"Long live my emperor, long live, long live." With the sound of shouts in the Great Hall of the Emperor.Today's morning has officially started.

"Everyone is flat." Zhu Yijun sat alone on the high platform.Said in a very boring voice that could be heard immediately.That look of weakness.Anyway, it's annoying no matter how you look at it.But now.But no one would care about Zhu Yijun's problems.No matter who is present.His thoughts were not on Zhu Yijun at all.These people present.Almost all of them are thinking about Ge Shouli now.How can I care about Zhu Yijun's problems?

but.Zhu Yijun is bored now.But also did not see any problem.Just sitting there with a listless look.The little eunuch next to him shouted: "If there is something to do, we will go to court. If there is nothing to do, we will leave the court." Even such a simple sentence.He listens to it almost every day.Now it sounds so harsh to Zhu Yijun.

By the way.Feng Bao is not present now.From that incident with Zhang Siwei to the present.Several months have passed.But Feng Bao hasn't watched the morning court in the hall of coming to court since then.This is what these ministers really want to see now.Anyway, Feng Bao is not here.Nothing seems to have changed much either.And most of all.These people can also feel a lot more comfortable in their hearts.

But today.Although Zhu Yijun is not in the state.But he still found something unusual.after all.Today's morning.It is too abnormal.After the little eunuch beside him yelled what he said just now.No one stood up to speak.

If in the past.Zhang Juzheng was probably the first to speak up.certainly.Not every time.There are also times when Zhang Juzheng is not the first to stand up.And that situation.It must be because Zhang Juzheng knew that other people had something to say.That's why it was let out.but.Anyway.Just start early.Someone will definitely stand up and speak up.Whatever the person who came forward said was a very serious situation.Or something that doesn't matter.But there will always be someone who will stand up and speak up.

But today is different.After the eunuch on the side of the high platform yelled those eight words just now.No one stood up and spoke up.That alone.It's already very weird in itself.And after Zhu Yijun noticed this situation.He looked up and looked down.What he found was even weirder.

The civil and military officials standing below.It's not just about standing still and not talking.Zhu Yijun could clearly see it.Many of them had absent-minded expressions.more than this.Some people's eyes are looking left and right.I don't know what I'm looking at.Still thinking about something.

In short.To describe it in one sentence.Today's morning.Zhu Yijun felt very strange.Very very strange.This is different from any previous morning court.Although it has only been two years since Zhu Yijun sat on the throne.Although he has not yet personally enlisted.But he has also seen many big scenes.And when he was the prince.Things about people like Xu Jie and Gao Gong.Zhu Yijun also knew about it.

But even these are serious things.When it happens, it will not be as dead as it is now.Also revealed a dull look.Or it's a big explosion.Or it is sarcastic.But this kind of situation where nothing is said.I really haven't seen it.

So this way.Zhu Yijun also couldn't figure out what happened.He wanted to ask.But it's where the words come from.But I couldn't ask.obviously.Zhu Yijun was infected by the weird emotions emanating from the people in front of him.Let him obviously want to ask what happened.But I couldn't ask anything.This feeling.Zhu Yijun didn't like it very much.But at this time, he couldn't get rid of this situation.

but.Zhu Yijun obviously didn't have that patience.soon.He didn't want to experience this bad feeling again.Ready to ask questions.Ask these ministers what happened today.And just when Zhu Yijun was about to ask what he said.Suddenly someone came out from below.

Zhu Yijun saw someone coming out.Naturally, I am happy in my heart.It was the unpleasant feeling that he suppressed in his heart just now.It also disappeared in an instant.Someone can break this deadlock.Nature is a great thing.At least he doesn't have to suffer that crime anymore.

but.Zhu Yijun is happy here.But the other officials present.When I saw this person who stood up.The atmosphere has become even weirder.That's right.There is no other reason.The man who stood up.It is the protagonist who the following people are talking about now.Ge Shouli is gone.

Just now.Everyone is thinking about it.Did Ge Shouli want to become an official?Although from the point of view of Ge's mansion packing things up.This possibility is very high.But that's not necessarily the case.Let's talk again.Even today Ge Shouli wants to retire.But it's not worth packing up today.Among them.There are many things that people can't figure out.

"Ge Aiqing. But I have something to say." Zhu Yijun didn't care what the people below were thinking.He just questioned Ge Shouli.

