The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 958 Return from the Northeast

After determining the way to deal with it.Zhang Fan obviously relaxed a lot.And what happened next.It made Zhang Fan feel much more at ease.only.this matter.It sounds like someone is back.Who would make Zhang Fan feel at ease when someone came back.It was Wang Degui who was ordered by Zhang Fan two months ago to take more than [-] desperadoes to the northeast to assassinate Wang Gao's general.

The incident happened on the day when Zhang Fan, Wang Meng and Liang Chao had just finalized the way to deal with it.In the afternoon, Zhang Fan received the report from below.Said that Wang Degui and his party had returned.

Zhang Fan who heard the news.Naturally very happy.After all, he had been waiting for Wang Degui's return for a long time.Since last time.Received the news here.After analysis, Wang Degui will be back soon.In fact, Zhang Fan has been waiting for this matter.But since the news came that day.Then suddenly there was no audio.It made Zhang Fanduo wait for nearly a month.Just when Zhang Fan felt strange.But he didn't expect Wang Degui to come back.This news naturally made Zhang Fan very happy.

It was Wang Degui who came back.This matter itself made Zhang Fan happy.After all, Wang Degui was sent there in the first place.It is also impossible.For Zhang Fan.If you can change someone.Wang Degui will definitely not be his first choice.after all.Wang Degui made Zhang Fan very reluctant to send him to perform this kind of task.

One reason is.Wang Degui can be said to be Zhang Fan since he came to this era.One of the first to bear fruit.Not to mention.Wang Degui had saved Zhang Fan's life many times on the battlefield.Even without considering other reasons.Just because of this.It was already making Zhang Fan unwilling to let him carry out such a risky thing with his life.

There is another reason.Ever since the contest between Wang Degui and Wang Meng.Let Zhang Fan understand that Wang Degui is a person whose martial arts are not inferior to Wang Meng.This can be regarded as the rise of Zhang Fan's love for talents.In short, he was very unwilling to let Wang Degui, who has such abilities, do this kind of task.certainly.If you think about it from another angle.may feel.Since I have the ability.To do this kind of thing.But Zhang Fan didn't want Wang Degui to suffer any harm.after all.Northeast things.It's practically a foregone conclusion.The war is naturally imminent.And now with the help of Zhang Fan and others in the court.Li Chengliang was not as hardworking as he used to be.It can be said.The upcoming Northeast War.Ming Ting's victory has almost been confirmed.What Zhang Fan did.It's just to reduce the damage.

But in the end.Zhang Fan still let Wang Degui go.This was not only due to Zhang Fan himself.Among them, Wang Degui's extreme demands also accounted for a large part of the reason.For Wang Degui.Zhang Fan can be regarded as the first scholar he made friends with.For this friend.Wang Degui cherishes it very much.certainly.Now the identity difference between the two.So that the two can no longer be commensurate with the title of "friend".But for Wang Degui.Zhang Fan's weight in his heart was only getting heavier and heavier.

In Wang Degui's view.Zhang Fan is simply omnipotent.So when he heard that Zhang Fan had a problem he couldn't solve.Immediately another thought arose.His mind hasn't changed.He still thought that there was nothing Zhang Fan couldn't solve.Now it's just a temporary problem.that time.when he knows.Zhang Fan can use himself.And after he was able to help Zhang Fan solve the problem.Wang Degui didn't think much about it at all.Immediately agreed to come down.

The reason why Wang Degui wanted to do this.After all.Just for when Zhang Fan needed him.Can help Zhang this point.This is what Wang Degui really thinks.

The second thing that made Zhang Fan happy about Wang Degui's return.In fact, this is what they were discussing before.It was about the person who went to Zhang Fan's house to inform about the problem that has not been found out until now.

this matter.Although it is still unclear whether it is good or bad.There is not even any indication of the nature of this matter at all.but.Zhang Fan's intuition told himself.Even if this thing is not a bad thing.It's definitely not a good thing either.Although now.He has already decided how to deal with it.But for Zhang Fan.After all, his family is here.So how could he be completely at ease.

and.He will go to Sichuan this time.For many reasons.This time he had to bring Wang Meng and Liang Chao, his two most capable subordinates, with him.To this.These two also had doubts.After all, the two left.Although there are naturally Zhang Fan's men in the capital protecting his family.It's not that these two people don't trust the people below.But the two couldn't help but play games and worry about it.

