The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 947 Leave at ease

Maybe it's just like the previous situations, this person, at such a time, no matter how many people are paying attention to him, he can still behave calmly, not frightened by favor or humiliation, as if he is in trouble After that decision, he doesn't have to care about anything anymore, he doesn't care what others think of him, or discusses carefully behind his back, but he doesn't care about anything.

Nowadays, Ge Shouli seems to have such a situation. Of course, no one will think that Ge Shouli is playing tricks when he makes such a performance. The true heart is reflected, and no one would doubt Ge Shouli on this point.

Now, the news that Ge's mansion is packing up has spread to all the officials present, and almost everyone understands that Ge Shouli is about to leave. To be honest, for these people, whether it is People who had had a rift with Ge Shouli before, when faced with such news, they didn't have a single thought in their hearts at all, but mixed feelings, which were hard to explain.

Ge Shouli is an honest and upright official, not to mention that he has never been corrupt and perverted the law, nor has he ever formed a faction or tried to gain anything for himself. Moreover, Ge Shouli is an official, if he wants to be fair, he does not base himself on his own ideals. Judging the right and wrong of others, but looking at things from an objective point of view, right is right, wrong is wrong, but Ge Shouli does not deny the situation, he can also see when it is a dilemma, However, there is one thing, in principle, he will not shrink back. In short, it can be said that Ge Shouli has been in the court for so many years, and all his thoughts have been spent on how to make the court stable. .

Of course, some people may say that Ge Shouli's performance is not very good, but they don't look at the situation. When Ge Shouli became an official, it was the eventful autumn of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, he, a newcomer who has just entered the official position, can control the situation.

And when his strength and prestige grow, the opponent is not stagnant, but is also growing, so it seems that Ge Shouli has made no achievements in so many years, but in fact, Ge Shouli's role is not. It is very important. Many times, it only takes a word from one person to change a lot of things. This has nothing to do with the identity and status of that person, but only one thing, that is, whether that person is willing to act or not. did it.

Obviously, Ge Shouli is very positive about this kind of thing. Although he can't prevent the chaos from happening, he can prevent the chaos from getting bigger. Over the years, his actual actions have shown his At the same time, it also proved that he did have that ability.

Now, Ge Shouli is leaving, which is big news for many people, but what more people care about is that they understand the current situation in the court, although it seems to be stable on the surface, not only is it gone The border disaster, the country's taxation is rich, both the national treasury and the internal treasury are full of pits and valleys, it seems that the way of ZTE has begun to rise, but in fact, in today's court, after Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao are united, they are considered independent. It's grown up, and the reason why it is still stable now is because of Ge Shouli's existence.

After Gao Gong's incident last time, Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng, who were tempted by Ge Shouli, understood that it was absolutely impossible for Ge Shouli to sit back and watch the two of them do whatever they wanted, and it was precisely because of this that they did not continue to persecute others. People, this is what has created the seemingly stable situation today.

However, the two of them were like this, to put it bluntly, it was because of Ge Shouli.

Now, after experiencing the last incident, Feng Bao has become a man of the city, as if overnight, the former domineering Feng Bao is no longer interested in anything, and he no longer holds hatred for anyone. In this way, one of the biggest hidden dangers is eliminated.

However, Zhang Juzheng was not affected in any way last time, that is to say, Zhang Juzheng's mind has never changed. Now, Zhang Juzheng's series of actions illustrate this point well. The implementation of the Law, or his current leadership of the cabinet, and the handling of government affairs and government affairs, all illustrate this point.

If it is said that Ge Shouli withdraws from such a dispute, the situation will become a situation where Zhang Juzheng's family dominates. What will happen to Zhang Juzheng without restraint.

In fact, regarding this point, Zhang Juzheng himself has no self-knowledge. Of course, his consideration is not so objective, but even the supervisor's consideration, in fact, has no essential meaning except for the different positions. the difference.

