The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 936 The So-Called Demise

"This... about the Bo people. I also know something." Zhang Fan looked at Zhang Juzheng.Said. "It's just that. Ever since the battle in Chenghua years, the two sides have been fighting each other. Although the Bo people are still extremely fierce. But I know that there has been no major incident for more than a hundred years. Why are they fighting all of a sudden now?"

"Alas..." Hearing Zhang Fan's question.Zhang Juzheng sighed involuntarily.And not just Zhang Juzheng.A lot of people were actually there.They all showed a helpless look on their faces.

"You. I think you saw the files of the Bo people. At least it happened two years ago." Zhang Juzheng said in an extremely helpless tone.Said to Zhang Fan.

"That's right. About the Bo people. I saw it three years ago." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "The dossier of Weizhong at that time. I just flipped through it in a hurry. I saw something about Bo people by chance. I just looked at it. After that, I didn't ask any more questions. It's just. How did the teacher know. The student was in two years I only knew about it before." What Zhang Fan really wanted to ask was the last question.Why did Zhang Juzheng know when he saw the news about the Bo people?

"Alas. All of this is the karma buried by Gao Gong back then." Zhang Juzheng said.

Hearing Zhang Juzheng mention "Gao Gong", this name has faded out of people's sight for a long time.Zhang Fan couldn't help but become curious.He wouldn't worry about Zhang Juzheng's charges against Gao Gong.After all, Gao Gong has already gone home.Plus what happened last time with Ge Shouli.And now Feng Bao's inaction.Thinking about it, Zhang Juzheng had no reason to attack Gao Gong again.

Moreover.Zhang Juzheng's words came out.The expression on the face of the person next to him.It was clear that they also knew about it.But Zhang Fan thought about it.He really didn't know what was going was such a thing in front of Zhang Fan.Obviously, many ministers in the DPRK know about it.But as the commander of Jinyiwei, he didn't know it.This made Zhang Fan curious.

"It's okay if you don't know." Zhang Juzheng said. "What happened at that time. In fact, although Gao Gong said that, almost everyone regarded it as a joke. He said it by chance when he was proud. It's just that he didn't expect it. I want to flirt with you There are quite a few people. His ordinary words are actually followed by people. Now, it is so. It seems that it is not too bad.

"That was the death of the first emperor. When today's son was just enthroned. It was Gao Gong who was the chief assistant scholar of the cabinet. He had unparalleled power for a while. Naturally, he became a little arrogant in his heart. At that time, there were people from the southwest. Said It mentioned the matter of the Bo people. It is said that they are now "resurrected". It also means to revive. In fact, it was not so alarmist at that time. Presumably there must be something involved in it.

"And Gao Gong heard what he said. In addition, the person who spoke was Gao Gong's confidant. I didn't expect Gao Gong to nod in agreement. It's just that Gao Gong really didn't take this matter to heart. And Neither the imperial decree nor the documents of the cabinet. But the people below, seeing Gao Gong, have already nodded. They actually did it like that. This is really...

"Actually... during the Chenghua period. Although the court fought a battle with the Bo people, and sent a large number of troops. Although the Bo people did not fail, they also saw the number of officers and soldiers of our dynasty. After all, it was 18 people. No matter how brave and good the Bo people are. The two sides fight together. At that time, the fish will be killed. He regards the imperial court as an enemy. But nominally it is still under the jurisdiction of the imperial court. He has no plans to jump out.

"As for Gao Gong's words, it really caused a lot of trouble. In the past, the Bo people were against the court. It was because they felt that the court squeezed them too much. But when it came to Wang Hao's matter, what Wang Hao did was naturally It was a big mistake. But at the end, the war started after killing so many village owners. But later, when Xianzong called for peace again, he still refused to appoint Bo people as officials.

"This matter. Although it sounds too much. But in the end, let those Bo people not be officials. After all, it is not a big trouble. And finally the war. In the final analysis, it is because of the word 'spirit'. But this time. It's different.

"Although the two sides didn't fight at first, they were already very nervous. Last year, an order was actually issued over there. It said that all the tribes and villages of the Bo people should not use their original titles. They must be replaced by Hanchen The name. This can be regarded as stabbing the basket. After all. This is simply equivalent to changing the tradition that has been followed for more than 2000 years. Although it seems that it is just a name change. It does not reduce their A bit of power. But this kind of thing, the rules set by the ancestors, can't be changed just by saying.

