This year is the first year of Wanli, and it has only been more than a year since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne, but in less than two years, the court has undergone major changes.

In the past two years, the changes in the government are really huge. When Zhang Juzheng's "Testing Law" was released, it also shocked the government. Many people are discussing this matter. Naturally, some people agree with it, and some people oppose it. Moreover, the "Testing Method" really made many people unlucky, but these unlucky people, it is just that they deserved what they deserved, no wonder other people, in general, this can be regarded as a good thing.

And what's more, in the past two years, the personnel in the DPRK and China have been alternately updated. If you count a few years forward, from the Longqing Dynasty to the present, in less than five years, the personnel in the DPRK and China have changed. It's a big change. The first thing that started was Xu Jie's departure. The veteran of the two dynasties, the great hero who defeated Yan Song in the battle, and the unparalleled power of the cabinet's chief minister, the final fate was nothing but leaving sadly. While many people can't accept it, they can only look at it like this.

And in the short five years since Xu Jie left the court, many things happened. I Da and the court finally exchanged tribute, and the military disasters that followed finally stopped. The Tartars would come to harass them from time to time, but it didn't matter at all. Qi Jiguang's guards in northern Xinjiang can be said to be impenetrable.

But these are all good aspects, and there are some things that are unpredictable. To be honest, Long Qing's death is not beyond everyone's expectations. After all, Long Qing's "hobby" and his ability to It is said that the way he is burning his own vitality determines that his lifespan is absolutely impossible to last long.

After Long Qing's death, the first thing that surprised everyone was the fact that Feng Bao's name was included in the names of the ministers. It was completely unprecedented for a eunuch to be a minister. It's something that I haven't heard of before, but now it's happening in front of everyone, which makes people a little confused.

And after this incident, Gao Gong was expelled from the capital. To be honest, Gao Gong's expulsion can be said to be a matter of course. After all, what did Gao Gong do at that time? You know, for a person who has lost his mind, staying in such an important position in the court will definitely do great harm, it is better to let him leave earlier.

But Gao Gong's departure was not a simple departure. Gao Gong's departure brought many problems. The most obvious one is that Gao Gong had many followers in the court before. They really can't be called partisans, it's just because Gao Gong was very powerful at the time, some were forced to follow Gao Gong, and some just wanted to fish in troubled waters.

In short, no matter what, these people can be regarded as being marked as "Gao Gong people", such a mark, and the most "contributory" person in expelling Gao Gong from the court is Feng Baohe Zhang Juzheng and Zhang Juzheng were gone. After Gao Gong left, under the envoy of Feng Bao, these people were in bad luck. Countless people were dismissed for various reasons, and countless people were also demoted for various reasons. In the middle of the day, it was a wild ride.

It took such a year to finally calm down, and now, Ge Shouli is leaving again.

Ge Shouli's departure also meant one thing.

In the court, no, you can’t say the court, you can only talk about the inside of the capital, in the capital, the center of power of the Ming Dynasty. As of yesterday, there was only one senior official like Ge Shouli left, and Ge Shouli's departure undoubtedly heralded the completion of the internal renewal of the Ming Dynasty.

Although the replacement of such a word sounds good, but whether it is good or bad, no one can give a definite answer. It can only be said that whether this kind of thing is good or bad really depends on the actual situation in the future. The situation is gone.

Judging from the current situation, there are both good and bad. Last year, Feng Bao used the name of those people to attack the remnants of the party and found various reasons to clean up many people. Those who followed Gao Gong were only involved in name, and Feng Bao's reasons were various, but he did not fabricate a single thing in this matter, and they were all well-founded. of.

In other words, although Feng Bao cleaned up a lot of people, many of them really had problems. It was quite clean, but the people he replaced were also Feng Bao's henchmen. This scene seemed to have returned to the past, but the leader was changed.

In short, this is the current form of the court.

Today, Ge Shouli had just requested to become an official, and Empress Dowager Li's edict arrived immediately. Now that everything has been settled, Ge Shouli doesn't plan to delay any longer, and plans to leave today. So, once again, in the outskirts of the capital , A large number of imperial court officials gathered here, naturally they came to see Ge Shouli off, but this time, there were quite a few people who came. Compared with when Xu Jie and Gao Gong left before, this time people came Mostly, it can be seen from this how much influence Ge Shouli has in the court.

Although Ge Shouli lived in such a big house in the capital, he had no family members, only him, and there were not many other servants. Fortunately, Ge Shouli's family was rich. The upright style of being an official could not give them so much money, but these people were really reluctant to leave, but there was no way, Ge Shouli went home, and he just brought the housekeeper who had been with him for decades.

Ge Shouli really had a lot of luggage when he went back. Ge’s mansion started packing up early in the morning, and it took two or three hours to get it done. It sounds like two or three hours seems a bit too much for a big house. It's short, but in fact, when they really saw what Ge Shouli was carrying, people couldn't help but admire it.

Except for the daily necessities and clothes, Ge Shouli didn't bring any valuables at all. I don't know if Ge Shouli didn't have those valuable decorations or playthings, or he didn't bring them at all. There are more than ten boxes of things, big and small, more than [-]% of them are books, all kinds of books, and the rest are just a few calligraphy and paintings.

Seeing this scene, these people present couldn't help sighing. If someone else wanted to leave, there would be large and small bags of belongings, a lot of valuable calligraphy and paintings, and countless gold and silver. It will definitely not take up too much space, or just leave without bringing anything, just like Gao Gong.

In short, Ge Shouli's departure can definitely be said to be extraordinary.

Perhaps, some of the people present would think that Ge Shouli is nothing. The reason why he can be such an upright official without being greedy or corrupt is precisely because his family has a lot of money and doesn’t need those things, but people with this kind of thinking People, in fact, are only a minority, and more people understand that Ge Shouli is Ge Shouli, and it is not those foreign objects that made Ge Shouli.

If it is said that there is no corruption because of the abundance of wealth in the family, then from another perspective, if the family has money, is it necessary to pay bribes again? But Ge Shouli did not do this. There is no element of opportunism in it, and it is completely relying on his own efforts, accumulating bit by bit, and getting to this place step by step.

At this time, Zhang Fan was also present. Although he had already talked to Ge Shouli in the morning, he originally didn't want to come. After all, this scene made him feel a little sad no matter how he said it, but after thinking about it, Zhang Fan still arrived.

"Don't act like this," Ge Shouli came to Zhang Fan, and said to him, "Actually, you should be happy for me. After all these decades, anyone would be homesick. Now I'm going home, this is a happy thing, how can you have a bitter face, "

"..." Zhang Fan heard Ge Shouli's words and looked at him, but didn't say anything.

"Fortunately, it's not too far from here to Deping," Ge Shouli said, ignoring Zhang Fan's expression, "If I go from here, I'll be home in at most three to five days, which is comparable to those People whose homes are in the south of the Yangtze River or further south are much better, maybe, five days later, I am sleeping at home, "

"Master Ge..." This time, Zhang Fan couldn't bear it anymore and opened his mouth, but after only saying these three words, he stopped talking, as if he didn't know what to say next.

"Do you know why I left so relieved," Ge Shouli said, "Now I'm telling the truth, I'm really tired, but it's not just because of this. , there will be no troubles in the future, but what I worry about is not these. What I worry about is that there are people in the court who can control the future situation.

"In other words, it's still the same old saying, I'm so old, even if what happens in the future, I really don't know if I can last until the moment I see you, so this time Let me be selfish, and leave the rest to those who stay behind."

After saying these words, Ge Shouli's eyes were also on Zhang Fan, and the meaning was very obvious.

But Zhang Fan was not very happy in his heart.

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