The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 940 Secret Investigation

Today's Zhang Fan.can be clearly found.Now he is in court.There are very marked differences in how people perceive him.An obvious scene.If someone is talking.And say what's on your mind.As soon as Zhang Fan appeared.walk past them.Then the voices of these people's discussions will immediately become very small.So small that it is inaudible.and.While these people were whispering.Also looks very mysterious.Occasionally look at Zhang Fan.If Zhang Fan saw them at the same time.These people would smile and nod to Zhang Fan.only.that smile.It's really a little too miserable.

And this.Zhang Fan was very helpless.The way those people looked at him.It's like watching some scourge.But he understood in his heart.This is also impossible.After all, a few days ago, so many people in the court watched such a "miserable" scene.If these people still treat him as gently as before.That's why Zhang Fan felt that there was a problem.

now.In the eyes of these people in the court.Zhang Fan is no longer what he used to be.Although in charge of Jinyiwei.But still be kind to others.People who don't put on airs at all.These people in the court also know.Maybe it seems.After Zhang Fan took charge of Jinyiwei.Indeed, it brought a lot of changes to Jin Yiwei.But all the same.The "charm" of Jinyiwei is matter who.will be changed by him.

This is especially true for Zhang Fan.Especially when those people in the court saw it.Zhang Fan was facing such a bloody scene.Unexpectedly can not change color.And still maintain such a gentle appearance of talking and laughing.This is what makes those people feel the most unacceptable.

These people today.Facing Zhang Fan's attitude.It was not so much that he was frightened by Zhang Fan.It would be more accurate to say that he was intimidated by Jin Yiwei's huge "charm".

In short.Today's Zhang Fan.It's such an embarrassing situation.

not to mention.this kind of thing.In fact, Zhang Fan has already gotten used to it.He started from the beginning.This kind of torture cannot be accepted at all.up to now.Although he still doesn't agree with this kind of thing in his heart.For those who deserve it.Zhang Fan naturally had no objection.Even if you don't like it.But it didn't feel like there was anything wrong.certainly.Someone who would make Zhang Fan feel this way.In fact, they are all deserved.after all.This day and age.There is no such thing as human rights.It is simply class oppression of class.As long as you break the law.Got caught.Then you can only be slaughtered.There is no room for retaliation.

but.sometimes.Zhang Fan still had to face some special situations.for example.Some people don't deserve this "treatment".But because of some very special reasons.But he had no choice but to suffer this crime in Jinyiwei's prison.Facing this circumstances.Zhang Fan understood that even in his own capacity.Sometimes there is no way to do this kind of thing.Once this kind of thing happens.Zhang Fan could only escape.Although the following is still torture.But he avoided it.It's really a feeling of self-deception.But many times.This can be regarded as his helpless move.

In short.This is the case today.Zhang Fan now.It can be said that his image in the court has plummeted.Of course, what is the definition of this plummet.Still have to discuss it.But one can imagine.From a suave image.It turned into a scene that looks so cruel but still able to maintain this gentle image.These are two completely different realms.

but.Today's Zhang Fan can't control these things anymore.He has other problems to worry about.

So-called other things.In fact, it has nothing to do with this assassination.Only because the assassination happened.And a problem derived from it.That's right.Just about that night.Come to Zhang Fan's house to report.It is said that the emperor was assassinated.And Zhang Fan stayed by the emperor's side.

this matter.Although it sounds.Just a very unremarkable thing.If another person thinks about it.Likely to think so.Who is this who wants to flatter Zhang Fan?In order to kindly remind Zhang Fan's family and so on.

But Zhang Fan is not stupid.He knew it couldn't possibly be the case.after all.Someone who can know that the assassination will happen.There are very few of them.There are only five people who can't count on one hand.For these five people.Zhang Fan absolutely and completely trusted him.Naturally, there is no need to mention Queen Mother Li.She definitely wouldn't tell anyone.And Zhang Fan himself said nothing.He himself knows best.leftover.Like Liang Chao, Wang Meng and Zhuo Yang.Of course there will be no problem.

