The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 959 Don't want to leave

"My lord, I'm back." Wang Degui was naturally very happy to see Zhang Fan, but he didn't forget that before he reported to Zhang Fan, his task was not yet completed. "I will complete the task assigned by your lord." Well, this time we killed the pomegranate general under Wang Gao, and there were dozens of other generals. I heard that Wang Gao was so angry that he was jumping up and down, and he was seriously ill, "This, It can be regarded as the military style that Wang Degui still carries.

"You..." Hearing what Wang Degui said, Zhang Fan couldn't help being a little surprised. He looked at Wang Degui and was speechless for a moment.

When Wang Degui saw Zhang Fan's appearance, he immediately understood what Zhang Fan meant. He still had that simple and honest appearance, and smiled, "My lord looks good, they already know my identity." It turned out that Zhang Fan understood what Wang Degui said when he called him Sir, and Wang Degui could see what Zhang Fan meant, so he immediately explained it.

It turned out that it wasn't that these people really had sharp eyes and saw Wang Degui's identity; it wasn't that Wang Degui's acting skills were insufficient, and that he revealed his identity somewhere, but Wang Degui's acting skills were very good, fully expressing a traitor who fell into a bandit and was beaten The court chased and killed him for a long time before arresting him, a man with high martial arts skills, others couldn't see any weakness in Wang Degui at all.

There is only one reason for these people to know Wang Degui's identity, that is, Wang Degui told them. As for why Wang Degui said that, it was not because he deliberately violated Zhang Fan's order. I still remember that at that time, for a while, Wang Gao After more than a dozen generals under their command were successfully assassinated by them, these people finally became vigilant and did not dare to push them too hard. They not only agreed to Wang Gao's request to send someone to protect them, but also strengthened their own vigilance, so that It is very difficult for Wang Degui to succeed here.

Originally, according to Zhang Fan's intention, being able to assassinate the opponent's ten generals already made Zhang Fan feel good, and it also met his requirement of disturbing Wang Gao's position. When this happened, the actions of these people became abnormal At this time, if they come back, Zhang Fan will abide by the agreement. After all, they have fulfilled their request.

What's more, if it wasn't because they were in the deep mountains in the northeast and they couldn't be contacted at all, Zhang Fan wanted to let them come back at that time. Of course, the main reason was because Wang Degui was there, and Zhang Fan didn't want Wang Degui to come back. So what hurts.

However, Wang Degui did not do what Zhang Fan hoped. Perhaps it should be said that it was not that he did not understand what Zhang Fan meant, but that it was him who was raped by Zhang Fan. How could he not take the first thing he asked to do, he hoped he could do better.

However, this is just Wang Degui's own thoughts. For others, the task assigned to them by Zhang Fan has been completed. As long as they go back at that time, Zhang Fan can set them free. Therefore, in Wang Gao After the people stepped up their guard and made it difficult for them to attack, these people didn't want to do that anymore. After all, it would become very dangerous. The reason why they agreed to Zhang Fan's request to do this thing was for themselves The freedom and no longer being hunted down, but if you lose your life because of this matter, the gain will not be worth the loss, so no one was willing to continue doing it at that time.

And Wang Degui is not a reckless man. He understands that if these people are separated from this matter, he alone will definitely not be able to do it. It can even be said that if these people do not work together, this matter will not be done at all. No way.

Therefore, Wang Degui told them his identity, and these people were really surprised when they knew Wang Degui's identity. Between life and death, Wang Degui saved the lives of many of them, but even so, after they knew Wang Degui's identity, they still wanted to go up and beat him up. No one did anything.

However, although Wang Degui revealed his identity, in fact he didn't think too much about it, but in the end, Wang Degui persuaded them to continue doing it, relying on what everyone would have in their hearts. It's just a sense of justice. This may sound a little ridiculous, but it is the truth.