What Zhang Juzheng thinks about is, what should he do after Ge Shouli really leaves, or what he can do, nothing else, the first thing Zhang Juzheng thinks of is, if Ge Shouli can no longer hinder him Then he no longer needs to take care of those things like before. If he has any ideas, even if he is in a hurry, has not thought carefully, and has not found any loopholes, he can still bring them up. , You can even force the court to implement it. Even if many people in the court are unhappy about this and will complain a lot about themselves, no one will stand up against them.

This is definitely a good reason. After all, as I said before, which one of the people who have entered such a circle has never had ambition in their hearts, whether it is for themselves or for the righteousness of the country. It is ambition, but, obviously, the reality is cruel. Many people have lost their ambitions because of setbacks, and they have become drifting with the tide, while some people have undiminished ambitions, even in the face of the sky. Great difficulties, but never lost.

However, there are some things that cannot be solved by talking about them. After all, the reality is cruel. In many cases, the reality can change a person's temperament. There are more than [-]% of the people in the DPRK, no matter whether they insist on themselves or not. ambition, but it is impossible to display.

Zhang Juzheng is different, he has already taken the first step to display his ambition, now if Ge Shouli, the biggest obstacle, is no longer there, he can move forward even more, he understands this in his heart.

Therefore, after seeing Ge Shouli's intention to retire that time, Zhang Juzheng couldn't keep his mind, and the expression of joy even showed on his face.

However, even so, Zhang Juzheng is still not a reckless person. Even at such a moment that should make him feel proud, Zhang Juzheng did not act irrationally.

In fact, when Zhang Juzheng was happy because he got the news, he still had some worries in his heart.

Zhang Juzheng didn't believe it. Ge Shouli couldn't think of these things he could think of. That is to say, Zhang Juzheng was sure that Ge Shouli absolutely knew his idea of ​​"doing whatever he wanted" after Ge Shouli left.

As a result, Zhang Juzheng was a little puzzled. Since Ge Shouli had already thought of this, why did he choose to quit? Could it be that Ge Shouli was not afraid that Zhang Juzheng would mess up the court after he left? , Ge Shouli shouldn't be that kind of person.

Is it because of old age? Of course, Ge Shouli is indeed a bit old. People who are about his age, such as Gao Gong and Xu Jie, two years earlier, they should retreat and go. , Those who should be expelled should be expelled, but Zhang Juzheng didn't think that this would be the reason for Ge Shouli to leave here, and this was not Ge Shouli's style of doing things. , Choose to withdraw at such a time, this should never be something Ge Shouli can do.

Moreover, even when he was getting older, various physical problems appeared, but Zhang Juzheng also understood that if Ge Shouli wanted to, he would definitely have no problem if he persisted for three or four years.

If this is the case, why did Ge Shouli choose to leave?

On the first day Zhang Juzheng knew that Ge Shouli was going to leave, he was thinking about this matter, but even with Zhang Juzheng's ingenuity, after thinking about it for a whole day, he still couldn't figure it out. It just doesn't make sense.

But today, when Zhang Juzheng saw the moment when his "freedom" was coming, he saw Ge Shouli's reassuring and carefree expression. At such a moment, Zhang Juzheng thought of something in his heart , no, it should not be said to be a thing, but an idea.

Zhang Juzheng suddenly thought that Ge Shouli would never be a reckless person, and he would never ignore righteousness because of his own reasons. Worried that things will get out of control after leaving him.

Or, to put it another way, the reason why Ge Shouli left was because he found someone who could replace him after he left the court.

At this moment, Zhang Juzheng thought of this possibility, and it seemed that only this possibility was the most correct answer.

As a result, Zhang Juzheng's original happy mood no longer existed, and it instantly turned into worry. After all, if Ge Shouli really had this kind of thought, then the person he regarded as his "successor" would definitely be able to Let Ge Shouli rest assured.

If such a person really existed, it would undoubtedly be a difficult problem for Zhang Juzheng.

However, Zhang Juzheng couldn't think of anything. Does such a person exist in the court?

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