But Zhang Fan still asked for it.after all.For Zhang Fan.An invisible threat.I don't even know if it's a threat.Naturally, it is not as good as what can be seen in front of you.Need to employ people.After all, Zhang Fan is a rational person.He won't do it for things that he doesn't understand at all.Even his family is potentially at risk.But he will not waste his manpower for no reason because of these things.

So finally.Zhang Fan did not leave either Wang Meng or Liang Chao in the capital.But that didn't mean he wasn't worried at all.In fact, he was still quite worried.but.After all, there is no other way.Even if you are worried, you can only bear it by yourself.

And now.Wang Degui is back.This also made Zhang Fan breathe a sigh of relief.good.That's what Zhang Fan meant.Let Wang Degui stay.Stay in the capital.protect his family.In case something happens at that time.There is such a good hand as Wang Degui.Zhang Fan can rest assured.

As for other aspects.Although Wang Degui looks like a rough person.At most, his martial arts skills are quite powerful.To be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Wang Meng, who has now been dubbed the title of "No. [-] Master of the Imperial Court".But Wang Degui didn't seem to be thinking much.

But this is just what Wang Degui looks like on the outside.People who really understand Wang Degui.People like Zhang Fan will understand.Wang Degui is a very reliable person.And his mind.It's not as thick as his appearance looks.But very delicate.It's just that Wang Degui is not good at expressing himself.even.For Zhang Fan.This is the most useful way for Wang Degui.His appearance can fool many people.Let Bi people be hard to guard against.Allow Wang Degui to accomplish many things.

That's why Zhang Fan was very happy about the news of Wang Degui's return.

The third day after receiving the news that Wang Degui was coming back.They are here.after all.There are only twenty of them.And all of them are extraordinary.Although I lived in the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast for several months.And it's still the kind of head that is pinned to the waistband of the trousers.The task of assassinating the opponent's general.If you relax a little, you may be besieged by a large number of enemies.Ended up decapitated.But once this task is over.Naturally, these people will not delay.I will never be tired again.After all, Wang Degui was the only one among them.Others remembered Zhang Fan's promise to set them free.Compared to things like being tired.The temptation of freedom is even greater for these people.It is also their motivation.

so.After Duoyanwei sent the news.Just three days.They came back.This speed is really quite fast.

When Zhang Fan saw their figures.Really surprised a lot.To know.This time to go to the task.It can be said to be very dangerous.For these people.Even if they all have high martial arts.But it may not be able to return safely.After all the place to go.Not to mention the environment.Very bad.Not to mention the people they were dealing with.He is also the leader of all the tribes of the Jurchen tribe today.Even if its own strength is not strong.There are also a large number of guards under his command.

But when Zhang Fan saw these people who came back.I was really shocked.because.There were 22 people when we went.Still so many came back.A lot.This is naturally surprising.after all.More than two months.Assassinated so many generals under Wang Gao.But none of them lost any of them.All came back fine.How could this not surprise Zhang Fan?

At first.Zhang Fan will send these desperadoes there.There is another reason.Although he promised to give these people freedom.Not ready to break his promise.But he still has some concerns about setting these people intends to take this assignment.Let some of these people die.Or seriously injured.But now I didn't think of it.All of these people came back unscathed.

Take a closer look.These people were better than the last time Zhang Fan saw them.There are too many vicissitudes.But this is conceivable.After all, I have spent so long in the deep mountains and old forests in the northeast.Otherwise.On the contrary, it makes people feel curious.

in addition.Although there are many of these people.However, someone did get hurt.No.In fact, it can be said that everyone has a lottery.Some can be clearly seen as new scars.Some are even wrapped in bandages now.It just doesn't affect the action.

And Wang Degui worried Zhang Fan the most.Looks like nothing happened either.Except for that face that hasn't been cleaned properly in months.Outside of a beard.Everything else looks fine.The face is still the same as before.A simple and honest look.

Zhang Fan was on Wang Degui's body.Only two scars were seen on the exposed hands.Others do not know.

But these are not important.The most important thing is that these people returned safely.And Wang Degui, who worries Zhang Fan the most, doesn't seem to have any problems at all.

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