The matter was settled in this way. Wang Meng and Liang Chao followed Zhang Fan to Sichuan, and Wang Degui stayed in the capital to protect Zhang Fan's family. Naturally, Wang Degui had nothing to say about Zhang Fan's decision. Yes, for Zhang Fan's orders, as long as he doesn't let him sit idle and do nothing, he is willing to do everything.

After learning that Zhang Fan asked Wang Degui to stay and protect his family, Wang Meng and Liang Chao also fully agreed, without any objection at all. They had already experienced Wang Degui's ability and thoughts. They didn't say anything more.

And Zhang Fan originally wanted Wang Degui to live in his home temporarily. After all, Zhang Fan's mother, Zhao Shi, and Ru Xue and Zhao Xue all knew Wang Degui's words, so there was no inconvenience. It's good to have a care or something.

But Wang Degui didn't agree with Zhang Fan's arrangement at all. In the end, Zhang Fan really couldn't resist his stubborn nature, so he bought a small courtyard next to his home for Wang Degui to live in. This time, Wang Degui accepted it without saying a word. After all, he has taken refuge in Zhang Fan now, and he has served in Jinyiwei, and he will live in the capital in the future. Now that he has such a courtyard, it is naturally a good thing. The first thing he does , It is to let people go to pick up their mother-in-law and children.

Seeing Wang Degui's excitement, Zhang Fan was very happy. After all, the two were old acquaintances. Now even if it was because of their previous relationship that they got in touch again, Zhang Fan planned to Give Wang Degui a better chance, but all of this is based on Wang Degui's ability. Whether it is Wang Degui's skill or his serious attitude in handling things, he has also become Zhang Fan. An important reason for him.

And after these things here were done, Zhang Fan started to prepare for going to Sichuan. In fact, this time, letting him go to Sichuan made it clear that he had given the other party a very striking reminder. After all, eunuchs go there most of the time for things like rewarding great victories. At most, people from the Ministry of Rites or the Ministry of War will go together, and even if these people go, there are other reasons , and are also some high-sounding reasons that can be given reasons.

But now, Zhang Fan has gone, what is this? Zhang Fan has many identities, but in this matter, the identities that can be revealed are actually only those two, one is the current Taifu, However, is it necessary to let the current Tai Tuo go to reward such great victories, and it is obvious that Zhang Fan's identity is also destined to be the leader of a group of people going to Sichuan this time, The Taifu took the lead to reward the military exploits, which is really unheard of.

And if it comes to Zhang Fan's other status, it is the commander of Jinyiwei. Of course, if Zhang Fan went as the commander of Jinyiwei, it would make sense. There have always been many falsehoods. Even if the imperial court received the battle report of the great victory, it may not be the actual situation. Not only is there trouble over there, but the imperial court will also lose face. Therefore, it would make sense to ask Jin Yiwei to investigate this time.

However, this is only reasonable, but it is not feasible. After all, the commander of the war this time, the governor of Sichuan Zeng Xingwu appointed Liu Xian, and who Liu Xian is, there is no need to describe it now Well, Liu Xian, not to mention his outstanding military exploits over the years, and more importantly, his conduct as an official is also hard to find fault with, whether in ordinary life or in officialdom, the most The most important feature is that Liu Xian is very upright.

For Liu Xian, even up to now, he has never lost any battles, but he still firmly believes that "victory and defeat are commonplace in military affairs". The reason why he has not been defeated until now, in his opinion, is just Because he has not met a general who can defeat him, but this does not mean that this person does not exist.

Therefore, Liu Xian will definitely report things like the battle report truthfully. After reading Liu Xian's battle report, he said how many people died, that is, how many people died, and there will never be one less. A few people are injured, that is a few people, and there will never be one more.

But now, Zhang Fan has gone, and Zhang Fan is going there in the name of Empress Dowager Li to find out the truth. Of course, this truth is not the other truth. Only Zhang Fan and Queen Mother Li understood it, but it is useless for these few people to understand this matter, and it is not possible to talk about it.

