The reason why Zhang Fan agreed to Wang Xilie's request was naturally for a reason. Naturally, things would not go as smoothly as Wang Xilie thought, otherwise Zhang Fan's previous plan would have been scrapped. For those who have done their homework, although he has never met Liu Xian, and he doesn't know as much about Liu Xian as Wang Xilie, he still understands a little bit.

Liu Xian's very fiery temper is not the kind of temperament that can accommodate others. When the time comes to meet him, what will he say and whether he will agree with Zhang Fan's "explanation"? This seems to many people. , are impossible.

Of course, there is always a contingency in everything. What if Liu Xian suddenly "opened up" this time, so what should I do? Therefore, Zhang Fan also prepared a plan. When Wang Xilie got Zhang Fan's consent, he also He understood Liu Xian's temper, so his suggestion was to meet Liu Xian today and explain the whole story, so that Liu Xian could calm down very much.

However, Zhang Fan didn't understand this, so he didn't agree. Instead, he used the reason of the long journey and the fact that he was tired now. Yes, it is right to be tired, but since they entered the border of Sichuan six days ago, these problems have disappeared. They passed two big cities along the way, and they all had a good rest, so these basically do not exist. In other words, Wang Xilie could clearly tell that Zhang Fan was just trying to evade.

This made Wang Xilie anxious, but at the same time he couldn't figure it out. He couldn't understand why Zhang Fan made such a contradictory search for rules. If he wants to solve the immediate problem, then he should know that when he just arrived, he should do these things the most, and this is definitely not the time to delay.

But Zhang Fan clearly understood this truth, but he insisted on postponing such a day. This was simply to put a problem that could have been solved into another problem. For Zhang Fan's decision, Wang Xilie couldn't imagine it. I understand, whether it is from this incident or from his past friendship with Zhang Fan and his character, it is the same. He can't understand what Zhang Fan wants to do. .

To be honest, although Wang Xilie is not clear about the reason why Zhang Fan will be sent here this time, but he, Wang Xilie, was also watching so many things that happened in the court before, so how could he not understand? Some of the reasons for it.

It's just that Wang Xilie really didn't have any deep thoughts. From his point of view, Zhang Fan's most important task in Sichuan this time was to find out whether Zhu Xuanqi, the king of Shuduan, had anything to do with Zhu Yijun's assassination. However, what he didn't know was that no matter whether Zhu Xuanqi had done it or not, it had already been confirmed. Now Zhang Fan was here to directly question Zhu Xuanqi.

However, Wang Xilie had never thought about this, and he never planned to think about it. He is now thinking about how to make this matter go smoothly, and since Zhang Fan is not willing to go to Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian If you explain the matter clearly, then he will go. He really doesn't want any problems with this matter.

So here Zhang Fan is not willing to go now, but he, Wang Xilie, went out in the name of visiting an old friend, and Zhang Fan, who learned of Wang Xilie's movements, did not send anyone to stop him. It was hard for these two to get through, but Zhang Fan didn't intend to shoulder all the problems on himself.

In the afternoon, after eating a very authentic Sichuan cuisine, Liang Chao found Zhang Fan before he had time to savor it.

"My lord, that man's humble position has been found," Liang Chao said to Zhang Fan, "This man's name is Ding Guangyou, a man from Sinan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, a Jinshi for 40 years in Jiajing, and now a fellow magistrate of this Chengdu Prefecture. I took the man to the station and waited."

"This person has been a Jinshi for 40 years in Jiajing, and it has been more than ten years now, and he is actually a fellow acquaintance." Hearing what Liang Chao said, Zhang Fan couldn't help being puzzled, "Born as a Jinshi, and ten years as an official. In a few years, he was actually a regular sixth-rank associate with no quota. It seems that this Ding Guangyou does have some stories, but I'm afraid it's not what we thought.

"Liang Chao, go to the local Wei Ya to find out what's going on with Ding Guangyou and whether he has offended anyone. Over there, let him wait at the inn for a while."

"Yes, my lord." After listening to Zhang Fan's order, Liang Chao turned his head and left to work without saying a word.

