In other words, these officials from Sichuan really did absolutely nothing, and they really didn’t show any sympathy. From the time they went out of the city to welcome Zhang Fan, such a large group of people were so silent, and this situation continued until This is the case when entering the city, which leads to outsiders seeing such a large number of people walking on the street, but no one speaks, and in the eyes of the common people, those officials and lords on horseback, whether they are The few new faces from the capital, or the old faces they had already known in the local area, all looked uncomfortable.

In this way, it's not just the problem of these people. They are officials after all, and they are very "infectious". As a result, the entire route from the east gate of Chengdu Mansion to the post station is full of a There was an eerie silence that made one feel a little breathless.

For the common people, they naturally don't know what happened. In their view, the recent victory over the Bo people is naturally a good thing, and they also know that the imperial court will send people to reward the three armies. After all, even if the people living here have not been attacked by the Bo people, there will always be such people around them. Over time, listening to the experiences of these people, the local people also have feelings for the Bo people. Of course, this kind of statement is very one-sided, but in fact, it is inevitable that this situation will happen in Chengdu Mansion, after all, this is the capital of Sichuan.

In short, the situation is like this. For the common people, they don't know what happened now. It's the matter of the officials and lords, and has nothing to do with ordinary people like them.

As for Zhang Fan, it seems that the officials in Chengdu Mansion, headed by Zeng Xingwu, have long been prepared. When a very tall person arrives, the most basic point is that after the arrival, he will clean up the dust and hold a banquet. This is the most basic point. Although no one stipulates this point, it is not necessary, but this rule But it has been secretly settled, and it is not so easy to change.

However, this group of officials from the Chengdu Mansion did not do this. In fact, after the group led by Zeng Xingwu took Zhang Fan directly to the post station, he just said in a very official way: "Your Excellency, you are on your way. Far away, please take a rest," he said, and then he took all the people and left without leaving, obviously, this was deliberately to show Zhang Fan's face.

However, Zhang Fan did not say anything after receiving such treatment. After all, he had expected this kind of situation to exist, but in order to "cooperate" with what Zeng Xingwu said, Zhang Fan showed an intolerable expression on his face. With such an appearance, there are also many dissatisfaction incidentally, but that's all, Zhang Fan didn't say anything else.

Zhang Fan's performance made Zeng Xingwu show a cautious expression before leaving. After all, judging from Zhang Fan's words and deeds along the way, he could not bear any grievances, and for this kind of person, Zeng Xingwu naturally He knew how to deal with it, so even on the way, Zhang Fan said a lot of things very provocatively, but Zeng Xingwu ignored all of them, and it was completely ignored, so along the way, Zhang Fan looked frustrated, that is It unreservedly fell into the eyes of a group of officials from the Chengdu government.

Faced with the previous incidents, Zhang Fan had already started clamoring, but now, facing the officials of the Chengdu government who had completely abandoned the etiquette, Zhang Fan did nothing, even though the expression on his face was very ugly , but he didn't say anything.

This point made Zeng Xingwu alert. After all, there is an old saying, "a dog that bites does not bark." Obviously, Zhang Fan did not have a good image in Zeng Xingwu's heart, and in the end, Zeng Xingwu It can also be seen that Zhang Fan is not such an easy-to-handle person on the surface, especially the last appearance, which made Zeng Xingwu think that Zhang Fan would play some tricks.

However, these are all what Zhang Fan needs. In short, no matter what, Zhang Fan has completely offended all the officials in the entire province of Sichuan this time. It is not to be seen, and it has already had such an effect without seeing him, especially for those in Chengdu Mansion who have seen Zhang Fan's extremely arrogant appearance.

As for the lack of food, they either have to eat the bad food in the post station, or they have to buy it by themselves. Zhang Fan and the others don't care about this point. A few people were not very willing, but they also understood that seeing the scene just now, it was impossible for the local officials to treat guests to dinner, so these people also blamed Zhang Fan for the responsibility. On the head, it's just that they dare not speak out when they are angry with Zhang Fan, no, they can't even show an angry face. In short, these people can only bear it by themselves.

