There are so-called black sheep.certainly.Such a word sounds too elegant.Making people feel a little too soft on someone who makes the whole group suffer for personal reasons.then.It came out of more ugly words.It's called "a grain of rat shit. Broken a pot of soup".certainly.Some places are not called mice.But now is not the time to discuss such issues.

Zhang Fan is looking for such a person now.It's just that his intentions were not as sinister as he thought.He just wants to use this person.Just to make yourself look a little more hateful.As for what heinous things are really going to do.Not yet.Just a very common need.

This.It was also something that Zhang Fan had already prepared for a long time ago.Before the capital was on the road.He has already started preparing.certainly.If you still have to ask why Zhang Fan dares to be so sure.There must be such a person here.The truth is very simple.Because there will be disagreements everywhere.No matter where there will be people who do not agree.It's not that Zhang Fan wants to make alarmist talk.In fact, that's particular.the people he is targeting.It is still a special group of officials of the imperial court.That's all the more so.There is no need to think and investigate at all.can be completely determined.That's absolutely how it happened.

In short.That is.Zhang Fan came here to find someone with a different heart.It is not possible to "same hatred" with those local officials.Even now he dare not show it publicly because of Zeng Xingwu's coercion.But Zhang Fan came to the door.It was easy for him to obey Zhang Fan.

Generally speaking.That kind of people.They are all people with their own problems.certainly.It is also not ruled out that some things have not been committed.It's just easier to get nervous.Or the kind of person who has a heart but no guts.But no matter which of these people.It was not a problem for Zhang Fan.As long as Jin Yiwei's name is revealed.There is more than [-]% chance that this person will succumb.Then come.It was easy for Zhang Fan to control the emotions of those people.

Zhang Fan did this.It's not that they have to have trouble with Zeng Xingwu and the others.It's just to create an atmosphere.And for the person Zhang Fan had a crush on.This incident may be a blessing.But it could also be a tragedy.If it is said that this person has not done anything.Or just doing something that wasn't too extreme.Zhang Fan will naturally give him some compensation.even.Maybe let him taste some better sweetness.But if this person really did something that caused complaints from below.Then I'm sorry.

In short.That's the way it is.

But Zhang Fan had just ordered to go over here.The people from the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of War who had been waiting there for a long time could not wait any longer.Here Wang Meng and Liang Chao just walked away.They chose two people to come over.One of them is just the identity of the head of the Ministry of War.Zhang Fan didn't care too much about him.And another person.But it was Zhang Fan's old acquaintance.When Zhang Fan was sent by Longqing to Mobei to collect medicinal materials.He was with Zhang Fan.It was Wang Xilie, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites.

Since we are old acquaintances.Naturally, Wang Xilie would not be too polite.The door has only just opened.He said: "Master Zhang. Now we have also arrived in Chengdu. You look at the matter. Did you go to do it earlier?"

"Master Wang means." Zhang Fan looked like he didn't understand what he meant.It's just that he probably knows better than anyone else in his heart.

"My lord." Wang Xilie knew that Zhang Fan was pretending to be confused.But this kind of thing.He has no way to explain clearly.I can only patiently explain for Zhang Fan. "We have traveled such a long way this time. Didn't we come here to find out whether the conquest of the Bo people was a great victory or something else. If this matter can be found out sooner, we can go back sooner. "

"I know what Master Wang means." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "But this matter may not be so smooth. Besides, I can guess why Mr. Wang wants to go back earlier. However, it is already November. We came here and used a Many months. Wouldn't it take so long to go back?"

"No no no. That's not right." Speaking of which.Wang Xilie shook his head.Said. "This matter may not be as the adults said. There is something hidden in it. After all, that is Liu Xian. Whether he marched and fought or reported military information in the past, all these things are obvious to all. Victory is Winning. Losing is losing. Five people died. It is definitely not three deaths and two injuries. These things don’t need to be considered at all.

"It's the queen mother who has doubts about this now. But I have to be bold. That's because the queen mother doesn't know Old General Liu. If the queen mother knows something about him, my lord and I don't need to be here."

"Master Wang means..."

