"Victory in the Southwest." Obviously.When Empress Dowager Li heard these four words just now.For a while, I didn't understand what this meant.and.Today's Empress Dowager Li is the same as Zhang Fan.She is most concerned about things now.Also in the southwest.So when she heard the word "Southwest".Naturally, his ears were pricked up.As for the word "great victory" after that.She has been ignored. "What happened to the Southwest?"

Empress Dowager Li asked.The three people present all felt a little weird in their hearts.After all, what's going on in the Southwest now.No one in the imperial court knows now.Who knows.and.People in the court also know.Empress Dowager Li hated the Shuduan king very much.But.Listen to what Empress Dowager Li said just now.It was clear that he was asking about Southwest.Or what happened to Zhu Xuanqi.She didn't think of it.This matter has nothing to do with Zhu Xuanqi at all.

"Report to the Queen Mother." Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei were both standing there.There was a strange look on his face.He took the initiative to explain. "It was just above the court hall. A messenger came to report. Great victory in the southwest. It was the governor of Sichuan, Zeng Xingwu, who succeeded in conquering the Bo people. Now there will be no more problems with the Bo people in the southwest."

"It turned out to be such a thing." After listening to Zhang Fan's explanation.Only then did Queen Mother Li understand what happened. "The Ai family was thinking about something just now. Seeing the three Zhang Aiqings coming over, I thought something important happened. I was impatient for a while, but I didn't hear clearly. I thought something happened in the southwest. So it turned out to be such a thing."

After listening to what Queen Mother Li said, there was no necessary explanation.The three of them felt even more weird in their hearts.There is no need to mention Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei.But for Zhang Fan who knew what the Empress Dowager Li had misheard just now.The weirdness in my heart is naturally no less.

"But then again..." Empress Dowager Li naturally understood the effect of what she said just now.But she didn't feel regretful.After all, she said that on purpose.Her purpose is to let Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Siwei know.She is very, very "concerned" about every move in the Southwest.There will be no relaxation at all. "However, this is a good thing. When His Majesty was still there, although the Bo people did not have any troubles. But His Majesty has mentioned it to Ai's family several times. If it is kept like this, it will be a disaster. Now that it is suppressed, it is also a good thing.

"But speaking of it, the Ai family also knows about this matter. The great contributor to this matter is really to be blamed on Gao Gong. If Gao Gong was last year, he is not so self-important. He He wouldn't just agree to that matter so casually. And if it wasn't because Gao Gong's status was high enough at that time, those under him would never dare not wait for the court's documents. Just relying on his Gao Gong's words Just dare to do that.

"If you don't do that, the Bo people may not be making trouble now. He won't make trouble. The court has no reason to fight. It is a good thing to wipe them out now. Save it for later if there is any trouble. The solution. After all, it is very troublesome."

"What the queen mother said is true." At the moment.These three people can only agree so.

Come on.Faced with such a causal explanation from Queen Mother Li.No errors though.But it always made the three people who listened feel a little weird.It's okay for Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei to talk.But especially for Zhang Juzheng.He felt very weird.

To know.Before Gao Gong walked away.A lot of things happened.And at that time.All he wanted was to deal with Gao Gong.It was Feng Bao.That is.that time.The conflict between Feng Bao and Gao Gong is the biggest.

but.This does not mean that there are no problems between Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong.Actually.The conflict between Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong.Not inferior to Feng Bao's.It's just because Zhang Juzheng doesn't like to say too much.The two did not break out any huge conflict.But if we talk about the story between Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong.It really is too much to talk about for three days and three nights.

perhaps.It is precisely because of that year.They are a pair of good friends.And they are a pair of good friends who share the same ideal.And it is precisely because of their relationship.Let their conflicts deepen after the break.Deep to the point of irreconcilability.For Zhang Juzheng today.Say Gao Gong is good.That was definitely the last thing he wanted to hear.

But unfortunately.Now it is Queen Mother Li who said these words.As for Queen Mother Li's words.It is absolutely impossible for Zhang Juzheng to object.It is even more impossible to say that you are wrong.Now the relationship between Zhang Juzheng and Queen Mother Li.That's pretty good.For Queen Mother Li.Zhang Ju is exactly what she needs to lead the court.Zhang Juzheng is for Queen Mother Li.Much more important than Feng Baolai's.