These people are even dissatisfied with the place they live in now. After all, post stations are all built according to standards, and things like standards, no matter where they are placed, they all don’t look very good Yes, so even if it is used to receive the first-rank officials of the imperial court, except that the room is a little bigger, the rest really has no essential changes.

But in the final analysis, these things are secondary to Zhang Fan and his group, especially to Zhang Fan. On this point, it may be because of the problem of time. In short, Zhang Fan doesn't care much about this kind of thing. Although he lived in the capital city with fine clothes, fine food, and good housing, Zhang Fan hadn't reached the point where he couldn't sleep if he changed to an earthen kang.

But now, just after moving in, Zhang Fan didn't order the people below to pack up, and he didn't even let anyone take apart the things he brought. There was no other reason. He knew in his heart that he would definitely not live here. long term.

Now, as soon as he entered the room and sat down, he called Wang Meng and Liang Chao over to discuss matters.

"My lord, your solution should be successful," Liang Chao said with a smile, "Just now the humble staff let people follow those people for a while, and sure enough, these people were talking about your lord's faults all the way, and all of them were the same. The face is not happy, as if someone owed them a large sum of money, just... almost scolded them directly, "

"That's good," Zhang Fan heard Liang Chao's words. Although he understood in his heart that these things were in his expectation, but now that Liang Chao confirmed it, he was naturally much happier. This time I came here to ask them to do me a favor, if they are so happy with my visit, then we will be in trouble, "

"But my lord, can this be done?" Wang Meng asked, "Actually speaking, my lord didn't do anything along the way. The reason why people here don't like us so much is because of the name of your lord. Your Excellency's provocation along the way just now, although those people can see that they are upset, they didn't respond to your Excellency at all, especially that Zeng Xingwu, who was so angry by his lord, still didn't say a word He said, it seems that what happened this time was also explained by him.

"It's just that I'm afraid of the lowly position. If things go on like this, sooner or later these people will see the intention of your lord's visit, and then they won't make things difficult for you. Then, the duanwang mansion will be in trouble."

"Well, you're right," Zhang Fan nodded after listening to Wang Meng's words, and said, "That's true, but I've already figured out a way. By the way, these people came to welcome us this time. Why don't you see Liu Xian's people, as the chief general, he won a great victory against the Bo people, the most important reward from the court this time is for him, but he didn't come, it seems that he was also very angry."

"Old General Liu is going to be wronged this time," Liang Chao said on the sidelines, obviously respecting Liu Xian, "When the matter this time is over, my lord has to talk to the old general. Otherwise it's not very good,"

"It's natural," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "However, now we can only feel sorry for him, and we need to be more angry with them. What I said just now on the road, Zeng Xingwu and the others didn’t open their mouths to refute, but I still found something.”

What did Zhang Fan discover? It is very simple. No matter where it is, it will never be monolithic. Even this time, officials from all over Sichuan have the same idea, and they don't want to see Zhang Fan. It is impossible for everyone to be so determined, even if some people have to do this due to Zeng Xingwu's coercion, there are definitely some people who are unwilling to do so in their hearts.

And Zhang Fan said that because he saw such a person in the crowd just now.

"Liang Chao, you will find someone to investigate later," Zhang Fan told Liang Chao, "Just now I saw a person in the crowd, and when I said that, the others all looked angry. , only this person has a look of fear from the beginning to the end. After finding him, bring him to see me. This person is the way for us to continue to anger these people."

Zhang Fan's method is very simple, even though he only said the beginning, but for Wang Meng and Liang Chao, they already know what Zhang Fan intends to do.

"It's my lord, I'll take care of the humble job right away," Liang Chao immediately turned around and went out after receiving the order.

"My lord, this is a trivial matter after all," Wang Meng said to Zhang Fan, "As for Duan Wang's mansion, what should we do?"

"They won't come to us so soon," Zhang Fan said, "Of course, we can't come to our door right now. When things here are almost done, if we offend people again, they will probably come over there." people,"

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