Ge Shouli left.Today is the third day.basically.There is no change here.It started the day after Ge Shouli left.The imperial court resumed its original operation.After all, this is the secret place where the imperial court manages such a huge country.It is impossible to make any major changes because of the departure or stay of one or two people.same.The people in it will never change it because of personnel changes.

The general direction has not changed.What has changed is only some of the things that exist in it.

now.The imperial court sent to the southwest to inquire about the status of the conquest of the Bo people this time.The person who won a big victory or a miserable victory has not yet returned.So this time.Zhang Fan had nothing to do.there.Zhuo Yang's substitute.There are almost no people who come to see him now.In short.Now on this matter.Everyone just had an idea.This assassin is very tough.No matter how tortured he was, he refused to speak.But even he doesn't say anything.It is enough for the ministers in these courts.His reticence already showed a problem.Behind this matter is absolutely inseparable from Shu Duan Wang Zhu Xuanqi.But as for what kind of relationship Zhu Xuanqi has with this matter.It's not clear today.

therefore.Zhang Fan has also been idle recently.Now that this side has entered a "dead end".Can't find any news.He naturally had nothing to do.But the so-called nothing to do.In fact, it is only superficial.And in the dark.Zhang Fan has been preparing.Prepare for all kinds of things to come.At that time.There will be a lot of trouble and endless variables.All Zhang Fan can do now is to prepare everything as much as possible.

And this time.Zhang Juzheng didn't know if it was because of Ge Shouli's departure.Started thinking about another thing.Although Zhang Fan understands as a person who knows the inside story.Zhang Juzheng had already started planning this matter.But he brought it up at such a time.It gave the impression that he decided to do this simply because of Ge Shouli's departure.

even though.For this timing coincidence.Zhang Juzheng himself didn't care much.But let the people in the court have a bad image of him because of this.To be honest, Zhang Juzheng was not happy either.

now.Zhang Juzheng didn't just have a helper like Zhang Fan anymore.There is also Zhang Siwei.I am also willing to contribute to Zhang Juzheng's idea.This made Zhang Juzheng feel that he was much more relaxed now.And no matter how smart a person is.No matter what, it's a no-brainer.It is always inferior to three people working together to find a time.These three Mr. Zhang get together to discuss things whenever they have time.

now.What the three of them were thinking about was.About this land and tax thing.this matter.Almost every dynasty and every generation.Every emperor.Something that every minister is thinking about.but.This is something that can never be fully resolved.There will always be troubles of one kind or another.even.Those who dare to make a fuss about it.The metropolis will encounter a lot of resistance.A bad one may offend a lot of people because of it.Get ruined.

The reason why Zhang Juzheng dared to make a fuss about this matter.Firstly, it was his thoughts.Secondly, it is also because the current situation of the imperial court in this regard is too bad.

Take this tax as an example.During the Hongwu period.The tax rice in summer and autumn can collect more than 470 million shi.Wheat has more than 470 million shi.And in the early years of Zhengde.Most of the land was owned by some tyrants.Unequal taxation.The population also began to move.The place is more about buying and selling official positions.Hide taxes.that time.The imperial court can only collect an average of more than 2000 million stones per year.Wheat is only about 460 million shi.Although comparing the two.It doesn't look like much of a difference.But think about it.The Ming Dynasty has passed for more than a hundred years.There has been no development in this regard.It can be seen that the problem is serious.

And this problem.It became more obvious during the Jiajing period.that time.The imperial court expropriated a lot of wheat.Still that much.But this m.But it dropped to more than 800 million stones.some of.There is a difference of more than four or five million stones.Definitely not a small amount.The Jiajing Dynasty lasted for 500 years.Every year is so different.Over the years, how much tax and rice has been under-collected by the imperial court.This number can be imagined.

There is also the issue of taxation.To know.When the Ming Dynasty was founded.The Mongols were not destroyed.Instead, they were driven to Mobei.And that's why.So the Ming Dynasty has been in existence since the founding of the country.Northern Xinjiang has never stopped fighting.And war needs more than people.Including military pay.Food supplies.fodder for horses.Equipment and training of personnel.All of these require a lot of this regard.Because of the Civil Fortress Change that year.No matter who is in power in the DPRK.But for these things, I absolutely dare not make any mistakes.