However, Liu Xian didn't know this. From Liu Xian's point of view, there was only one possibility for this matter, that is, Empress Dowager Li thought that he lied about the military situation, so she sent Zhang Fan over to find out something. Come on, even if Liu Xian is a more upright person, he will obey all kinds of orders issued by the court, but this method will definitely make him disgusted. At that time, Liu Xian may not have to do anything, and his subordinates will He will take the initiative to fight the injustice for him. At that time, Zhang Fan will be waiting for endless troubles.

Of course, the troubles were not limited to these, they were only superficial things that other people could guess, and under this, there were other things that would make it even more difficult for Zhang Fan to move forward.

That is naturally about the matter of Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shuduan, and the reason for it is naturally needless to say, but this time, it is precisely at such a stall that Zhang Fan is going to Sichuan again, although on the surface, It was because of the imperial court's great victory over the Bo people that Zhang Fan had the opportunity to go to the Land of Abundance, but how many people would think that Zhang Fan's visit this time had nothing to do with the assassination of the little emperor Zhu Yijun? I'm afraid as long as there is a little bit of brains, everyone will see that there is something else going on here.

Moreover, this time, Zhang Fan's actions were not concealed. In this way, Zhang Fan's going to Sichuan is a matter known to passers-by. , but his status as the governor of Jinyiwei, coupled with the matter of going to Sichuan now, in the eyes of anyone, it is absolutely inseparable from Zhu Xuanqi.

But for Zhang Fan, it doesn't matter what other people think about this matter, what matters is how Zhu Xuanqi thinks about it, and unfortunately, no matter how you look at it from any angle, there is only one possibility, and Zhu Xuanqi will definitely think about it. What Zhang Fan didn't want him to think about.

And then, when Zhang Fan arrives in Sichuan, Zeng Xingwu, Liu Xian, and others on the surface will resist him; and the Shuduan Palace in the dark will definitely not give him a good face. Zhang Fan immediately became the most unpopular person in Shu, and no matter what he wanted to do, he would encounter layers of resistance.

Now that this situation is predictable, Zhang Fan now has no choice but to make preparations for himself. However, in the face of such a dilemma, how should this preparation be done? To be honest, Zhang Fan now Fan also didn't have much clue at all.

However, this is a problem that is in front of him and he has to think about it. If there is no way to deal with it at that time, it is not just a problem of returning empty-handed. It is very likely that Queen Mother Li will also have to worry about him stand up.

And it's not just the Empress Dowager Li's problem. It's very possible that Zhu Xuanqi will do something to him. After all, even if Zhu Xuanqi didn't know that Zhang Fan was involved, it's impossible for him to respond to this matter. He didn't fight back, but, obviously, even if Zhu Xuanqi knew that the Empress Dowager Li was behind the incident, it was impossible for him to complain to the Empress Dowager Li, and if he wanted to fight back, the debt would naturally be It was counted on Zhang Fan, the scapegoat.

And Zhang Fan, no, let alone Zhang Fan, no matter if it was changed to anyone, he would not want to be the dead ghost, and Zhang Fan naturally didn't want to.

The problem is, right now, he still can't think of a way that would allow him to complete the task of Queen Mother Li without being implicated, and even if he failed to complete the task due to some unexpected circumstances, he would not What trouble.

Although this sounds like a bit of a challenge, after all, there are not so many things in this world that have the best of both worlds, but Zhang Fan understands that if he can't do this well, the things waiting for him will definitely be nothing It's a good thing to be gentle, so it doesn't matter if you force yourself, he has to figure out a way to get both, otherwise, he will definitely be in big trouble.

However, let alone, under the situation where Zhang Fan was forcing himself to find a solution, he really came up with an idea, although this idea sounded a bit unbelievable at first glance, and even made him People think it's unbelievable, but Zhang Fan thinks that this idea is really good.

After all, when caught in a deadlock, only those who dare not think can be caught by surprise. However, Zhang Fan made such a decision, which is tantamount to gambling. It's good, but if he loses the bet, although he won't be killed, or fall into a place of eternal doom, it's definitely something he doesn't want to see.

However, Youdao is non-toxic and not a husband. Since he promised Queen Mother Li about this matter, then he will do it like a pig.

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