"That's right." Wang Xilie continued. "If you think about it, you don't need to investigate too much. Even. I think even if the adults announce that there is nothing wrong now. Then the rewards from the court will be distributed. At that time, nothing will happen. Even if the adults are right Don't worry about it. I want to check, but I can't find anything. Since it is the same anyway, why bother to make so many detours. How much trouble is saved.

"It is indeed November now. But we came because we had so many things with us. It would take more than a month. Then we will travel light. We will be back in less than half a month In this way, we can all go back to celebrate the New Year. Why waste the good time here."

"Yes. Master Wang is right." Zhang Fan looked thoughtful.Said. "This time. In fact, I don't really know what the Queen Mother means. After the Queen Mother asked me to come, I asked someone to transfer the file of Old General Liu to look at it. It is indeed as the adults said. The old general Liu's As a human being, it is indeed respectable. No matter how you behave on weekdays or in wars, it is the same. It is really rare.

"It's just that. After all, this matter was explained by the Queen Mother. If we say that we don't do anything, I can't justify it in my heart. Or...or Mr. Wang. What do you think? I will go to see Zeng tomorrow The governor. And old general Liu. Then talk to them. At that time, the two adults have to go together. After all, the situation along the way. Presumably both of you have seen it. There is no way. At that time, we must Please talk about the two.

"After that. It's official. It's not okay to do nothing anyway. I mean. Let's just find a few places and look at it. It's over. Then. Send out the rewards. We can go back earlier. Maybe. We can have a few more days. We can see more. After all, the scenery here is world-famous. This may be the only chance to come here once in this life . Don't miss it."

"Since the adults have said it here, it's naturally good." Wang Xilie saw that Zhang Fan was no longer objecting.Naturally I am happy.after all.Zhang Fan's words.Anyway.It all made him sound very comfortable.not to mention.He has also been busy for a long time.It is certainly nice to have such a break.

And not just Wang Xilie.Even the head of the Ministry of War who came with him next to him nodded along.Apparently he also agreed.

"It's just that, my lord. Although it's good to do this matter. But there is still a little trouble." Wang Xilie suddenly changed the subject.Said.

"What is the meaning of this, Mr. Wang?" Zhang Fan heard him say this.I also became suspicious.After all, what he said just now was based on what Wang Xilie wanted to hear the most.Why does he still say he is dissatisfied now?

"This..." Wang Xilie looked embarrassed.Finally decided to say. "My lord. That's the way it is. This is Zeng Xingwu. I still have some friendship with him. Although not too much. But I am familiar with him. Although this person is a bit stubborn, he is not the kind of unreasonable person." .It is also about the affairs of the officialdom all night. So if we go tomorrow, it still makes sense to talk to him.

"But... but... that Liu Xian is different. My lord understands. This man who has led the army for many years has such a temper. What's more, Liu Xian is almost 60 years old now. This temper It's even weirder. I'm afraid...I'm afraid he won't buy it."

"Master Wang is worried about this." Zhang Fan heard him say this.laughed. "Don't worry about this. Although Zhang Fan has not been an official for long, I understand the truth behind it. Don't worry. Even if Old General Liu speaks rudely, I will never say anything. Absolutely not. When the time comes I have to trouble the two adults to work harder."

"That's easy to say. Easy to say." The two people in front of Zhang Fan quickly responded.

They originally thought that the most difficult thing was to convince Zhang Fan to agree to this matter.After all, Zhang Fan can be regarded as a wunderkind.Now he has such an identity at a young age.Although also suffered a lot of grievances.But nothing was said in person.At that time, if Liu Xian really said something in front of Zhang Fan.They are afraid that things will end badly.

Although now there is Zhang Fan's answer.Said he wouldn't say anything about it.But the two still feel a little unreliable.After all, no one knows what Liu Xian will say then.In case it is said that Zhang Fan will really be on fire by then.Whether or not to mess with Liu Xian is the second priority.I'm afraid the two of them will have to spend the New Year here.

but.Wang Xilie believed Zhang Fan somewhat.After all, he was considered close to Zhang Fan in Chaozhong.I still know something about Zhang Fan's temperament.

Now.He can only hope.At that time, Liu Xian's fiery temper.And that uncontrollable mouth.I can say a few words less.Or don't say anything that particularly annoys Zhang Fan.Then he will burn high incense.

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