But these are not the only places that need to use silver.There are always droughts and floods in places every year.And the imperial court is going to provide disaster relief.The amount of money used will definitely not be small.If you add some of these cases of corruption and things like that.That costs more.

only.Now these silver things.Chaozhong is not so worried.after all.Ever since Longqing lifted the sea ban.Private merchants were allowed to go to sea to do business.up to now.The court also ordered warships to escort merchant ships.It is even allowed to equip several artillery pieces on merchant ships.For self-defense purposes.

these measures.It is tantamount to letting those who still have some worries about doing business with the sea.Forget about those worries.Nowadays, countless people in the Ming Dynasty want to go to sea to do business.Want to make a fortune.So.After the imperial court collected taxes from the sea merchants.The money matter is now completely relieved.

At first.When the imperial court began to collect commercial taxes in the first year.Calculate how much you can gain.The result of the calculation is.If the imperial court can collect taxes like this every year.Even every year.Disasters have occurred in six major provinces; even northern Xinjiang has been fighting from the beginning of the year to the end of the year without rest.This is the silver used for a whole year.after removal.What is left is more than the tax money collected in the past six months.

In this way.The money problem is solved.

but.What Zhang Juzheng cares about is not money.It was this question of land and food that was his concern.after all.This land is fixed.No matter how much money you have.It is also impossible to allow the land of the Ming Dynasty to have an extra mu of land.And so is the food.There is only so much that the whole country can collect.Even more money.No one sells grain.It cannot be exchanged for a grain of rice.

Want to solve this problem.It's actually very simple to say.That is to take back the land that was occupied by the tyrants.redistributed to the common people.In this way.People who have land will not move around.He will only concentrate on farming on his own land.And these lands.They are all counted.There will also be taxes in the future.In this way.Only the court can solve this problem.

only.The solution to this problem.It sounds easy.But do it.But it is even more difficult.Why do those tyrants dare to invade the land.And not just because they have money.In this world.Money alone can't do anything.All that is needed is relationship.This is the most important thing.

The reverse is also true.Only people who are related.Dare to do such a thing.

It's okay not to check this kind of thing.But once you check it out.Absolutely endless.Pull up the radish to bring out the puree.You check one.Maybe a dozen or so families who are involved can be found out by following the vines.Not to mention how powerful these people are when they unite.Maybe you check back.We're about to find out who's important.And wait until then.I'm afraid we're going to be in big trouble.

At first.Gao Gong did this once.Although speaking.It was just for him to deal with Xu Jie.I didn't want to make things too obvious to make such a big commotion.But the people who execute it below don't know it.They are just following the court's wishes.

But what about the result.Even a person like Hai Rui who is not afraid of the sky and the earth is still carrying it out.But the results were not as expected.The land is checked out a lot.The court also took back a lot.But in the end.But there is no way to solve the problem at all.

nowadays.Zhang Juzheng was going to do this again.It's not that Zhang Juzheng will have any problems.After all, he is in such a position now.In addition, Queen Mother Li trusted him so much.Almost no one can threaten him.

But the problem is not with Zhang Juzheng.The problem is that.At that time, the court issued an order.How many officials can do this.And among these officials.How many people can persist to the end.How many people will be used in various ways halfway.Threats, bribes.Until they no longer intend to ask about this matter.These things.It's hard to say for sure.

so.Zhang Juzheng's current problem is.How can the following people carry out their orders well.Don't give up halfway because of some such or other reasons.

But this problem is not easy to solve.otherwise.This kind of problem cannot happen in every dynasty and every generation.

so.Now Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei are also here.After all.They're here to help with ideas.See how things should be done.

However, Zhang Juzheng seemed to have already planned.Let Zhang Fan and Zhang Siwei come over now.Just to help him perfect his method.

And Zhang Juzheng's approach is actually not new.Because someone has already done it.This is the famous "one whip method".

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