The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 974 Looking for Trouble

"Differences do not conspire with each other," Ding Guangyou said although he stood still, but did not turn around, "Since Mr. Zhang intends to do that, please forgive me for being powerless."

"Why, is it possible that Mr. Ding is ready to watch his enemy so unrestrainedly?" Zhang Fan changed his tone and said, "Knowing righteousness is one thing, but if you leave your wife and ignore it, then that's a big deal." Some shouldn't be, right?"

"Master Zhang, you don't need to provoke me with this kind of thing." Even though Zhang Fan said such a thing, Ding Guangyou still didn't show any anger. He just sighed and turned around. , and said to Zhang Fan, "Why don't you know what Mr. Zhang said, Xiaguan... I... Ever since my wife passed away, I can't sleep peacefully almost every night. Even if I fall asleep, I still have dreams. Waking up from the middle of the night, I always dreamed that my wife was blaming me, blaming me for being so incompetent, for letting her and her brother suffer such a thing. I also knew that there was a bridge between me and Zeng Xingwu. Yes, I'm afraid he didn't take it seriously at all, and thought he was just a clown, and there was no way to do anything to him, "

"I'm afraid it's not a question of whether it's possible, but it depends on whether Master Ding wants it or not," Zhang Fan interjected.

"What if I can, what if I can't, what I want, and what I don't want," Ding Guangyou asked rhetorically, "If I do it, no matter if I can do it or not, at least I will feel better in my heart, but if I can't do it, I'm afraid There will still be some regrets in my heart, but if I really do it, what will happen? Maybe Zeng Xingwu is unscathed, but just angry, maybe something really happened, then if it happens, What kind of face am I living in this world?"

"You said so many possibilities, but there is only one of them that you don't want to encounter," Zhang Fan said, "Master Ding doesn't think that because of one of these possibilities, you should give up the things that have been bothering you in your heart. ,does it worth,"

"I have calculated this matter," Ding Guangyou shook his head, and said, "If you really think about it, it is really possible to do it. After all, although Zeng Xingwu is a good official, there is no one in Sichuan. People have any grudges against him, but since he is a good official, he naturally has enemies. If his enemies want to use me to make trouble, then what will happen to Zeng Xingwu? To be honest, he will be dismissed There is nothing in my heart, although the official still did not give up, but if it is according to Mr. Zhang's intention, then the official is still willing to give up this opportunity." After saying that, Ding Guangyou turned around and prepared to leave again.

But this time, he stopped again. What stopped him was not Zhang Fan's words to persuade him to stay, but a burst of applause. The sound was not loud, but this burst of applause was enough to make Ding Guangyou stop. Turning his head to look at Zhang Fan, there was an even more puzzled expression on his face. Obviously, Ding Guangyou couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan did this.

"Master Ding, maybe you don't know," Zhang Fan said, "I've said it before, you and I don't know each other well. As for how I fell in love with you, I don't need to say any more, but I didn't Look for you, in my opinion, whether you will agree, or how you will agree, is the reason for me to decide whether to use you, "

"What does Mr. Zhang mean?" Ding Guangyou sat down again. Although he hadn't figured out what Zhang Fan was talking about, he already felt that what Zhang Fan said just now didn't seem to be the focus of today. .

"I'm sorry for what you said just now, but I was just testing you." Although Zhang Fan said apologetically, the expression on his face did not mean to apologize at all. If you agree without thinking, I'm sorry, I will never use you, and you don't even want to get anything from me, "

Although Zhang Fan said so, Ding Guangyou did not mean to be angry, but acted very calmly. Instead of answering Zhang Fan, he asked back: "Then, after listening to the words of your lord, After thinking about it, although I don't want it very much, I still can't help but want to take revenge, so I agreed to my lord, if this is the case, what will my lord do?"

