But now.Nothing has been ascertained yet.Even those that can already be identified as real.But in the absence of nods from above.Everything is still uncertain.After all.Things implicate such characters.Even if it is finally found out that Zhu Xuanqi did it.What will the Empress Dowager Li plan.But it is also an unknown.

certainly.All of the above are in the minds of the uninformed.If it is normal.There is nothing wrong with their thinking, of course.But for those in the know.But it's different.Everyone knows.Zhu Xuanqi can be regarded as annoyed Queen Mother Li.Even relatives.They have not been in contact for many years.Not even relatives who have met.It's already faded.In addition, Empress Dowager Li is not happy with him now.Grab this opportunity now.How could it not be severely punished?

only.This news.Many people know.But there are also many people who don't know.In addition, there is no further news from Zhang Fan.People even care about this matter.But it is difficult to judge in the absence of many conditions.So this thing is concerned though.Not many people mention it now.

And above the morning.Naturally, he would never ask this matter in front of so many's morning.Basically, they are still discussing some daily government affairs.There is nothing special about it.

Something happened today.Pan Jixun, who went to control the water, came back.Actually.He came back last night.Henan, Nanzhili and Shandong.Because it's summer.The flood has long since disappeared.The reason why it took so long to come back.It was also because of Pan Jixun's performance.Hope to rectify and strengthen the river channels in the three places where the water flows.It will save you a lot of trouble in the future.

The money that was counted at that time.About 100 million taels.Now there is one more.The imperial court took out another 40 taels of silver.But this time.No one objected any more.And after Queen Mother Li heard about it.Also agreed immediately.

And Pan Jixun came back.That means.Three places with severe flooding.Whether it's flood control or rebuilding work.It's all done.Actually.Three ministers of flood control went to three places.Pan Jixun was the last one to come back.And when he came back, he immediately came to the palace to report to Queen Mother Li.Then he went to the official department.

And after knowing the news.The first one to move was Zhang Juzheng.He hastily took the account book that Pan Jixun had brought back.Then check it the end.The result came out.This whole water control thing.A total of 140 million taels of silver was spent.And this 140 million taels of silver.It really is all used in the place.There is no discrepancy.He did not ask the court for money again.Talk about not having enough money.and.Finally check it out.It is impossible to trace where the money was spent.It all adds up.Less than 1000 taels.

The news is getting out.Even before the "Testing Law" has been implemented.But those who still have reservations about it.I don't speak now.All fell silent.And on this matter.the happiest.Of course it was Zhang Juzheng.through this thing.It's not just that his "Testing Law" will never be opposed by people in the future.And it also achieved his purpose.This is of course a good thing.No wonder Zhang Juzheng is unhappy.

So today's morning morning.Basically Zhang Ju was talking.certainly.Not so much talking.It's more like preaching.He seems to be teaching those people how to operate the "Kao Cheng Fa".

I agree with the implementation of the "Testing Law".And those who don't care don't care about anything.Anyway, Zhang Juzheng doesn't care what he does.It doesn't seem to have much to do with them.Since there is no relationship and involvement.Naturally, these people don't pay much attention to this.only.These people are simply too few.After all, the implications of the "Testing Method" are too wide.Those who can agree with this matter are not mentioned.But people who can care less about it.But there are not many.

not to mention.most of the people.face the facts.They can't say anything.But actually.They want to he couldn't even say anything against it.And Zhang Juzheng had to say something.They just have to listen.This feeling is naturally uncomfortable.And it's definitely the kind of unhappiness to the extreme.

Just imagine.Someone said something.doing something.Those are things you don't want to hear.I don't want to do it either.Even things that will harm your interests.But unluckily.You can't show dissatisfaction.He couldn't even open his mouth to object.Wait until the other person has finished speaking.You still have to do what the other person tells you to do.Just imagine.This situation.Think about whoever you meet.Neither will feel good.

And now.It's not just one person who encounters this situation.That's true of a lot of people here.And they can't say anything.That's the only way to go.It makes people feel quite uncomfortable.

The main thing is.These people will.All because of one person.Zhang Juzheng.It can be seen from this.Zhang Juzheng at this time.How many people's resentment gathered on him alone.

But Zhang Juzheng didn't care about this kind of thing.He didn't care at all how many people had grudges against him because of the "Tao Cheng Fa".He didn't care how many eyes with resentment gathered on him at this time.It can be said that Zhang Juzheng at this time.Already completely immune to these things.And not only that.He seemed to be talking more and more vigorously.The more I talked, the more interested I became.This situation.It really made many people helpless.

Of course.The so-called someone is proud.Then of course someone will be disappointed.From today's Zhang Juzheng.It looks so smug.It's easy to imagine.He is so proud.In exchange for the frustration of many people.Not to mention the officials under the entire Ming Dynasty.Just in this court hall.That's how many people are upset with him.

Apart from being unhappy.Can't speak yet.These people can only hold this resentment in their hearts.For those who don't care.Just like people like Zhang Fan and Ge Shouli.They can clearly feel it.Just how huge invisible resentment was hovering in the air at the scene.

but.Zhang Juzheng was alone.Now even those who agree with the "Testing Law".Did not stand up and speak.In this way.Since he is alone.No matter how excited.There are also moments of fun.Actually.Today's morning begins.Zhang Juzheng began to sing a one-man show alone.Plus there is no emperor around.He is a cabinet minister of the first assistant university.Be the first to speak.It's almost an hour now.Even if he wasn't having fun yet.Stand like this.And he said the time of the last hour with high spirits.Anyone else would have a dry mouth.I think back when Zhuge Kongming fought against the Confucians with his tongue.It didn't stop talking about the last hour.

In short.Zhang Juzheng's words were almost finished.But he naturally didn't want to end it so mundanely.Even if it's over.It also needs to draw a full stop that he thinks is perfect.

only.Zhang Juzheng couldn't help this matter today.Just when Zhang Juzheng was about to say the end.A voice came from outside the hall.Although very small.Everyone couldn't hear what the man was shouting.But obviously.People's eyes were attracted by the voice.Almost everyone in the main hall looked towards the place outside the gate where they could not see anything.

This is actually quite normal.To know.This is within the palace.Even ordinary walking is very particular.Say no to running and shouting.Like the guy out there today.Although no one saw it.But obviously.Since it is shouting.Naturally, they were running towards this side.

Now.Everyone was a little curious.after all.There are indeed many people who dare to run in this palace.After all, even here is a place where etiquette is extremely important.But there will always be things that are too late to happen.It's normal for this to happen.But shouted.Obviously something happened to make it happen.All the officials standing in the hall were guessing what happened.

And this.It was Zhang Juzheng who was extremely upset.He hasn't ended his words in a perfect way yet.Now I don't know who interrupted me like this.Fortunately, Zhang Juzheng is quite easy-going.If you change to the previous Xu Jie or Gao Gong.Already scolded.

After a while.Although the shouts are gone.But the sound of hurried footsteps can be heard in people's ears.From far to near.It's coming this way.

Wait until the person comes in.This is what everyone sees.It was an ordinary small school.Obviously from the military.And the body is also full of dust.Obviously a long way to go.But although his face is a little tired.But the spirit is very good.

see this man.Everyone thought there was a war somewhere.All of them changed their faces.

"Great victory." The man obviously didn't look at his face.He is only in charge of ordering. "Victory in the Southwest."

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