The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 935 Great Victory in the Southwest

Here, Zhang Juzheng is proud of himself, while those ministers are getting angry. Seeing that such a messenger from nowhere interrupted Zhang Juzheng's rhythm, he is angry, and those ministers who were not happy just now They are also happy, after all, after holding back for such a long time, it is a good thing to finally see Zhang Juzheng, who is full of energy, deflated.

However, before they were happy for a while, the person who came came with such a "good news", which made everyone present stunned.

This is not to blame these people. After all, the world is peaceful now, at least in a corner of the capital, but no one can know what happened. In the Xinjiang area, now the Ming court and I have established a tribute exchange market, and there is no such thing as a border disaster.

But now, a person popped up so suddenly and announced such a good news, it will naturally make people wonder what's going on for a while. Go ask, what is going on.

After a while like this, even the person who came to deliver the order was stunned when he saw that no one responded after he said this. After all, the person who can stand in this hall can't It's not that he can shout with a small order, and if he said what he said just now, and annoyed someone on the field, even if what he said is important, no one will do anything to him now, but behind the scenes, If anyone is really upset, he is just a small school with an order, and it will not be completely over by then.

Thinking of this, the man suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Suddenly, he remembered something and quickly looked up. After all, it was the morning of the court. If the emperor was here, he would report such a victory to the emperor. Naturally, there is nothing to do with him.

Thinking about it, he was about to kneel down, but found that the dragon chair on the high platform was empty, and there was no one at all. This time, this person was also dumbfounded.

All of a sudden, such an unknown "good news" came, but no one spoke, and they all stood there quietly, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Zhang Fan was the first to come to his senses. After all, the victory that the visitor mentioned was "the Great Victory in the Southwest". Now, the word "Southwest" is absolutely the most important thing, and there is no one in the entire court who does not care about it. Yes, but for Zhang Fan, the word "Southwest" is particularly important.

It's not just because the Empress Dowager Li wants to deal with Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shuduan, but also the matter about the Five Poison Sect and Zhang Yong and Wang Xin's attempt to rebel, as well as the promise between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling. , in short, for Zhang Fan nowadays, the word "Southwest" means too many things, and it is impossible for him to ignore it.

"Tell me, what's going on," Zhang Fan walked up to that person, and said, "You just said 'great victory in the Southwest', what kind of victory, where is there another war?"

With Zhang Fan speaking in front of him, that person came back to his senses, and then he looked at Zhang Fan, cupped his fists and saluted, and was about to speak, but Zhang Juzheng who was at the side spoke first.

However, before Zhang Juzheng opened his mouth, he also looked at the person, as if he was still dissatisfied with the person interrupting his summary, and although the person did not know Zhang Juzheng, but the official uniform worn by Zhang Juzheng was also a first-grade man. Seeing him looking at him like this, he was naturally in a cold sweat. It wasn't until Zhang Juzheng turned his gaze away that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I do know about it," although Zhang Juzheng explained it to Zhang Fan, but it was obvious that he wanted to tell those present who didn't know.

Hearing from Zhang Juzheng, everyone else turned their attention to Zhang Juzheng, waiting for his explanation.

"This also happened last month," Zhang Juzheng said, "Last month, a memorandum came from Sichuan. In all parts of the Southwest, although because of the past, the state capitals in the Southwest have already taken precautions, so this time no state capital was breached, but the Bo people destroyed more than ten villages and killed or injured thousands of people. Human life, so Zong Shengwu decided to send troops to conquer.

"Originally, for this kind of thing, he, as the governor, naturally has the power, so he doesn't need to use it as a memorial to ask the court or His Majesty for permission, so his memorial is not urgent, and he wants to come here to receive his memorial At that time, he had been dispatching troops for almost half a month, and now that he has won the battle and sent the news to the capital, it seems that he has been going to war for nearly two months."

Hearing Zhang Juzheng's explanation, the people present looked suddenly enlightened, and immediately, all of these people had smiles on their faces. Obviously, this incident was not a bad thing for them.