On the other hand, Zhang Fan began to think about it. Indeed, a person who was born as a Jinshi, who has been in the official career for ten years, is actually a sixth-rank government official. This is naturally problematic. After all, the imperial court There are a large number of personnel transfers. Regardless of the level of officials, there will be many vacancies every year. For a person who has entered the official career, even if he only knows how to read books, even if he really has no talent at all, but After ten years, as long as you don't do too many wrong things and rely on your qualifications to make a living, you will go up no matter what.

Obviously, there is a problem with Ding Guangyou's inability to go up, and the problem is not with Ding Guangyou himself. If he is the kind of greedy and sycophant, he would have gone up a long time ago, and he will definitely not be an official for ten years If he is still in Tongzhi's position, then it is easy to guess that he has offended someone, or done something unpopular, which led to such consequences.

Therefore, Zhang Fan asked Liang Chao to find out what was going on, whether it was Ding Guangyou who was too incompetent to be an official, or did something. It's more likely, but since Zhang Fan wants to use him, he needs to know exactly what happened to him.

Let Liang Chao check it out now, Zhang Fan is not in a hurry to see this Ding Guangyou, it is also a way to let him hang out like this first.

But here, Zhang Fan didn't do nothing. In fact, when he first entered Sichuan, he ordered Wang Meng to do one thing, which was to ask the local subordinates to report about the Duanwang Mansion. Whether it was the previous investigation, or what happened after Zhu Yijun was assassinated, all should be reported.

However, according to the news that Zhang Fan received, there is no need to mention the previous events, but since Zhu Yijun was assassinated, until the news came from the capital, even now, the entire Shuduan palace is calm Indeed, no major changes have occurred, or even the same. This always makes people feel a little abnormal.

After all, after the incident was reported, there was nothing there, which made people feel very strange. After all, up to now, the news that this incident was related to Zhu Xuanqi had already been transmitted, and the face-to-face In response to such news, Zhu Xuanqi, including the entire Duanwang Mansion, can still maintain a "normal heart". This is definitely not of superior quality, and there must be something inside.

But now, Zhang Fan's task for Wang Meng is to find out what the inside story is. Although both he and Wang Meng understand that there seems to be nothing wrong with Duan Wang's Mansion, and this most abnormal phenomenon has already happened. It is enough to show that they are now alert, and it has become very difficult to get any news from where at this time, but this is also something that has to be done.

However, no matter what you say about this matter, it will take time. In other words, besides waiting for news from Wang Meng, Zhang Fan is also deliberately going to trouble Zeng Xingwu, Liu Xian and others. It made them unhappy, and these things, in the final analysis, would not take up a lot of Zhang Fan's time. In other words, during this period of time, Zhang Fan, who was obviously supposed to be very busy, was idle and became idle. up.

Of course, Zhang Fan obviously wouldn't waste this time, even if he was doing nothing, he still had to use this time to do something.

Some people may ask, since he has nothing to do, what can he do? In fact, it is very simple. Zhang Fan doesn't need to do too many things now, he just needs to treat what is in front of him as a vacation. In short , It is to make a leisurely and carefree appearance, traveling around the mountains and rivers.

In addition, the weather here, especially in winter, is really good. Although it is already November, the temperature here is not as cold as Jingcheng, which is unacceptably cold. In fact, For Zhang Fan and other people from the capital, the winter here is at best slightly colder than the late autumn in the capital. This weather really makes people want to move around.

So, that is to say, what Zhang Fan has to do now is very simple, that is, just go shopping around, plus it can kill Liang Chao’s boring time to check people, so why not do it, so, That afternoon, such a group of people appeared on the streets of Chengdu.

In addition, today is also a rare good weather here, the weather is also very clear, and there are people everywhere on the street, so a group of people like Zhang Fan, although they are really big, plus Joanna's foreign face , and the exotic costume that he was still not too willing to change, all attracted a lot of attention, but that's all.

And when Wei Shi was about to pass, Liang Chao rushed over.

However, Zhang Fan didn't blame Liang Chao for anything. After all, the later he came, it meant that there really were a lot of things he could use.

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