"Well, if that's the case..." Zhang Fan said slowly with a thoughtful look, "Although I'm not very willing, I will still use you, but if that's the case, of course there are conditions. It’s just that I have to persuade you to give up the opposite, of course, if my eloquence is not good enough to convince you, I still won’t use you,”

"If that's the case, Xiaguan has a problem in his mind again." This doesn't seem to be a conversation for mutual use, but it has become a question-and-answer session. The lower officials don't think your lord is right. After all, in Sichuan, almost all the officials don't like your lord very much. The reason is, of course, I don't need to say any more. Whether it's him Zeng Xingwu or Liu Xian, this time it's really true. I did a good job, but I didn't expect that the court would actually do this and sent an adult to investigate them. Although this matter was not an adult's idea in the end, who told the adult to come now.

"However, even so, my lord must be very unhappy with these people in Sichuan in my heart, so I don't understand why my lord has encountered such a thing, but I can still do it. Now it seems that my lord is just I just want to make trouble for Zeng Xingwu and the others, but I don’t really want to deal with them, this really confuses the subordinates, "

"Hehe, you're right, not bad at all," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "This matter is not what I want to come. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with me at all. If the queen mother did not explain If I come down, I will definitely not run here at this time, it is already November, and the Chinese New Year will be in less than a month, how can it be as comfortable as at home, "

"Then, my lord, this is..." After hearing what Zhang Fan said, Ding Guangyou was even more confused.

"Of course I have something to do when I come here, otherwise, this kind of offending matter can be done in the court, and there are so many influential people, why should I be the only one here," Zhang Fan said, "My coming here actually has nothing to do with Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian,"

"It's hard to say..." Although Ding Guangyou's official position is not high, he is still in the officialdom. For more than ten years, even if he has no friends or relationships at all because he is not sociable, he naturally has The channel through which he obtained the news, Zhang Fan's words reminded him of another event, which was also a major event that happened this year.

Thinking of this matter, Ding Guangyou didn't know what to do, and was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he understood how important that matter was, and it was definitely not comparable to the things in front of him.

Suddenly, Ding Guangyou not only felt the seriousness of the matter, he also smiled wryly, he understood that Zhang Fan had plotted against him.

In any case, he seems to have passed Zhang Fan's test and became an excellent candidate for him to use, but this is only Zhang Fan's unilateral view. As for whether Ding Guangyou himself will agree, he has not yet decided Woolen cloth.

But now, Zhang Fan has revealed such an important news to him before he has revealed whether he will follow Zhang Fan or not. This is simply tying him into a thief ship. And the boat has already gone to sea, it is already too late to get off the boat.

Unless, unless he can promise to forget about this matter, or never say it, but at the same time, everyone understands that it is absolutely impossible for a living person to guarantee these two things, and only a dead person can do these two things so perfect.

Although it is said that Ding Guangyou has lost everything now, if he is asked to die now, he will not have any fear, but he does not want to die now, not because he has not lived enough, but because he still has some Sorry, he still has some things to do.

In short, it would be better if he wanted to do it now, but even if he didn't want to do it, that wouldn't work, after all, he already knew what Zhang Fan wanted to do when he came to Sichuan.

That's why he smiled wryly.

"Your Excellency is really scheming," Ding Guangyou said to Zhang Fan with a helpless look on his face, "Now I don't have to wait for the next official to disagree, but now I can't help but now."

"Hehe, don't blame Master Ding," Zhang Fan said, "There is no other way. After all, if someone like Master Ding can be found here, then Zhang won't have to do this."

"My lord, you don't have to do that," Ding Guangyou waved his hand, and said, "However, although I can't go away now, I still have to explain some things to my lord clearly before doing business. This is where the lower officials are confused. Since your lord came to Sichuan this time for Duan... for that matter, if this is the case, your lord should establish a good relationship with the local officials, but why do you want to get along with Zeng Xingwu now? What are they doing against each other?"

"There are some things here, although you have already joined the group, but I can't tell you all of them now," Zhang Fan said, "There is also one thing you don't say too much, troublesome, yes, this time I just want to use You are looking for trouble, but this time I am not going to make trouble for Zeng Xingwu and the others, but let them come to trouble me, "

"This..." Ding Guangyou was completely dumbfounded now, he didn't understand Zhang Fan's meaning at all.

But when he wanted to ask Zhang Fan again, Zhang Fan only focused on asking him to drink, and prevaricated his question.

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