In this way.That is.This news will definitely not have been leaked before the operation has begun.Zhang Fan can be sure of this.And judging from the time when the unknown person came to the Zhang family to report the letter.He also didn't look like he knew what was going to happen in advance.

Since this point can now be determined.Then there is another problem.this person.Or who is behind this person.Where did he get this news from?

Actually.about this point.It's not surprising either.the whole world.Except for the five people who knew about it in advance.No more knowing.It was the first time Zheng Chengxian and his party met Zhuo Yang in the suburbs of Beijing.But Zhang Fan had already investigated Zheng Chengxian.He was sure that Zheng Seung-hyun did not send someone to do it.Then it means.Who was there at the time.After seeing this incident.Immediately spread the news.That's why someone went to Zhang Fan's house to report the news.

now.Although the biggest doubt is.No matter who did it.But I don't know how that person spread the news.after all.Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng to investigate.However, no news was found.

But now.The biggest doubt.But it's not something too worthy of attention.The reason is actually very simple.And it doesn't matter what method the other party uses to spread the news.In fact, it does not help Zhang Fan to find out who did it now.What Zhang Fan really wanted to know.Who the hell is doing this.That's the point.

Why did you tell Zhang Fan's family.In the end is with what kind of purpose.Whether it is good or bad.This is what Zhang Fan is most anxious to know now.He didn't care much about the rest.

After asking Wang Meng to investigate.In the capital, there are really no clues.After all, it was a bit late for that person to go.Plus it was dark.The concierge didn't see clearly what that person looked like.and.At that time, the concierge also heard the news from the man.Under anxious mood.I just went to Fuchu to inform people.How can I care about the people who come to report.Not to mention seeing where that person is going.

That is.There is no way to investigate this matter in the city.Now there is only an alternative.That is to check that I was in the suburbs of Beijing at that time.those who were there.

If there is something wrong there.The time can also be right.If Zhuo Yang had just appeared.Someone went to report the letter.That's a lot earlier.But Zhang Fan had to consider other things.for the face of such emergencies.After knowing this kind of thing.The other party definitely needs time to think about it.Wait until he's done thinking about it.After figuring out what to do.Send someone to report to Zhang Fan's house.The timing is just right.

nowadays.It can only be considered from the people present.first.Zheng Chengxian's suspicion can already be ruled out.This made Zhang Fan a little disappointed.After all, if this matter is done by Zheng Seung Heon.That is pure flattery.This will reassure Zhang Fan a lot.

Secondly.People around Zhu Yijun.It is easier to check.this matter.He asked Feng Bao.Although Feng Bao didn't know why Zhang Fan asked him to help investigate these court ladies and eunuchs.But today's Feng Bao doesn't care too much about these things.Just help.

Check out the results.But also did not find anything.These court ladies and eunuchs.Even if they secretly collect some money or something.But it won't get involved in this kind of thing.

Then the rest of the people.There are only terracotta warriors of the rear army.This made Zhang Fan feel a little tricky.after all.If only ordinary soldiers.Jin Yiwei wanted to investigate.That's absolutely fine.But the rear army is one of the five armies.It's the Royal Army.If Jin Yiwei went to investigate the Imperial Forest Army.Although Zheng Seung-heon would definitely not have any objections.But after the governors of the other armies heard the news.He would definitely be unhappy with Zhang Fan.after all.It's almost like saying.It seems that someone in the imperial forest army is engaged in a big conspiracy of rebellion.

Even if it only involves some soldiers.But for the title of governor of Jinyiwei.These individuals naturally have ideas.After all, Zhang Fan is now with them.Not contradictory.But not close either.If you can take this opportunity to trouble Zhang Fan.Do these people have such thoughts?Everything is still very difficult to say.

But this thing.Zhang Fan also had his own reasons to investigate.In the end, he and Zheng Chengxian reached an agreement.Zhang Fan launched a secret investigation.But Zheng Seung Heon would not tell the matter.That is.those soldiers under investigation.He didn't even know that he was being suspected.

now.The investigation has been going on for some time.But there was no progress.Until today.Wang Meng brought a message.Zhang Fan felt that there were indeed some problems.

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