Recently, Zhang Fan started to worry again.

There is no other reason. There is news from the southwest. The news that comes is really good news for the court. This time, the battle against the Bo people is really a big victory. Liu Obviously he deserves to be a famous general in Ming Dynasty, not to mention his ability to lead troops. This time, he led 14 officers and soldiers to fight against the so-called "Flying Suppression" of the Bo people, which is indeed worthy of his name.

The 14 Han army, facing the coalition army of more than 14 Bo people, if it was put in the past, or even before the war, it would be impossible to say that the Han army would inevitably win. After all, it is in the southwest, and there are many Although the ethnic minorities have never had fewer disputes, the Han people have never put them in their eyes. Therefore, the army over there is not strong in combat effectiveness. If it is the frontier army in the northern border , Let alone 6, even if it is an equal number of [-], or even [-], [-], or [-] fewer than them, it is not a problem at all to win against the Bo people's [-] army.

However, this kind of thinking is unrealistic. That is to say, Liu Xian led the 14 Han army to fight against the enemy's [-] Bo people's army. It is a very remarkable thing to be able to win, not to mention, now Still a big win.

In this battle, among the imperial court's 14 troops, the confirmed death toll was less than 1, and the number of wounded was only 2. Although a total of 3 casualties sounds like a lot, But this kind of thing always depends on who the opponent is. Since it is the Bo people, it is definitely enough to be proud of having such a record.

Although Liu Xian himself is not happy about this victory, after all, 1 people will never be able to stand up again, and they will never be able to see their own relatives again. This is definitely what makes Liu Xian feel the most sad. But in fact, it doesn't matter how Liu Xian looks at this matter, what the important court thinks about it, and right now, for the court, this kind of victory is definitely worthy of praise.

Of course, this is only for the court. In fact, whether the court rewards or not is still the same thing. Zhang Fan doesn't have much feeling about this matter.

He also knew the news about the Bo people. Although he didn't know how the people of later generations would evaluate this matter, nor how they would feel about the demise of such a nation, Zhang Fan understood One thing, the demise of the Bo people, actually has many irreversible factors.

Today, the victory of the imperial court has made many famous ethnic groups living under the rule of the Ming Dynasty speak out. This matter has a great impact, so it does not take much time for it to spread throughout the world, but for other ethnic minorities In other words, the Bo people who have been serious for thousands of years, such a powerful Bo people, actually disappeared overnight, and they can only be seen in other people's mouths or in books in the future. , It was indeed a shock.

No, it's not so much a shock, it's more like a deterrent. Now, other ethnic groups have become like soldiers, and everyone is in danger, especially those ethnic groups who used to always like to fight against the court. .

At the same time, Zhang Fan also received a rumor, which was spread in many places. Although the content was different, there was only one meaning. The general meaning was that the reason why the Bo people rebelled against the Ming court was because of Those who resisted the tyranny of the tyrants and the Ming court's exorbitant taxes raised their flags to revolt. Naturally, the egg hit a stone and was ruthlessly crushed by such a tyrannical dynasty as the Ming Dynasty.

It sounds heroic and righteous, and it seems that all righteousness is on the side of the Bo people, but Ming Ting played an extremely evil role. In short, the whole thing sounds like, Ming Ting is a dark However, the tyrannical dynasty extremely oppressed the ethnic minorities under his rule, but the Bo people generally dedicated their lives for the cause of justice.

But Zhang Fan, who understands what's going on, knows what's going on. Maybe others will think about this matter. After all, this kind of thing sounds like it's really the same thing, but Zhang Fan Understand, that's not the case at all.

Why can Zhang Fan be so sure? It is not because he is an official of the Ming Dynasty that he wants to defend the Ming court. The reason why Zhang Fan thinks so is completely objective, because the Bo people are not in the Ming Dynasty at all. Within the scope of taxation, whether it is because of the Bo people's indefinite residence or their resistance to the Ming Dynasty, in short, in the two hundred years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Bo people have never been taxed for a penny.

As for the oppression of the powerful, with the temperament of the Bo people, if they encountered such a situation, they would have rushed forward with a knife, and there was no such thing as a strong person who dared to oppress them.

