The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 941 Causal Connection

"My lord," Wang Meng found Zhang Fan, obviously he had something to say to Zhang Fan, and he still had a serious and mysterious look on his face, obviously he had something important to say to Zhang Fan. Therefore, when Zhang Fan saw Wang Meng's appearance, he didn't say a word, and directly brought Wang Meng to a very remote yamen, and he didn't worry at all that the partition had ears, a place specially used for secret talks.

"Tell me, what exactly did you find?" Zhang Fan asked Wang Meng after entering the room, without saying anything else, without delaying the slightest bit. In Zhang Fan's heart, if he didn't figure it out, Zhang Fan would naturally not feel at ease.

Now that he has come to this place, the news that Wang Meng wants to say should be worthy of this place. Fortunately, Wang Meng will never disappoint Zhang Fan. The news he said really made Zhang Fan feel that it is already Caught something up.

"My lord, let someone from a humble position infiltrate the rear army to investigate," Wang Meng said without talking nonsense, "After so many days have passed, some things have been found out."

It turned out that after Zhang Fan followed Zhu Yijun back from the suburbs of Beijing that day, he heard that someone had reported to his home on the night of the assassination. Zhang Fan was very skeptical about this matter. At that time, it was locked on the thousand soldiers who went to the suburbs of Beijing to serve as Zhu Yijun's guard.

Through secret communication with Zheng Chengxian, Jin Yiwei secretly sent people to infiltrate the rear army to inquire about the news. Of course, this matter was done in secret, and it was even easier to fool Zheng Chengxian. It can be said that he is right, even if Zhang Fan doesn't say anything, Zheng Chengxian will agree and won't ask anything.

However, Zhang Fan did not do so. After all, the Empress Dowager Li did not tell him this matter, but Zhang Fan himself. Although in comparison, the emperor's matter may be bigger, but for Zhang Fan, The matters related to him are the things that he should pay attention to the most, so in comparison, Zhang Fan has to do a more perfect job on this matter.

Therefore, he told Zheng Chengxian half-truths and half-truths. Someone went to Zhang's house to report the incident. This part of his existence, that is to say, what Zhang Fan told Zheng Chengxian made Zheng Chengxian feel that those who planned the assassination not only wanted to deal with the emperor, but also dealt with Zhang Fan.

This time, Zheng Chengxian became nervous. After all, the current Zheng Chengxian is no longer what he used to be. He feels that he is already at his limit. After being "enlightened" by Zhang Fan that day, he suddenly I feel that I still seem to have potential, and I can go to a higher level, but this so-called "potential" can not only be accomplished by himself, but also requires the help of someone, and this helper , and naturally it was Zhang Fan.

But now, Zheng Chengxian heard that someone dared to threaten Zhang Fan's safety. For Zheng Chengxian today, threatening Zhang Fan's safety is tantamount to threatening the future of Zheng Chengxian. He has to rely heavily on Zhang Fan. If something happened to Zhang Fan, wouldn't the determination Zheng Chengxian had just aroused just now be in vain? Regardless of desire, in short, Zheng Chengxian will not let anything happen to Zhang Fan today.

What's more, the problem now is that this is no longer about Zhang Fan himself. After all, Zhang Fan, as the commander of Jinyiwei, is surrounded by a large number of experts every day to protect him. The only thing that can let Zhang Fan alone Only when he is in the palace, but the palace is the palace after all, regardless of the people in the court, but it is almost impossible for outsiders to do something in the palace, and if the people in the court want to If you do it, I am afraid that no amount of protection will be useful.

But now, what Zhang Fan and Zheng Chengxian worry about is that no matter who they are, they will attack Zhang Fan's family. If someone said that someone took advantage of his loopholes, it would be over.

It was true that Zhang Fan was worried that something would happen to his family, but why Zheng Seung Heon was worried? The reason for this was actually a little weird.

