The trick Zhang Juzheng used is not poisonous. Although Zhang Fan took the initiative to speak up for Zao Shangshang's proposal, everyone present at the scene knew very well that this matter must be Zhang Juzheng's early It has already been discussed with Zhang Fan, otherwise, who would stand up and take care of such a matter.

And those who understand this situation, while complaining about Zhang Juzheng in their hearts, they also have to praise Zhang Juzheng's good luck. Yes, being able to get Jin Yiwei's help, it is not only convenient to describe it as "doing twice the result with half the effort", it can be said to be extremely convenient, many things can be done without paying too much attention, and can be successful The odds are very, very high.

Now, Zhang Juzheng has such a condition. His student Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei, not only for today's matter, but also for everyone present. For things that Zhang Fan can't agree with, even if it's just doing something completely irrelevant to Zhang Fan, as long as Zhang Juzheng speaks up, Zhang Fan will definitely help.

What happened today can be said to be a microcosm of the future. In the future, there will be many more things like this, and Zhang Fan will definitely help Zhang Juzheng many times. I'm afraid, Zhang Juzheng, as the chief minister of the cabinet, is already an extremely human minister. For Zhang Juzheng today, even if no one helps him, let him do it by himself. It will be very troublesome for many people.

But now it seems that we not only have to worry about Zhang Juzheng's problems, but also the role that Zhang Fan will play in it in the days to come. Now that they have left, the people in the court, whether it is in terms of seniority, knowledge, or status and official position, are all headed by Zhang Juzheng, that is to say, in the days to come, Zhang Juzheng can do whatever he wants up.

In addition to Zhang Fan's help, the people in the court knew Zhang Fan fairly well. Although Zhang Fan was not as rigorous as Ge Shouli's, Zhang Fan was generally considered a good official. Jin Yiwei was the commander, but he didn't do anything outrageous. Even though the interrogation of the prisoner some time ago shocked the people in the court, they also understood that it was the assassin's own fault, no wonder Zhang Fan.

Therefore, if Zhang Juzheng had any bad intentions and wanted to do bad things in the future, even if Zhang Fan would not report him, he would definitely not be able to help him do it together.

However, the problem is that these people in the court are not afraid of Zhang Juzheng doing bad things, these people in the court are even more afraid of Zhang Juzheng doing good things that benefit the country and the people. After all, among these people in the court, how many people are there? It's clean and there's nothing wrong with it. They're afraid.

And once Zhang Juzheng wanted to do this kind of thing, Zhang Fan might volunteer to help without Zhang Juzheng asking. This was what these people were worried about.

It's just that these people are worried about this matter, but they have nothing to do. It is impossible for them to solve this problem. Of course, if there is any other way to go, then it is true. One, that is to abandon everything in the past, cleanse yourself, and stop doing those things in the future.

However, how many people would be willing to do this? The answer is almost pitiful. After all, if one step is wrong, it will be difficult to get back on track, and the problem is that for these people, many things are Being involuntary is not something they say they want to get out of.

After all, the relationship among them is intricate. What's more, some connections have been produced since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and have been extended from generation to generation to today. One can imagine the connection in such 200 years What kind of realm will it expand to in such a short period of time.

Therefore, even if you want to withdraw at this moment, the people and things around you do not allow you to do so. Even if you have made up your mind, you are more likely to pay a huge price if you do so. In the end, the gain outweighs the gain.

Therefore, for the incumbent, instead of doing that, it is better to bet that Zhang Juzheng will not do that in the future, bet that even if Zhang Juzheng does that in the future, they will not find out their problems. In short, If you don't do anything now, it seems very unreliable to rely on luck to deceive the world in the future, and the possibility of being able to get away with it is extremely low, but compared to doing it now and ruining your reputation, Almost everyone chose silence.

However, the silence is only temporary. What’s more, it’s more about finding a way to get ready, in case Zhang Juzheng takes action and things happen to him, it’s not about preparing for something serious. After all, if the time comes, no one can protect these people.

Especially now that Empress Dowager Li is in power and Zhang Juzheng is in power, if someone really falls into Zhang Juzheng's hands, it will be the end. If an emperor is in power, then When faced with a situation involving many people, for the sake of the stability of the court, an emperor might turn a blind eye, punish a few people symbolically, or even do nothing at all. It can avoid the chaos of the court, and more importantly, it can avoid the troubles caused by the ministers' distrust of the emperor.

However, the Empress Dowager Li is now in power, which is completely different. First, although the Empress Dowager Li is in power now, she is only temporary, and she does not intend to take the imperial power into her pocket. Regarding this One point, whether it is Queen Mother Li herself or others, all think so, and it is the most indisputable point.

And it is precisely because of this that there are the following problems. If there is something corrupt and perverted, and if the Empress Dowager Li finds out about it, no matter how many people will be involved or how serious it is, it has nothing to do with it. No matter how important it is, Empress Dowager Li will not have any scruples, she will definitely be cruel.

Why do you say that, nowadays, the one who is least afraid of chaos in the imperial court is the Empress Dowager Li. This year's general examination has already been held. Because it is the first year of Wanli, the number of candidates for this year has been relaxed a lot. , In this way, after a while, there will be many people who will take part in the palace examination, and even more people will be able to become Jinshi.

These people will all become reserve officials of the court, and there are still many such people in the court. Although they are not in important positions, they have already had the preparation and conditions. If someone dares to make trouble at this time, Li The queen mother will definitely demote these people mercilessly and promote some young and energetic people. Maybe these people are not as experienced as the original people, but experience can be cultivated.

Moreover, Empress Dowager Li is also least afraid that doing so will cause the officials to be dissatisfied with her. If you are dissatisfied, you can be dissatisfied. What does it have to do with her? In time, Zhu Yijun will be able to take charge of the court in person. At that time, she, Li Caifeng, will return to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to enjoy the life of the Queen Mother for the rest of her life, and other things have nothing to do with her.

Since things will develop in this direction, why not do it? For the future of my son, I will smooth out some ups and downs, and concentrate those resentments on myself. Anyway, in the future, these people will be regarded as No matter how much you resent her, even if you curse her every day, what is there to worry about when she is in the palace.

Therefore, if Mrs. Li is allowed to preside over these matters later, there will definitely not be a small number of people who will be dismissed from office or even lose their heads in the future.

I'm afraid that the world's scholars will be chilled. What is that? The Ming Dynasty's national policy of emphasizing civility over military affairs has never changed. What's more, even if those people's heads are chopped off at that time, there will definitely be a very reasonable reason. As long as you mention a few crimes casually, no matter who it is, there is no reason to say anything more.

And this, who in the court doesn't know, now, these people can be said to have entered a dilemma, and there seems to be no way to solve it.

As for Zhang Juzheng, it's not that Zhang Juzheng is so good, so rigorous, so flawless, flaws, Zhang Juzheng definitely has, and he is very big, Zhang Juzheng is not without bad intentions, and many people in the court also I can already see his trend.

But Zhang Juzheng has a preliminary advantage, that is, he does not have any handles in the hands of others, that is, Zhang Juzheng's official career is very, very smooth, when he was Xu Jie's student, Xu Jie put him in a very safe place to practice , when Zhang Juzheng was able to leave the army, he had not received any harm at all.

On this point, it can be said that no one in the court can compare with Zhang Juzheng. Even Zhang Fan only spent a lot less time than Zhang Juzheng, but suffered more than Zhang Juzheng.

In short, seeing that there is going to be a storm in the court, and Zhang Juzheng, as the planner, no one can stop him, and the others have no choice but to think about how to survive the storm. It's been a long time, I know it's passed safely,

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