And the reverse is also true.For Zhang Juzheng.Empress Dowager Li is the biggest support for him to realize his ambition now.Zhang Juzheng at this time.It is also absolutely impossible to do anything that makes Queen Mother Li absolutely unhappy.Even if it's just a sentence.one word.He would never say that either.

perhaps.Queen Mother Li also realized this problem.Anyway, that's what she said.No mention of anything related to Gao Gong anymore.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang." It seems to be to distinguish the three ministers with the same surname in front of them.Empress Dowager Li specially used this title only for Zhang Juzheng. "The Ai family remembers this matter. It seems like last month. Someone made a report. You also reported it to the Ai family. It's not that the Ai family didn't pay attention. After all, the matter of the Bo people. The late emperor also explained it. It's just that before Ai's family gave orders, the emperor's son was assassinated. Until now, Ai's family has almost forgotten about it. I didn't expect it. Now there is a good news. This is really good. Tell me Right. This time. What the hell is going on. Who else should write down this first effort."

Empress Dowager Li has given orders here.Well, as Zhang Juzheng who knows this matter best.Naturally, he immediately told her the ins and outs of this matter.

Empress Dowager Li quietly listened to Zhang Juzheng finish speaking.Only then did he speak: "This Zeng Xingwu is also a person who can act decisively. He did a good job in this matter. After all, he is the governor. He has the right to deploy troops without the approval of the court. But this matter, if this Zeng Xingwu If he is timid, he will have to wait until the court has issued a document before he is willing to send troops. At that time, he does not know how many people those Bo people will continue to harm. If he really does this, the Ai family will find him trouble.

"And this Liu Xian. It's really good. If the Ai family remembers correctly, he is almost 60 years old now. He is close to sixty years old. He can actually lead troops. The 14 troops can be commanded properly. 18 people were helpless and the Bo people were wiped out. It is indeed a great achievement."

"It's not the Queen Mother." Zhang Siwei on the side also expressed emotion.Said. "Weichen remembers. General Liu was also a general who fought against Japanese pirates back then. He defeated the Japanese pirates at Pukougang. Although Weichen didn't have the chance to see it, it makes people feel happy to hear it. Not to mention. General Liu was in Fujian When he served as the commander-in-chief, General Yu Qi and General Yu defeated the Japanese pirates again and again. Now, General Liu is really a young sword. My Ming Dynasty can have such a group of generals. It is really a blessing for the world, the blessing of the court, Your Majesty Blessing."

For Zhang Siwei's last sentence.said order.If you change someone.I'm afraid I must be upset.But Empress Dowager Li did not.After all, she is not an abuser.I don't have such a big sensitivity to this kind of thing.Or to put it another way.Even if someone changed it.Even the word "emperor" was replaced with "empress dowager".This kind of flattery is irrelevant to Queen Mother Li.At best she would laugh it off.There will be no response to this.

Not to mention.What kind of person is Zhang Siwei.She naturally understood in her heart.If you really want to entangle with him on such an irrelevant issue.It is simply a waste of effort.

"But..." At this time.Zhang Fan on the side spoke. "Queen Mother. It's not that I'm throwing cold water. It's just that now. The good news has come. But it's just a general news. No one knows exactly what it is. Whether this battle is a big victory It’s still a tragic victory. What is the situation of the battle? Now the court and the central government don’t know anything about it.”

"Yeah. That's what Zhang Aiqing said." Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Empress Dowager Li nodded thoughtfully.Said. "Now the good news has arrived. But what exactly is the situation? Everything is still unclear. Originally, the battle was won. Naturally, the court and the central government should clearly distinguish rewards and punishments. Logically speaking, Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian. There are many others. There should be rewards. But now, if the situation is not clear, it is rash to talk about rewards and punishments. If there is any problem at that time, it will result in unknown rewards and punishments. That would be bad."

"What the queen mother said is true." Zhang Juzheng also nodded.It's just that he was a little confused. "Looking at it now, we still have to wait until the Sichuan side reports the detailed battle situation. The court plans to reward it. It's not too late. After all, the Bo people have been conquered now. In the future, the chaos there will also happen." It’s much less. It has been 200 years since the founding of the country. Why should we care about waiting another month.”

"Yeah." Nodded.Empress Dowager Li said. "Since that's the case, let's do it this way. But this matter can be posted. It's good for people to know. Those who dare to oppose the court will not end well."

Listen to what Queen Mother Li said.The three people present were all helpless.but……

"Wei Chen understands." They could only answer like this.

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