The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 937 The So-Called Guilt

The news of the great victory in the Southwest came.In the end, it still didn't cause any shock.after all.The southwest is too far away from the capital.Even many ordinary people don't know what "Bo people" are.If it is about the Tartars in northern Xinjiang.The imperial court has good news.That would not be called the joy of the people.It is definitely very lively.

after all.Take the people in Beijing as an example.Tartars are for people in the capital.Absolutely not unfamiliar.For those going further north.That's all the more so.Before the founding of the Ming Dynasty.Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know how many times he fought with the Tartars.And wait until the founding of the Ming Dynasty.Tartars, who were unwilling to be expelled by the Han people in the Central Plains, were naturally ambitious.Still trying to invade south.And at that time.As the king of Yan, Zhu Di had resisted the Tartars for decades.The people further north.It is also invaded by Tartars almost every year.

If the Ming Dynasty faced the Tartars.There is a big victory.There is good news.Needless to say.Definitely word of mouth.Boisterous.

but.this time.The Bo people were conquered.It can even be said to have been destroyed.After this bulletin is posted.But there was no enthusiastic response.After all.As for these low-level ordinary people.Especially those who live in the north.Let alone him.It is very likely that his grandparents have lived here for generations.Never been to the Southwest at all.Don't say you don't know what the Bo people have done.Maybe you haven't even heard of the word "Bo people".

I hear it now.It is also at most inquiring.There is person who knows a little.It can be said that the hype is falling.In exchange for someone to treat him to a drink.I don't know.Mostly just shaking his head.Or go up and join in the fun.

but.For those ministers in the court.The Bo people are absolutely no strangers.After all, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.There have been a lot of troubles in the southwest.Someone like Wei Yinbao took the lead in making trouble.Naturally, there are Bo people whose whole family is in trouble with the Han regime.

Bo people have lived since the founding of the Ming the present 200 years.There were twelve major battles with the Ming court.There are countless small battles.Especially during the Chenghua period.In less than five years.Several fierce battles in a row.The Ming court suffered a lot of losses.Although the reasons for it are mentioned.Of course it is because some people are sowing discord among them.But the Bo people also slaughtered many innocent people after all.

now.Such a great victory came.The Bo people were finally at peace.For many people in the DPRK.All a good thing.After all, messing around can make money.You can even make a lot of money.But there is no calm time after all.It is so comfortable to earn a small amount of money.There is no risk either.And for rulers.There can get rid of such a serious problem.It is naturally a good thing.

North Korea.Naturally, there are many happy people.It can even be said that after the people in the court heard the news.All very happy.Zhang Fan was a little emotional at first.After all, as a soul who came to this era from 500 years later.The views on many things have some indelible things in later generations.

For Zhang Fan.This incident really made him feel a lot of emotion.After all, that's what a nation does.It disappeared before his eyes.And it was killed.Actually this kind of thing.Happens in any era.Even if Zhang Fan was in his previous life.I also occasionally hear this kind of thing.But he was always amazed.As if listening to an thing happened right in front of him.His feeling is more intense.Always felt.Obviously a very real thing.But it always makes Zhang Fan feel illusory.

but.Zhang Fan's emotion.It didn't last long before it disappeared.after all.compared to what has already happened.It is more practical to focus on the present and the future.But for Zhang Fan.This time the great victory in the Southwest.It's not useless either.If it is used well.Still able to play its "waste heat".Perhaps many unusual and difficult things can be done.It may even make a lot of complicated things easier.

In short.It's very calm outside though.Nothing happened.But North Korea.After all, the battle was won.Naturally, some action is required.Actually.Morning morning.After receiving this good news.The morning court is tantamount to the end.Several ministers carried the news.Went to Qianqing Palace to report.I was going to the Compassion Palace.Fortunately, I inquired about it today.Empress Dowager Li herself is in the Qianqing Palace.It also saves a lot of trouble.

Not many people go.After all, Zhu Yijun is not going to court now.The reason was still frightened and unwell.And no matter how his body is.But this statement is on the bright side after all.Then naturally there can't be too many ministers going.So as not to disturb the emperor's self-cultivation.

So this time.Just three people went.Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei are two cabinet bachelors.And there is Zhang Fan.Just the three of them.

