Zhang Fan was sighing because he couldn't find a clue. He was sitting in the yamen room by himself, but he didn't move. Wang Meng and Liang Chao were both there, but Wang Mengzhishi stood where he was, without speaking, as if Thinking about something, it was Liang Chao who looked from one side to the other, feeling a little impatient.

Speaking of which, Liang Chao is like this on a daily basis, not that his sense of responsibility is stronger than that of Wang Meng, that's not the case, Liang Chao is just a little worried about Zhang Fan, and it doesn't mean that Wang Meng doesn't care, In this respect, the two people are similar, the only difference is that Wang Meng doesn't put a worried expression on his face. On the surface, he looks like he has nothing to do, while Liang Chao is just the opposite. It is said that once there is something or thought in his heart, he will never keep it in his heart and not say it, it will definitely show on his face.

Just like now, both of them were worried about Zhang Fan, but Wang Meng seemed relatively quiet, while Liang Chao couldn't calm down.

After a while, seeing that Zhang Fan still hadn't changed, and Wang Meng remained the same as before, Liang Chao couldn't hold back any longer. He walked up to Zhang Fan in two steps, and said: " My lord, what should I do with this matter now, my lord will tell you," dare to say, he is worried, but there is no good way at all.

Seeing Liang Chao's anxious and angry expression, Zhang Fan laughed. He was smiling on his face, but also in his heart. Zhang Fan was laughing that he had such a good subordinate who worried about him. However, Liang Chao was so worried about him. I was anxious, but I didn't say what to do. Apart from making the tense scene a lot easier, it didn't help much. No, in fact, for Zhang Fan, the sudden intervention of Liang Chao Those words really helped a lot, at least he was no longer as lifeless as before. Just like that, it already made people feel very relaxed.

"That's what you said, but I didn't think of any good solution for a while." Zhang Fan looked at Liang Chao with a somewhat funny expression, and said, "However, that's what I said again. Since you asked so , Thinking about it, you must have already figured out a way, let’s talk about it, what is the way, "

"Humble job... low job..." Asked by Zhang Fan, Liang Chao was immediately speechless. Originally, he hadn't thought of any solution at all. Now that Zhang Fan asked him to say it, how could he say anything? So yes, but, still echoing the old saying, quick wit, whether it is a good idea or a bad idea, in short, Liang Chao really thought of a way just now, "Why don't you, my lord, let's do this, Isn’t it that we’re already eyeing a guy now, so don’t worry about it so much, just arrest him and ask him if it’s okay, then?”

Well, this is indeed a bad idea. Liang Chao may not have considered things as carefully as Zhang Fan and Wang Meng, but it is not too bad. Now he will say such a bad idea. The only explanation is later. Just now Zhang Fan's words made him helpless for a moment, so he could only say so.

And hearing Liang Chao's words, not only Zhang Fan, but even Wang Meng, who had been silent all the time, laughed.

"Hey, Liang Chao, when you think about things in the future, you must not be so impulsive," Zhang Fan looked at him, and said, "This matter must never be done like this, and you don't even think about it. What are we doing to each other now? People have no clue at all, if they act rashly, they will cause serious disasters. What if the other party has accomplices in the rear army, what should we do? Let's take him away, his accomplices You'll know right away, won't all our previous efforts be wasted by doing this?"

"Your Excellency...that's what you said," Liang Chao lowered his head after hearing Zhang Fan's words.

"You don't have to be like this," Zhang Fan said when he saw Liang Chao's dejected look, "Although the method you mentioned is not advisable, it is still a method. People have been arrested for questioning, but it’s not yet that time.”

"My lord, what should we do now," Wang Meng asked at the side. Obviously, Wang Meng would ask this, indicating that he couldn't think of any good solution, "Could it be that we just do nothing and let these people secretly I can't prepare,"

"Although I don't want to, but..." Zhang Fan sighed again, "But now it seems that this is the only way to go."

"But my lord, how can this work?" Liang Chao seemed to disagree with this method, "The other party is after the lord and his family. If the time comes, what will happen to the lord's family... Please forgive me for being rude. , but if something good or bad happens to this kind of thing..."