"Your Majesty. I am here this time. I am asking for your resignation from Your Majesty." Ge Shouli was very calm.Neither salty nor bland.Said the words calmly.Such an answer made the people around him guess for a long time.

And heard Ge Shouli's words.The reactions of the following people are also different.happy.Yes it is.There are also surprises.

But for Zhu Yijun.He didn't think so much.Obviously it was Zhu Yijun who just found out about this matter.Not to mention how surprised he was: "Why...what. Ge Aiqing, you...you...please resign. Where are you going, Ge Aiqing." All of a sudden.Zhu Yijun hadn't realized what Ge Shouli was talking about.Wait until he calms down a bit.Only then did he come to his senses: "It's hard to say. Ge Aiqing, you want to retire." And after Zhu Yijun figured out what Ge Shouli meant.The expression on his face was even more surprised.

It's not surprising that Zhu Yijun made such a fuss.After all, Ge Shouli wanted to retire from his post and return to the field.It is indeed a very shocking thing.Especially for Zhu Yijun.

At first.The matter of selecting the successor of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.Queen Mother Li handed over the choice to Zhu Yijun.He has to identify.And Zhu Yijun mistook Zhang Juzheng's words.Ge Shouli was not chosen.

It turned out that this was not Zhu Yijun's fault.After all, he is still young.He doesn't know many things.And Zhu Yijun who just sat on the throne.I am not very familiar with the ministers in the court.Hearing what Zhang Juzheng, whom he was familiar with, said.Zhu Yijun felt that the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites was handed over to an official who had been in the three dynasties.Ge Shouli, who can't be called a "mature and prudent" person, seems a bit inappropriate.Therefore, Zhu Yijun did not choose Ge Shouli.Instead, I used someone recommended by Zhang Juzheng.

And after that.When the entire imperial court was in trouble because of this incident.Zhu Yijun was really scared and cried.He didn't know what he did wrong.He even felt wronged.I feel that I have done a good thing.Why do [-]% of the officials in the entire imperial court oppose him.He even dared to rush into the palace to make trouble.

That day.Zhu Yijun hid in Qianqing Palace.Listening to the noisy voices of the ministers faintly coming from outside.Didn't dare to move at all.He drove out all the eunuchs and court ladies.Leaving myself alone in the room.Wrapped in a quilt and hid on the bed.While shivering.But he didn't dare to make a sound at all.In short.At that time, Zhu Yijun was terrified.

but.It's not the main thing just to scare him.The main problem is.Zhu Yijun's mind has not experienced too much wind and rain.I just don't understand why these ministers are targeting themselves like this.

And after that day.Zhu Yijun was really depressed for a while.And wait until he regained his spirit.The first thing he did.It's not about complaining.It's not like I made any decision in my heart.He wanted to take revenge on those ministers who had threatened him.Slowly revenge in the future.

The first thing Zhu Yijun did.It was someone who brought Zhang Fan over.And after he met Zhang Fan.Didn't say anything else.Just let him tell himself everything about Ge Shouli.

Zhang Fan is so smart.He had been worrying about this before.Now Zhu Yijun said so.He understood right away.Not just understood.Zhang Fan was very happy in his heart.after all.This is something he used to worry about.Now Zhu Yijun took the initiative to complete it.

And then.What Zhang Fan did was not limited to these.He didn't tell Zhu Yijun anything about Ge Shouli.Nothing good was said.Didn't say anything bad either.Rather.Zhang Fan asked people to find the dossiers that recorded Ge Shouli for so many years.Including those recorded by the Ministry of Officials.It even includes some of Jin Yiwei.As long as there are dossiers about Ge Shouli.Zhang Fan delivered all the volumes to Zhu Yijun.

This is where Zhang Fan is the smartest.after all.At that time, Zhu Yijun would be like this.It is also because of listening to others.Now.He asked Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.Instead let him see for himself.

It is also the first time.Zhu Yijun faced so many scrolls piled up in front of him.There is no meaning of not wanting to see it.He watched very carefully.

And after reading these things.Zhu Yijun also understood.What kind of person is Ge Shouli?At the same time also understand.At the beginning, he mistook the result of slander.even though.It wasn't his fault that happened.But he still blames himself a little bit.

But at the same time of self-blame.Zhu Yijun was also very happy.He is happy.When he was the emperor himself.There can be such a courtier below.

But now.Ge Shouli actually said that he wanted to become an official.How could this not surprise Zhu Yijun?

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