Today's Zhu Yijun.Facing a very unacceptable situation for him.After he really understood what kind of person Ge Shouli was.Although Zhu Yijun didn't say anything to outsiders.But in his heart, he was also very sorry for Ge Shouli.Just this sorry.As an emperor, he naturally couldn't tell others.but.As an emperor.I am sorry for the mistake that should not be his responsibility.This in itself is no easy task.

And at the same time.Zhu Yijun also felt very lucky.Fortunately among his courtiers.Being able to have such a mature and prudent Ge Shouli.The elders of the three dynasties existed with integrity.Ge Shouli is in the current imperial court.The oldest.Compared with Xu Jie, Gao Gong and the others, it is not much the same time.Ge Shouli also had his own arrogance.But it is different from the aloofness and self-esteem of others.Will not completely ignore others.The most important point is.Whether it is someone who knows Ge Shouli or not.All understand.Ge Shouli is completely selfless.everything he did.All for the bigger picture.

Zhu Yijun was very fortunate to have someone like Ge Shouli among his courtiers.But now.Before Zhu Yijun could make up his mind that he would be in charge in the future.How to make good use of Ge Shouli.Ge Shouli actually wanted to retire and return to his hometown.This to say.It always made Zhu Yijun feel very uncomfortable.I also feel very sorry.

However.After Zhu Yijun regretted it for a while.It also calmed down.And wait until he calmed down.All but helpless and naive.Innocent.Why does Zhu Yijun have naive thoughts?He was just laughing at his own naivety.Ge Shouli's age was clearly in front of him.He clearly knew that at his current age.I can't wait for the day when he will come to power.Ge Shouli will definitely leave here.But Zhu Yijun still had a trace of innocence in his heart.

now.What was supposed to happen finally happened.In this way.Zhu Yijun also returned to reality from his little fantasy.only.Even in the face of this reality.Zhu Yijun still doesn't seem to give up...

"Ge Aiqing. Is it really that urgent?" Zhu Yijun looked at Ge Shouli.The regretful expression on his face was undisguised. "I can't stay in the court for a while longer. Now, everything in the court has just stabilized. Ge Aiqing is going to retreat. I really think it's a pity."

"Your Majesty." Facing Zhu Yijun's persuasion.Ge Shouli showed a smiling face instead. "Weichen was promoted to the rank of official in Jiajing eight years ago. Up to now, it has been a full 45 years. Even if I am not tired in my heart, I can't take it anymore. Moreover, my mother is still at home. It's just been so many years. My minister traveled from north to south. In the end, I stayed in the capital for the longest time. But helplessly, my mother refused to leave home. My minister has not been able to fulfill my filial piety for decades. I really can't delay any longer.

"Let's talk about it. Just like what your Majesty said just now. Now everything is stable in the court. Although whether it is in the court or in the world, right and wrong happen all the time. But I don't have the energy to ask. In this case Why bother with humble officials. That. To put it a bit vulgarly. 'Occupy the latrine and don't shit'. There are many underachievers in the court. Although they are not yet worthy of a big responsibility. But given time, they must be the pillars of your Majesty's governance."

"Ge Aiqing, you..." Listening to Ge Shouli's words.Zhu Yijun seemed to want to say something more.But after all.He still didn't say those words of retention. "Since Ge Aiqing's intention has been decided. If I don't agree again, it will be a little too unreasonable. However, this matter, I can't make the decision alone. I have to wait..."

What Zhu Yijun originally wanted to say was yes.He can't handle this matter by himself.We have to wait until the matter is notified to Queen Mother Li before making any plans.only.Now Zhu Yijun has no chance to do so.It depends on what Zhu Yijun wants to say.A loud cry interrupted him.

For the master of this voice.These people present are too familiar.It was Feng Bao who hadn't appeared in front of everyone for a long time now.Only this time.The surprise brought by Feng Bao's voice.Higher than ever before.

No matter how Feng Bao is now.It doesn't matter what he wants.But Feng Bao had absolutely no guts.For his own sake.Shouting for no reason at this place.Not to mention that he also interrupted the emperor.this kind of thing.Even if it is unintentional.It is also easy to impeach him.

But Feng Bao obviously wouldn't be such a reckless person.

really.It hasn't waited for everyone's surprise.Feng Bao's voice sounded again: "The Empress Dowager has arrived."

