To be honest, these people would propose to stay, this is indeed beyond the scope of Zhang Fan's thinking, he never considered that this matter would develop into this way, but when he understood After these people's thoughts, I thought about it in my heart, and suddenly felt that it was not incredible for these people to do so.

Just like what the person said just now, the most practical question is, if these people leave here as they agreed before, Zhang Fan will naturally keep their promises, and it is absolutely impossible to obstruct them , but the problem is just like what these people said, after all, they committed a lot of things before they were caught by Jin Yiwei, and they were released just like that, even if Zhang Fan could nod his head and agree not to look for them again It's troublesome, but whether they themselves will return to their old jobs, even they themselves can't say for sure.

Of course, since they think this way, the possibility shouldn't be too high, but even if they talk about things like this, they may not be able to explain clearly. Maybe they I can't help but do such and such things, maybe it's not for the forced thing of robbing property, maybe... maybe it's just for killing people.

If this is the reason, then these people have a very good reason for wanting to stay. To say they want to stay, they just want to join Jinyiwei. For Jinyiwei, this kind of fighting and killing is absolutely indispensable. Yes, although Jinyiwei is now in charge of Zhang Fan, and under Zhang Fan's control, everything seems so peaceful, and there is not much bloodshed.

But this kind of situation is only superficial in the final analysis. The real situation is hidden in the dark. How can an organization like Jinyiwei lack things like this? In other words, almost every day, every moment, there are secret fights that have something to do with Jin Yiwei, or in other words, the idea of ​​these people wanting to stay is true in some respects. of.

If it is said that these people joined Jinyiwei for this matter, then they have found the right place. At that time, there will definitely be things waiting for them that they can't finish. At that time, I am afraid there will be some of them I feel that this mission that can't be killed can be done every day, and I'm afraid I will get tired of it.

Of course, this was just a joke. Zhang Fan didn't have any deep hatred against them, so naturally he wouldn't do such a thing. In fact, while remaining neutral about these people's thoughts of joining the Jinyiwei, Zhang Fan also slightly Those who tend to agree, after all, Zhang Fan also understands the hidden dangers of letting these people go back. In this case, it is better to let these people directly under his control.

There is another reason why Zhang Fan can agree with this matter, that is, because of the incident in the Northeast this time, let these people go, these people went, and they also completed the task requested by Zhang Fan very well. That's not the point, the point is that when the situation turned bad, after Wang Degui revealed his identity and said something, he was able to stay in the Northeast for more than a month, and overfulfilled all his tasks. tasks for them.

It was this that made Zhang Fan feel that these people were not hopeless scum, and they still had a chance to reform themselves.

It is also for this reason that after these people made this request, Zhang Fan just thought about it and agreed, but the subordinates around him did not express too much disbelief about Zhang Fan's decision. After all, it is not a new thing for Jin Yiwei to have these people join in.

More importantly, although these people have really done some very excessive things, it is not too unacceptable for them. After all, if you really want to say it, among the current Jinyiwei, there are people who accept such people. It is much more than what these people in front of you have done. If those people can accept it, there is no reason why these people can't come in.

But here, after Zhang Fan agreed, something unexpected happened to him. From Zhang Fan's point of view, these people might not all stay. It would be good if half of them stayed. When these people were asked to make a decision, none of them left. Zhang Fan did not expect this, and even Zhang Fan's subordinates beside him did not expect this to happen.

But Zhang Fan's subordinates couldn't figure out why things turned out like this. After all, what happened in front of them was really unreasonable. , but it shouldn't be all of them. After all, after two months in the Northeast, they were on the brink of crisis all day long, and they might die at any time. Among so many of them, there would always be someone There are those who want to wash their hands from the golden basin and withdraw from the arena, but now, none of these people have such thoughts, and they all want to join Jinyiwei. This is absolutely abnormal.

And Zhang Fan naturally thought of this, but he didn't think there was anything abnormal in it. As for the reason for Zhang Fan's argument, he didn't think too much, but looked at the standing there, Wang Degui with a simple and honest face, yes, what Zhang Fan thinks may make people feel a little unbelievable, but he really thinks that way, in his opinion, these people will all choose such a road, Wang Degui is definitely in Which played a big role.

Maybe Wang Degui didn't mention this matter to them, and from Zhang Fan's understanding of Wang Degui, he is not that kind of person, and Wang Degui doesn't seem to have that kind of particularly strong appeal. It seemed that it was not possible to make all these people feel this way, but Zhang Fan understood that this matter must have something to do with Wang Degui.

Perhaps on the surface, Wang Degui's appearance definitely does not look resourceful, even though his thoughts are not rough, but rather delicate, but Wang Degui is not the kind of person who can play with his mind anytime, anywhere, but However, Zhang Fan understood that it was precisely because of this that Wang Degui had a persuasive power different from others.

As long as you stay with Wang Degui, you will agree with Wang Degui in a short time. Zhang Fan is not boasting about this. here.

And after you agree with Wang Degui, unconsciously, you will be deeply touched by Wang Degui's special way of dealing with people and things. Zhang Fan is deeply touched by this.

But now, if it is because of Wang Degui that these twenty or so people have this common idea under such silent circumstances, Zhang Fan absolutely believes in this, so what Zhang Fan said just now Her eyes were on Wang Degui, but Wang Degui still had such a simple and honest appearance, she couldn't tell what was going on in her heart, and she couldn't even tell if Wang Degui was thinking about anything at this time.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan suddenly had an idea in his mind. Maybe Wang Degui is a great talent. At least, his most advantage is that outsiders can't see what he is thinking at all.

In short, the matter was settled in this way, those people went to rest, and Zhang Fan called Wang Degui over alone, and had something to say.

"This time, Degui, you did a good job," Zhang Fan praised Wang Degui, "But this time, you have worked hard."

"My lord, don't say such things anymore," Wang Degui said, "At the beginning, I... Although the humble officer saved the adult's life, it was also a matter within the humble position. Since the adult entrusted this matter to the humble position, That is the task of a humble job, and it is naturally not something worthy of praise from an adult to complete the task of a humble job, "

"I'm glad you can say that," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "But this time, you did a good job. Now I'm afraid that guy Wang Gao hates you to the bone, but I'm afraid he doesn't even like you. I don't even know what it looks like, so it's funny to think about it.

"This time for more than two months, since you are back, you should take a good rest,"

"My lord, I don't feel tired." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Degui hurriedly said, "Besides, I heard on the way back that my lord is going to Sichuan. I want to... want to go with my lord. Now that I am no longer in the army, I will follow my lord to do things in the future, and this time, please ask my lord to let me follow my lord, just like before,"

"Hehe, you have this kind of thought, and I am even more advanced." Zhang Fan became even happier when he heard Wang Degui say this, "However, this time, I need you to stay in the capital. Don't panic, I didn't mean You can't, it's also useful for me to let you stay in the capital, I want you to protect my family, "

"My lord's family." Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Wang Degui calmed down his agitated expression just now, and asked, "Could it be that your lord's family is in danger? His grandma's, who is the son of a bitch? If you are so bold and dare to do this to your lord, I will kill him."

Immediately, Zhang Fan told Wang Degui the reason of this matter.

After listening to Zhang Fan's words, Wang Degui also understood the importance of the matter, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, a lowly job means risking your life, and you must protect your family. It's fine if these people don't come. If you dare to come , the humble position will definitely let them come and go, "

Hearing Wang Degui's words, Zhang Fan felt relieved. Originally, there was still a trace of worry, but now it has completely disappeared because of Wang Degui's arrival.

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