"But speaking of it, this matter happened last year. The Bo people were able to endure it until this year. It was not easy. But at that time, after getting the news, although the DPRK and China did not take it seriously, they were also secretly What actions will the place have? Now that this year has passed, the Bo people have not moved. Up to now, the court has relaxed its vigilance a little. Now they are moving. Although no state capital has been breached, thousands of people have been injured. life.

"It's the governor of Sichuan, Zong Xingwu. He really acted vigorously. As soon as the Boren moved, he immediately took action. Moreover, although the governor has the right to send troops, you also understand that this kind of thing involves sending troops. Naturally, we must be cautious. Yes. Generally speaking. When encountering an event that requires troops to be dispatched, even if the local governor has the right to do so, he will still submit a memorial to the court. Wait for the approval before doing anything. But this is not the case. He came to kill first and then report .Send troops first. Then report to the court.

"It's also thanks to Gao Gong that year. Although it has been relaxed a lot in the past year, a lot of troops have been gathered in the Southwest last year. Now Zong Shengwu has given an order. A total of 14 people went to the conquest. And Zong Shengwu also Not only did he have the guts, but he also had some ability. He made Liu Xian the commander-in-chief. The rest of the generals were also left to Liu Xian to choose. Liu Xian's ability, I don't need to mention it again.

"It's just that. When the memorial of Hisso Shogo came over, I was about to tell it. But it happened that His Majesty was assassinated. That's why I let it go. Now it's like this. It's almost two months It's over. I didn't expect Liu Xian to live up to his reputation. The good news came so soon.

"Speaking of it this way, I would like to thank Gao Gong. After all, although the Bo people have not moved, they are placed there. But it is always a hidden danger. I don't know when it will explode. Now that the conquest has been successful, it is also Eliminated a hidden danger."

Speaking of which.Zhang Juzheng turned his head and asked the person who came to deliver the report: "Do you know how many enemies were wiped out in this battle, and how many were killed or injured here?"

"Go back to your lord." The man was also a little dazed by what Zhang Juzheng said just now.See Zhang Juzheng now and ask him.Hurry back: "The villain was sent by Master Liu to deliver the good news. It's just that when Master Liu sent the villain, the war had just ended. The villain didn't know how the battle was going. But the villain was always with Master Liu Those around you. Mr. Liu did not encounter many enemies in this formation. And most of them wiped out the enemy army. There were not many casualties in this formation. As for the other generals, the villain also heard some. Of course there were casualties .but not much.”

"That's Liu Xian." I heard the visitor say so.Zhang Juzheng couldn't help laughing. "I didn't expect him to be almost sixty. It's really a treasure. And the use of soldiers is becoming more and more proficient. Even if there are 14 people. But it took him two months. The conquest was completed. Suppressed It is really a great achievement."

Zhang Juzheng said so many words in one breath.But it didn't mean to stop at all.And it's getting louder and louder.obviously.Regarding the conquest of the Bo people this time.Zhang Juzheng agreed.But it's right to think about it.After all, there is such a disobedient Boren in the southwest.Even if nothing happens now.But judging from the past.If not do something about it.There are bound to be problems in the future.

now.Now that the problem has been fixed once and for all.That is of course a good thing.

"Oh..." At this time.There were also people who sighed and sighed. "Think about the Bo people. For more than two thousand years, it has not always been like this. At that time, King Wu of Zhou defeated Zhou. They also participated in the exhibition. The battle of Muye. They made outstanding achievements. Their leader was also named 'Bohou'. More Bohou country. Unexpectedly. This has been experienced before. Now it has become like this."

"This is also something that can't be helped." Someone interrupted immediately. "He was originally from outside Fang. With a little military exploits, he is complacent. He is arrogant. In the past 2000 years, he has not been educated. He has become what he is today. It is also self-inflicted."

snort.That's how things are.Now they lament here.What's the use.After all.this matter.Both parties are at fault.But now that Ming Ting has won.The Bo people are also about to disappear.So this history.Nature is written by the victors.What is right and what is wrong.We can only wait for future generations to verify it.

only.After all, it is a nation that has multiplied for so long.But it is dying now.It does sound a bit emotional.

And Zhang Fan.But did not say anything about it.He is thinking about other things.

Now this matter.Not in the situation he expected.It can be said that it came suddenly.certainly.this matter.It has no effect on what should be done.only.Zhang Fan was thinking about it.Is there anything that can be used in this matter.

perhaps.Take this opportunity.There may be some unexpected gains.

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