What Zheng Chengxian is worried about is that now Zhang Fan told him that the person who is likely to have something to do with this matter is in the rear army under his jurisdiction. If he does not help, if Zhang Fan does not find out in the future, and eventually What happened to Zhang Fan's family... Zheng Chengxian was afraid that when Zhang Fan retaliated, he would put the blame on him. If that was the case, let alone talk about his future ideals and plans , I am afraid that Zheng Chengxian's life is in danger.

It was precisely because he thought Zheng Chengxian understood these things, so now that Zhang Fan asked him to help investigate this matter, he just thought about the stakes in it for a while, and then agreed without hesitation. After all, it can be said that, It was originally a matter that was only slightly involved with him, but now it has been completely involved with him.

And after Zheng Chengxian readily agreed, Zhang Fan naturally wouldn't be idle, and he immediately asked Wang Meng to act.

Wang Meng had also selected a candidate and placed him in the rear army. It would have been very difficult without Zheng Chengxian's help. After all, he was one of the five armies, the Imperial Forest Army. There are many people, and most of the soldiers are from ordinary people, but it is still very difficult to get in. Although this era is not as advanced in information as it was 500 years later, if you want to know who and what information, you only need to It needs to be checked to understand, but it still needs to go through a lot of formalities before being able to enter. It is extremely difficult to put people in halfway, not to mention letting people in without even checking. up.

Fortunately, here, on the one hand is Jin Yiwei, who can't get anything under his supernatural powers, and on the other hand is Zheng Chengxian, the deputy governor of the rear army. Now the governor Zhu Xizhong has not cared much about these things for a long time. The title of governor is just the title, in fact, the management of the rear army has already been handed over to Zheng Chengxian, so Zheng Chengxian naturally has the right to let a few people in, although this will cause some expenses at the beginning. It's a lot of strength, it's hard work to be able to enter the complaints of the people who came to the rear army, but these people are nothing more than the lowest-level soldiers, and they can't say anything about Zheng Seung-hyun, their highest commander today. What.

Therefore, Zhang Fan's people entered the rear army very smoothly, and Zhang Fan's side did not ignore them just because they had already photographed them. They also didn't take time off. Of course, the method used here was rather clumsy. Zhang Fan asked Zheng Chengxian to get all the rosters of the 1000 people who accompanied him to the suburbs of Beijing to protect Zhu Yijun during that time. Dossier, because Zhang Fan was very concerned about this matter, so he didn't cut corners and didn't let one go.

Of course, it sounds like the files of a thousand people are a bit too large, but in fact, there are not so many. You must know that there are all in the army anyway, and it is not about everything big or small. Where detailed records are required, only the necessary things will be recorded, so this so-called dossier is just a record of who the person is, where he is from, when he joined the army, what achievements he made in the middle, or what he committed. errors and such.

As for meritorious service or making mistakes, these are not what Zhang Fan is looking for. What he is really looking for is when these people enlisted in the army.

Although Zhang Fan is still not sure who is behind this matter, but Zhang Fan understands that the person behind this matter should not send someone to lurk in too early, and, Now this is to deal with himself, but since Zhang Fan became an official, the time when he needed to worry about being dealt with by others was also after he became the governor of the Jinyiwei, and that was almost five years ago. The time of the year.

So here, Zhang Fan asked people to find out all the 1000 people who entered the army after five years, but nearly half of them were among them. This is simply like finding a needle in a haystack, and there are no special cases , there is no such suspicious person who intervenes halfway.

Five years ago, it happened that the rear army recruited for a time. Among the 600 people, 300 people came in at that time, and the people recruited the year before, out of the 200 people who were born, there were nearly [-] people. Yes, there are only a hundred people left for this year.

However, it is useless to classify these things. After all, compared to finding a needle in a haystack, it becomes a lake, and for Zhang Fan, there is no essential difference.

Therefore, the current Zhang Fan can only concentrate on waiting for his subordinates to investigate what is coming, so that he can see whether there is a problem or not.

Now, Wang Meng came to tell him that it was obviously because he had discovered something, which made Zhang Fan look forward to it. If Wang Meng could tell him some useful information and let him determine a candidate, he would It is also possible to follow the vine, follow this line, and drag out the people behind,

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