Empress Dowager Yizhi.Why did the queen mother have a decree to arrive at this time.This sounds unbelievable.After all, nothing happened recently.This moment.Many people in the court hall looked at Ge Shouli.obviously.These people thought that this incident might have something to do with Ge Shouli.even.It has something to do with his desire to become an official.

But the idea.It just turned around in the hearts of these people and then disappeared.They feel that this matter is really impossible.After all, Ge Shouli has just brought up this matter now.Why did Queen Mother Li know at this time.He also issued a decree.Obviously.That sounds unlikely.

certainly.This is just what some people think.Actually.Some people think so too.And these people haven't changed their minds.And they felt that Feng Bao was here this time.It must have something to do with Ge Shouli's appointment as an official.Why do you say that.Because of the news this morning.Someone saw Ge Fu packing his luggage with his own eyes.

If it is said that Ge Shouli is only planning to make a request to become an official today.Then there is no need for him to prepare his luggage today.After bringing it up.Even Zhu Yijun agreed on the spot.It doesn't mean you can leave today.There is also handover work.etc.At least it will take three to five days to complete.


Everyone here is still thinking.Feng Bao had already walked in.It's nothing out of the ordinary.Nothing but ordinary.In the manner of a preacher.Walked to the front of the hall.Facing civil and military officials.He picked up the silk in his hand.He said loudly: "The Censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Ge Shouli took the order."

"My minister is here." Ge Shouli was unequivocal.Listen to what Feng Bao said.Immediately knelt down.pending.

And here.The Empress Dowager's aim is to move forward.Except for Zhu Yijun who sat on the throne alone and did not move.Everyone else knelt down.

"Follow the heavens. The emperor's imperial edict said: The Censor of the Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate..." Although Feng Bao was reading the edict.But the cadence and frustration in it.He raised his head to look at Ge Shouli.There was no other expression on his face.He continued: "Ge Shouli. He has been in the court for more than [-] years. He has accomplished a lot. He has made great achievements through hard work. The imperial edict said: Virtue lies in people. Loved ones..."

A long stretch ahead.Still some cliches.Some obligatory clichés.However, even these people who were present did not often receive imperial edicts.Even they haven't even issued an imperial decree until now.But these things.They already knew it well.

The key is.Behind these clichés.What the hell will happen.

Speaking up.After all, this is an imperial decree.Since it is an imperial decree.The most important one is to ask about per.Be very refined.One more word changes the meaning.One word less is not those clichés.Not much actually.Even if it's something to sing praises about.It will never be repeated.

So to speak.Even if Ge Shouli was the elder of the three dynasties.Even Ge Shouli has done a lot of things.But to sum it up like this.A maximum of ten characters is enough.

And then...

"Today, Zhun Ge Shouli is old and begging for retirement. He will serve as an official and return to his hometown. He will be added to the crown prince's Shaobao. It is bestowed upon him."

Read this decree.None of the people present moved.Speaking up.These people are kneeling there now.It shouldn't have moved.It's just that these people can't move now.In fact, all these people were stunned by the news.

And Ge Shouli.But it looked very calm.He buried his head and said, "Minister, thank you for taking the decree." Finish.Hands up.Accepted the imperial edict handed over by Feng Bao.

Honestly.this scene.Really the people present.Ge Shouli never thought of it.Feng Bao knew about this earlier today.But even so.He was also very surprised.He didn't expect it to be like this.

And the other people present.I was really surprised.It doesn't matter if it's Xiang Zhang Fan.People who hope that Ge Shouli will stay.Or like Zhang Juzheng.People who hope that Ge Shouli can leave sooner.Now after hearing this Yizhi.The heart is not sad.Nor is it joy.Rather surprised.

This is obvious.No one knew about this before.There is absolutely no sign of meaning at all.Ge Shouli wanted to leave.until this morning.It was someone who saw Ge Shouli's house packing up.That's why there was such a guess.

but.Just after a while.Ge Shouli had just confirmed the news that everyone had guessed.And right away.Empress Dowager Li's edict has arrived.This...if it was placed before this incident happened.It sounds like an incredible thing.But now.But it appeared in front of these people.This made these people all stunned.

And Ge Shouli looked so calm.Even more curious no.

Hard to say.He already knew what was going on.Or.Between him and Queen Mother Li.Already passed the breath.

It's... anyway.Although Zhang Fan thought so.But he didn't receive any news at all.

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