The three were notified by others.After entering the Qianqing Palace.But it can be seen clearly.No.It should be said that he heard Zhu Yijun's voice.Obviously.At this time, Zhu Yijun was in high spirits.And still talking and laughing.Where will there be a little bit of fright.Or look unwell.

And aside.Empress Dowager Li was sitting there.But he didn't ask about this kind of thing.It seemed that what Zhu Yijun was doing was normal.This is for Queen Mother Li who has been extremely strict with Zhu Yijun in the extremely rare.She rarely indulged Zhu Yijun to be so indulgent.

But Zhang Fan can understand a little bit.In his opinion.Perhaps Empress Dowager Li felt that she was really ashamed of Zhu Yijun.after all.The person who asked Zhang Fan to arrange a big assassination scene.It is Queen Mother Li herself.And because of Queen Mother Li's request.This thing has to be done very realistically.Zhang Fan also did as she said.The consequence is.The acting is really very realistic.It is absolutely impossible for people to see any flaws.

Even Zhuo Yang's sword.Even Zhang Fan, who was watching from the sidelines, knew he would be fine.Even in that case.Zhuo Yang and Wang Meng have already practiced countless times.It has long been possible to achieve success in every move.There is a [-]% certainty.But Zhang Fan who was watching from the sidelines.Still broke out in a cold sweat.

And Queen Mother Li.Although she was not there.But she definitely knew what was going on at the time.Maybe for some people.If not present.Just listen to what others have to say.Even if it is more realistic.No matter how good your eloquence is.At most, it is just an "immersive" feeling.Not really what the cutting edge sees.But Queen Mother Li is Zhu Yijun's biological mother after all.Moreover.Zhu Yijun is now the emperor sitting on the throne.This mother-child connection.Even if he only heard the news that his son was almost dying.She will definitely be a little scared.

but.After all, she ordered Zhang Fan herself.Queen Mother Li is a very clear minded person.It will not affect her judgment on another matter because of one thing.So this thing.Empress Dowager Li didn't mean to blame Zhang Fan.He even praised him for doing a good job.

As for Zhu Yijun.She felt guilty.That is.She explained the possible impact of this incident on Zhu Yijun.It's all her own fault.So now.Although clearly know.Zhu Yijun was assassinated.He even almost died in Huangquan, but he was not frightened.On the contrary, he was very excited.But it comes down to it.It's just Zhu Yijun himself.For Queen Mother Li herself.She never let go of the guilt she felt towards her son.Now indulge Zhu Yijun.Let him have fun.I'm afraid this is what Queen Mother Li is thinking at the moment.

This is Li Caifeng.Such a power but not power.Be able to distinguish between public and private.A woman who can judge and make decisions.Such a strange woman could appear in the Ming Dynasty.And stood on the highest peak.Control the government.Maybe now.Many people in the DPRK have a lot of ideas about Queen Mother Li's monopoly of power.She is a woman after all.But the future.Even some open-minded people now understand it.To have someone like Li Caifeng come to power.This is for the Ming Dynasty.It can be said to be a blessing.

And Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei saw this situation.Although there is no other expression on the face.But I also feel very strange in my heart.

after all.Today's emperor.To go to the sutra feast.To listen to the scriptures.And the two of them.That's the keynote.originally.Zhu Yijun who went to Qiushou some time ago.Naturally, you don't need to listen anymore.But wait until he comes back.This sutra feast will continue.For Zhang Siwei.The opening feast is a must.It is a necessary way to educate Zhu Yijun how to be a good emperor.But for Zhang Juzheng.The role of Jingyan is not limited to the issue of educating Zhu Yijun.It is also reflected in how much influence he will have on Zhu Yijun in the future.

originally.Already half a month ago.After Zhu Yijun came back, he started to continue.Now.It was obvious that Zhu Yijun had no problem at all.This made the two people who hoped that Zhu Yijun could return to Jingyan as soon as possible feel weird.It's just that they won't say anything at the moment.After all, that thing actually happened.And no matter what's going on behind the scenes.But Zhu Yijun would not know.perhaps.In their view.In any case, Zhu Yijun will have some influence.So they both did.

"Three lovers." Empress Dowager Li saw the three of them.spoke first. "At this time, the morning court should not be over yet. Do you want to come to Aijia for something?"

"Report to the Empress Dowager." Zhang Juzheng answered. "Just above the court hall. I received a message. Great victory in the southwest."

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