After Wang Degui accepted Zhang Fan's task, he also learned about these people. No matter what they did before they were arrested by Jin Yiwei, but they were released by Zhang Fan to do this. Naturally, these people They were selected by Zhang Fan and the others. Some of them may have committed many crimes and killed many people, but their nature is not the kind that is bad to the bone, and there is still a trace of humanity. Moreover, because The particularity of this matter, the 20 people selected by Zhang Fan this time, without exception, are all Han Chinese.

But Wang Degui just told them that Wang Gao is going to rebel, and once the rebellion starts, maybe Li Chengliang is well prepared to wipe out Wang Gao's rebellious army, but there will be many sacrifices. Well, for the Jurchens, these people don't care about the life and death of the Jurchens, but for ordinary people, it's impossible to say that they don't have any ideas. After all, none of these people has reached the point of inhumanity .

As for the officers and soldiers, although they care about it, they don't care very much. After all, these officers and soldiers have chased and killed them and killed many of their brothers. Although they are not the same person, in the eyes of these people , Officers and soldiers are officers and soldiers, there is no difference.

But Wang Degui's words really moved them. After all, these officers and soldiers were ordinary people before they joined the army, and they were also unarmed. One is to eat, and the second is to protect one's family. After all, the Northeast has been harassed by Jurchens and Tartars all year round, which is not much more stable than northern Xinjiang.

These people are just ordinary people who want to protect themselves, and under the narration of Wang Degui, a person who has personal experience, although there is no gorgeous tone, it is extremely touching, not to mention, among the more than twenty people, there are many Few people have served in the army and killed the enemy in battle. Wang Degui's words made them feel the same way, and reminded them why they went back to join the army in the first place.

In short, no matter what, these people were persuaded by Wang Degui, and continued to carry out the tasks assigned by Zhang Fan, and then, until today, they completed the tasks and returned.

When Wang Degui was explaining, Zhang Fan stood there and listened to him quietly, and glanced at the twenty or so people from time to time, but he didn't notice any special changes in them, which made Zhang Fan's heart ache. Some ideas arise.

"Okay, since you're back, that's good," Zhang Fan said, "I understand that you are eager to come back. After driving for three days, you are exhausted. If you haven't eaten yet, the yamen has already prepared food for you." , feel free to rest if you want, Wang Degui, come with me, I have something to tell you, "

"Hey, dog..." Just as Zhang Fan was about to turn around and leave, one of them shouted to him, but the word "dog officer" was stopped by him before he said it, maybe The reason for this, even he himself may not be able to figure it out, " promised us that after this matter is over, you will let us go and don't bother us anymore. Now your We've done the thing, now it's time to let us go, or say, you plan to say nothing, "

"Of course not." Hearing what he said, Zhang Fan looked at him and said with a smile, "This is what I promised you, so I will naturally do what I say. If any of you can't wait , leave now, I guarantee that no one will stop you.

"What I just meant was that you have worked hard for more than two months, and now you have to drive back from the road for three days. You must be very tired, so I plan to reward you, and there is nothing special, just It's just a feast, if you are not satisfied, or if you want something else, just ask, as long as it is not difficult, I will satisfy you.

"As for your freedom, it's the same as what I just said, as long as you want to leave, you can leave at any time, even if you leave now, absolutely no one will stop you,"

"Then what if..." the man said after hearing Zhang Fan's words, it seemed a little uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, he still said, "What if we don't want to leave?"

"What did you say?" At that moment, after Zhang Fan heard his words, he immediately thought that he had heard wrong. After all, these people were all caught by Jin Yiwei. Although they didn't kill them, they didn't intend to kill them either. For those who let them go out again, freedom is definitely what they hope for most, but now that freedom is right in front of their eyes, they actually say they don't want to leave, Zhang Fan naturally can't understand up.

"I said we didn't want to go," said the man. "Although you set us free, you also said that if we did what we did before, we would be arrested again. But I'm afraid that none of us can bear it." Those who have to hold back, in this case, it is better to stay, "

Although he didn't understand what Zhang Fan said, he immediately understood what Zhang Fan meant, and said, "If you want to stay, I welcome it, but do you understand it?"

"We have understood this a long time ago," the man replied to Zhang Fan,

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