"Yes, no matter who these people are or what they want to do, they are after me now," Zhang Fan nodded seriously, and said, "Although this makes me very worried, but fortunately, we Knowing that these people seem to be eyeing me and my family, so it's not a bad thing.

"Naturally, I don't have to worry about it. Besides, it won't be long before the Empress Dowager Li will make another order. At that time, I will not be in the capital, and it will take at least two months to come back. As for the family, anyway, it’s autumn now, and there’s nothing to do. I’ll tell my family and tell them not to go out as much as possible. In this way, it will be a lot easier to just guard a big yard. up,"

"My lord said that." Wang Meng also agreed with Zhang Fan's approach, "At that time, if you say what those people plan to do, your lord will not be in the capital anymore. , absolutely will not let the family of the adults be threatened, "

"Wang Meng is right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "But this time, the two of you don't need the two of you, just leave it to someone else. I'm relieved to have them guarding the house."

"My lord, how can I do this," Liang Chao said quickly after hearing what Zhang Fan said, "In this case... my lord, it's better to let Xiaozhi or Brother Wang stay alone."

Although Wang Meng on the side didn't speak, he looked at Zhang Fan curiously.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Zhang Fan smiled and said, "I've already arranged for you not to worry about this matter, and it's not that I don't trust you, but this time I'm going to take you to leave together." Jing, compared to being inside the capital, it is more useful for the two of you to stay by my side,"

After hearing what Zhang Fan said, the two felt relieved. Since Zhang Fan said that he had already made arrangements, the two of them naturally believed that Zhang Fan would definitely not be fooling them. After all, things in the capital are related. When it came to Zhang Fan's family, how could Zhang Fan make fun of this kind of thing?

"By the way, my lord," Wang Meng said suddenly, "this time, my lord let Xiao Zhi and Liang Chao go together. thing.

When Liang Chao heard Wang Meng's question, he also looked at Zhang Fan, waiting for his answer.

When Zhang Fan was asked by Wang Meng, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "This time, Empress Dowager Li found a good job for us. However, this matter is really a bit tricky. After all, we have heard about the situation over there, but we have not seen it with our own eyes. If there is any discrepancy in the news, what we have prepared before Those things will be in vain.

"However, since this matter was ordered by the Queen Mother, and now that the Bo people have suffered a big defeat, it is naturally impossible for the Queen Mother to let go of such a good opportunity. Let's go this time, and if we do well, we can directly I have come back with a prince in custody, if something goes wrong, then we will definitely have no good fruit to eat, what will happen at that time, now it is not so much unexpected, but I dare not think about it at all, "

"My lord, is the matter so serious?" Liang Chao shuddered when he heard Zhang Fan say this, and couldn't help asking, "You must know that although the queen mother asked us to do this matter, speaking of it, he, the king of Shuduan, But I don't know, even if he knows that the queen mother is going to deal with him, he won't know what your lord has to do with this matter. At that time, even if we can't do what the queen mother ordered, it is still easy to think about it if we want to retreat Bar,"

"It's not as simple as you think," Zhang Fan said. "This time, the Queen Mother sent me there, which is almost equivalent to telling King Duan that I have something to do with this matter. Don't think about it. In what name? It’s not that the imperial court wanted to reward the three armies, as well as the general and the governor because of the victory over the Bo people. However, for this kind of thing, you can just find any father-in-law. Why do you have to find me? Jin Yiwei is commanding the envoys to go.

"He may be very self-confident, but he doesn't look like a fool, and do you think there is no one around a prince who can advise him? Absolutely. Going there as me is a strange thing in itself. Plus, it’s only been a while since the incident happened, just think about it a little bit and you’ll understand why we went there. By then, he, Duan Wang, will know why we’re here, and he doesn’t know what will happen Something is waiting for us.

"In short, going this time is definitely a bad luck, and it will be useful to take the two of you with you. A few of you can brighten my eyes, and don't ignore anything, or we will be in big trouble,"

"My lord, I understand the humble position," Wang Meng and Liang Chaolai said in unison,

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