And Zhang Juzheng's explanation also made Zhang Fan understand in his heart that Zhang Fan naturally knew about the "Bo people". There is no special book, even in middle school textbooks, some versions will have it, and some versions may not mention it. For a person like Zhang Fan who does not like history, it is normal for him not to know up.

After Zhang Fan came here, the Bo people hadn't experienced any major movements in the past few years, so Zhang Fan also accidentally found the file about the "Bo people". I didn't care too much about it anymore. Fortunately, Zhang Fan, with his extraordinary memory, now after Zhang Juzheng mentioned such a point, he immediately remembered what was going on.

After all, what Zhang Fan saw was only the useful news about them recorded by the Ming court, and he didn't know what it was about.

In fact, the history of the "Bo people" is really long. As early as the pre-Qin period, the Bo people had already lived in the southwest of China. Before Tan Chao, the Bo people were called Liao. In the Song Dynasty, It was only then that they began to be called "Zhuang people". In fact, today's Zhuang people were the Bo people in the early days.

During the 2000 years, the Bo people continued to develop. By the time of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, they had become the leaders of the minority ethnic groups in the Southwest. However, there is nothing worthy of praise or worth visiting. The moment when I admired how great a nation's development is, in fact, since the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty with the Han nation as the main theme, there are few untamable nations, or like the Huns and Turks, who do not border each other. It is possible to intersect through war, but once they stand on the territory of the Han people, they will be assimilated in a short period of time.

The Bo people are such an exception. The Bo people are in the southwest, but in fact, the places where they have always occupied are the throats of the three places of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan. They have also become the most troublesome thing for rulers in history.

As far as the Ming Dynasty is concerned, after all, Zhu Yuanzhang won the country from the Mongols, a foreigner, so the Ming Dynasty has always been on guard against foreigners, but it will not be too much. After all, the establishment of the Ming Dynasty also made many People from other clans are worried that the Ming court will treat them like Mongols, so the balance must be mastered.

But the southwestern side is different. After all, it is too far away. Zhu Yuanzhang was not too harsh. For foreigners, Zhu Di was stubborn after all, so at that time, the Ming court began to impose many restrictions, which greatly reduced the interests of the Bo people.

This made the Bo people very upset, and their character has not changed much since 2000, which made them not satisfied with the rule of the Ming Dynasty. In the end, in the final analysis, it was the use of force.

Although this sounds like a war launched by a nation against another nation that oppresses it in order to fight for its own freedom and equality, it is something worthy of praise, but the faults of both sides can be regarded as mixed.

In the 200 years since the founding of the Zhu Dynasty, the Bo people launched countless armed actions, and the Ming court also launched twelve conquests against them. In the first eleven conquests, the Bo people relied on themselves Not afraid of death, they defeated the Ming court ten times. Although they themselves paid a heavy price, they really suffered a heavy loss for the Ming court.

However, they would transfer their anger on innocent people for their failures. The most typical example was in the first year of Chenghua, when the Bo people were very powerful and they besieged Jiang'an, trapped Hejiang and other nine countries. At that time, Zhou Hongmo proposed to surrender, and Ming Xianzong Zhu Jianshen agreed. He recruited the chiefs of the Bo people's villages and came to listen to the title. However, when the appointed governor Wang Hao arrived in the place, he mistakenly believed that the local Han people It was said that the Bo people were plundering by nature, and Wang Hao believed it, so he beheaded all the 270 village owners of the Bo people he invited.

This naturally angered the Bo people, so they feigned surrender. As a result, an ambush appeared and killed [-] officers and soldiers. Guizhou Commander Ding Shi and others were among them, but the governor Wang Hao escaped.

Unable to find the right master, the Bo people moved to Guizhou, Sichuan and other places, killing the local residents all the way. In the end, there was no other way, Ming Xianzong issued an edict to surrender again, and the Bo people also went to Beijing, but Wang Hao still refused to appoint the Bo people official.

In the end, it was naturally another big battle, but this time, the Han army mobilized 18 people, but it was unable to overcome it, and this tie was the only time. The reason why the Bo people did not defeat the Han army was not this time. No, there are really too many Han troops.

But now, in the Wanli year, such a great victory suddenly came,

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