The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 968 Unlucky Man

"My lord, we found something." Liang Chao found Zhang Fan and his party.Although Zhang Fan and others did not have any fixed goals for this excursion.It's just wandering around.But after all, Jin Yiwei is following here.So Liang Chao did not spend too much effort to find Zhang Fan.

And the reason why Liang Chao came so late.There is only one possibility.That's what he was going to do that delayed him for a long time.but.For Jin Yiwei.It was found that one had only been an official for more than ten years.And so far it's just a matter of people who know each other.But it takes so long.Obviously something happened.But for Zhang Fan.He didn't blame Liang Chao for taking so much him.This means that Liang Chao must have found a lot of things.If so.It also means that there will be more things that Zhang Fan can use.

"Let's find a place to sit first," Zhang Fan said.

A group of people came to a teahouse nearby.Find a quiet seat and sit Fan, Joanna and Liang Chao sat at a table.And over there.Zhang Fan's subordinates sat not far away.The reason for sitting down is to not be too eye-catching.But it should also be convenient when there are any circumstances.Protect Zhang Fan.

And here.Joanna was sitting there very quietly.Not a sip of the tea in your hand.Since she came here to settle down.She also does as the Romans do.Fall in love with so many things here.Especially this tea.Not that there are none in Europe.It's just that there seems to be more preference for black tea.And many of them are just tea bricks that have been shipped over.It is incomparable with the nature here.Not to mention Zhang Fan's identity.Naturally, it is impossible to use those ordinary products.Either it is a tribute in the tribute palace.Or it is the ultimate product that even the palace may not be able to drink.Such a comparison.Naturally there is a difference.

and.Even people who don't know how to drink tea anymore.The gap is so big.Naturally, it is impossible to ignore.Not to mention Joanna for this aspect.It is also somewhat now.This is a good tea house in the local area.Not even the best tea offered.Joanna frowned slightly at this.

this scene.Zhang Fan who saw it also smiled slightly.But he didn't say anything.Instead, he concentrated on looking at the file that Liang Chao handed over.look aside.Zhang Fan also asked Liang Chao: "What exactly did you go to investigate? Why did it take you so long to come here?" Although he clearly knew there must be a reason for it.But Zhang Fan still asked this question.

"My lord, it wouldn't take so long." Liang Chao replied. "After the humble officer listened to the command of the adults, he immediately rushed to the yamen where we Wei is here. Someone went to find out who the person the adult saw was. As a result, the humble officer said what the adults said. The people below don't need it at all. Cha then told Beizhi. This person is called Ding Guangyou. Presumably he has some reputation. Over there, Beizhi asked someone to tell Ding Guangyou to come over. Here, Beizhi also asked the people below to find Ding Guangyou's files.

"Originally, these things only took a while. It didn't take much time at all. But when the humble officer was about to leave, he saw the look of the people below who had something to say. The humble officer asked. It turned out that There is something special about Ding Guangyou."

"Oh." Zhang Fan took advantage of Liang Chao's words.He has already roughly flipped through the file in his hand.soon.Because there are very few files.Not much.That means.This is Ding Guangyou.Served as an official for ten years.But there really isn't much.Even under Jin Yiwei's investigation.The things recorded on the dossier.It's all normal.Nothing special to note.

This in itself is already a very strange thing.So when Zhang Fan listened to what Liang Chao said.This Ding Guangyou has other things to do.He was not so curious.only……

"This Ding Guangyou. What happened?" Zhang Fan couldn't help being curious. "Listen to what you said. It seems that there are really some things worth talking about. But these things are not recorded in Wei Zhong's file. It makes people feel that they are not important things."

"This..." Liang Chao said. "My lord, this matter is like this. This matter is indeed related to this Ding Guangyou. But it is not his own matter. Although this matter is not big or small. But I will listen to the people below. This matter They are also not sure about this matter. So in the end, it was not recorded in Weizhong's file."

"What is it?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Speaking of which, it's actually about Ding Guangyou's relatives," Liang Chao said. "This Ding Guangyou was a Jinshi in the 40th year of Jiajing. According to the records in the file, he was ranked after the palace examination at that time. His ranking is really not low. There are more than ten in order. Logically speaking, such a ranking. Even if he can't stay in the court To be a good scholar. At the very least, you can go to some places with better conditions to be a magistrate or something.