The most important problem between the Bo people and the Ming court is the problem caused by the long-term irreconcilable conflict between the local Bo people and the Han people. Back then, Wang Hao killed countless Bo people in the name of appeasement This is the fuse, which directly led to the nearly hundred-year-long struggle between the Bo people and the Ming court, and finally led to the demise of the Bo people.

Of course, there are many people in the court who understand what is going on, but no one has ever said it, and no one intends to release the news and announce it to the world. After all, it is enough to understand this kind of thing. For the imperial court, they have no obligation to tell others what is going on. More importantly, for the imperial court, many people understand that this kind of thing cannot be done, but it seems to be doing it for themselves. It's not normal to defend anything, but you're putting yourself in a disadvantageous position.

However, these things are no longer important to Zhang Fan. What Zhang Fan needs to worry about now is not the issue of the Bo people, but what he needs to do after this great war. She didn't tell anyone what she thought, and even Zhang Fan, who planned the whole thing with her, and Empress Dowager Li didn't reveal any information, but Zhang Fan was able to come out a little bit about what the Empress Dowager Li was going to do. .

And Zhang Fan, who guessed what he would face, is now so troubled. After all, before doing what the Queen Mother Li is about to order him, Zhang Fan still has one unresolved matter here. To solve it, Zhang Fan didn't have the mind to do other things at all, but the problem was that he still had no clue about that matter.

What happened? Wasn't it just that when Zhuo Yang went to "assassinate" Zhu Yijun last time, someone actually reported to Zhang Fan's house on the same day?

Zhang Fan was worried about this. He was worried that the person who did this would threaten his family in the future.

After so many days of investigation, he, Wang Meng, Liang Chao and others have locked the problem on the rear army that day, and they have even found an extremely suspicious person.

After investigating in the army for a period of time without any news, Zhang Fan operated secretly and gave that person a few days off to come out so that he would have a chance to show his flaws, but after five days passed, that person also returned. Back in the army, but Jin Yiwei did not find any news, this is simply confusing, could it be that there is a mistake.

During those five days, this person didn't know if he had noticed the reason why someone was spying on him. In the past few days, besides resting at his home, he drank a little wine and even went to a brothel once. However, no matter how you look at it, this is the work of an ordinary soldier who has been in the army for a long time. In addition, he has no family, so it is completely normal to do these things.

However, for the task assigned by Zhang Fan, the people watching below naturally did not let it go, no matter whether they went to the tavern with him, or even went to those romantic places secretly, fortunately, this person has been there during this time. The places he went to were not too many, and it wasn't too troublesome for Jin Yiwei to investigate.

However, a problem also emerged. During these five days, Jin Yiwei followed him and saw that he had contacted a lot of people, and because of caution, Jin Yiwei even investigated all the people who had contact with him. As long as they had a face-to-face meeting with this person, they would not let go of them, not to mention the people who had spoken to him.

However, what is the final situation? There is no problem at all after the investigation of hundreds of people. Although there are hundreds of people, such a huge number, in such a short period of time, there is no way to do too in-depth investigation. , but there is no problem at all, obviously there is a problem.

When Zhang Fan received the news, his first reaction was, could it be that he had misjudged the person, but immediately, he felt no way. Check it out, it can be confirmed that the person who knocked him unconscious is a master.

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone came outside and knocked him out, but Zhang Fan thinks this possibility is very low. After all, someone will assassinate Zhu Yijun that day. Only five people know about this matter, and it is absolutely The five people who will not reveal the news, if this is the case, since no news is leaked, how can anyone go there innocently.

It is still said that the people who went there were not for this matter, but because of other things. They accidentally saw someone assassinate the emperor, and this was a temporary change of approach.

Although this possibility is also possible, Zhang Fan doesn't think it will be the case.

But now, following the news from the southwest, Zhang Fan knew that he would have to leave the capital for a long time, but the problem here had not been resolved, which made Zhang Fan feel worried about leaving here.

In short, Zhang Fan is now caught in a dilemma, and there is no solution, which makes Zhang Fan quite uneasy.

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