"It's just that adults also know. Jiajing 40 years. It was when Yan Song was still dancing. And it was also when Yan Song was powerful. At that time, the government was very controlled. The people below wanted to climb up. Either find Yan Song to set up a relationship. If it doesn’t matter, you have to pay money. For those who just had the palace exam, Yan Song’s party also tried their best to win them over. However, it was not that simple at the time. Even if Yan Song’s party liked something A person who has just obtained a Jinshi. But it is not possible to let him join in without asking for anything. You have to ask for some money from here. In short, that's the way it is.

"And this Ding Guangyou, of course, is well educated. He was a person that Yan Song's party tried to win over at that time. Even. There was news at the time. Even this Ding Guangyou was very poor. He didn't have much money. But he still had to be recruited. It's just that. When this matter was finally being done, there was a little problem.

"Among the people under Yan Song's group who came into contact with these people. One person thought he fell into Qian's eyes. Although the higher-ups ordered him to come over, he didn't care. He only cared about asking for money when he saw people. And this is Ding Guangyou. The family is almost destitute. Even when I went to Beijing to take the exam that year, I borrowed a little money from my family. I thought I won the Jinshi. This time I don’t have to worry about it. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen .

"And. One more thing. But this Ding Guangyou also has a bit of a temper. The matter of the scholar. The humble job is not very clear. But I heard that this Ding Guangyou. But after hearing that Yan Song and his group want to recruit themselves, they are also resolute. Agreed. It seems that this is not a matter of money. Regardless of whether Ding Guangyou has money or not, I am afraid it will have to be like this.

"So. That's how it happened. Originally, Ding Guangyou, who had a good past, was sent here. Moreover, he was a Jinshi. When he first came, he wasn't even a fellow-confessed. He was just a It’s nothing more than a promotion official of the seventh rank. Originally, most of the promotion officials were Juren. Now let him be a Jinshi. It’s really wronged him.

"However. I heard that Ding Guangyou is a very bachelor. Apart from talking to some people who have a good relationship, he has never complained to others. Moreover, he is not one of the things that the government put down. He did everything very well. So within two years, he was promoted to a higher level and became a fellow acquaintance.

"However. The following things. But that's not the case. Just after Ding Guangyou became a co-presbyterian. It happened to be when Yan Song's incident happened. When Emperor Jiajing ransacked his home. Originally, this was a good opportunity for Ding Guangyou. After all, Yan Song fell. There are countless people who followed him. There are so many vacant seats above. Naturally, people have to fill them up.

"But what I didn't expect is that just after Yan Song fell, the old Xu Ge took over. The low position is not to say bad things about Xu Ge. It's just the situation at that time. Although the adults are not there, they also know. Xu Ge old There are countless disciples. It is naturally very easy to fill those vacancies in the court. But this Ding Guangyou is not among them. In the two years since he has been here, he has never done any business at all. He has not received a single article Money's ill-gotten gains. He didn't do anything harmful to nature. But he didn't have any contact with other officials. So there was a big change in the court. But he was never involved in it.

"But Ding Guangyou is still so indifferent. Even if he had the opportunity to go up, he didn't. But he never complained about it. It's also because of this matter. He has been working as a colleague for eight years. Until now, he has never mentioned it. level one."

"Listen to what you said." Zhang Fan finished listening to Liang Chao's introduction.Said. "This Ding Guangyou is just unlucky. There seems to be nothing special. You just said that there is something else going on here. What is going on?"

"That's how it happened." Liang Chao replied. "It was not Ding Guangyou who had the accident. He has been an official for many years. He has never had any troubles. Although his reputation is not too famous, no one has any opinion on him. It is his relatives who have the accident. It is accurate. Some. It’s his wife’s younger brother. That’s Ding Guangyou’s brother-in-law. And speaking of this matter, after hearing about it, I’m also targeting Ding Guangyou.”

"What's going on?" Zhang Fan asked. "Could it be that his brother-in-law did something that shouldn't be done. It's not okay to offend someone. You said you were against him too. It seems that there is really something unfair in it."

"It is indeed as the adults said. However, his brother-in-law didn't do anything. He was just doing a small business." Liang Chao said. "It's said to offend people, but it's true. It's just that it offends people. I can't figure out how humble I am. It's Zeng Xingwu who offended."

"Oh." I heard Liang Chao mention Zeng Xingwu's name.Zhang Fan was more interested now. "Tell me quickly. What the hell is going on."

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