Finally.Ding Guangyou agreed to Zhang Fan's proposal.That is.Now Ding Guangyou has temporarily joined Zhang Fan's camp.Do things with him.And the first thing he has to do.Zhang Fan also had an explanation to him.but.Zhang Fan just told him what to do.But it didn't tell him why he did it.In this way.This is Ding Guangyou who just understood Zhang Fan's thoughts.Immediately, he couldn't figure out what Zhang Fan was planning to do.From Ding Guangyou's point of view.Things he wants to do himself.It doesn't make sense at all.Very contradictory.

but.After a conversation with Zhang Fan.Ding Guangyou also understood many things.Although he didn't know what Zhang Fan's purpose was for doing this.But he has some understanding of Zhang Fan.Although Ding Guangyou understood.sometimes.The other party will deliberately act the way you want to see.But Ding Guangyou is not worried about this.What it comes down to is.He still has a lot of confidence in how he looks at if you don't know what Zhang Fan's purpose is.But he just needs to know that Zhang Fan will not intentionally harm others.

In short.Zhang Fan's goal was achieved today.Think of Ding Guangyou as a person.Relying on his unfortunate experience.Temporarily pulled him into his own camp.And this thing.The happiest thing is not that Zhang Fan feels that he has someone who can break the deadlock.Rather, he found a way to continue with his plan.

But the happiest about this matter.It wasn't Zhang Fan.It was Joanna.Actually.Even Zhang Fan had repeatedly promised Joanna before.I will definitely help Ding Guangyou.But Joanna was before things were settled.Don't worry at all.And actually.Zhang Fan is indeed the same.Even he has promised Joanna.But he still wants to test the school Ding Guangyou.If Ding Guangyou's resentment is too heavy.He would never use him anyway.

But then come.Although there will be some small conflicts on Joanna's side.But Zhang Fan will still be like this.The most the most.It's a little troublesome to explain.

now.Things are not bad.Finally got a win-win ending.Zhang Fan found the right candidate.And Joanna finally felt relieved.But for Ding Guangyou.Is it a victory to cooperate with Zhang Fan?This is probably still uncertain.perhaps.For Ding Guangyou.There is no winning or losing.That's not what he wants.

but.These are not the only things that Joanna is concerned about.She didn't just want Zhang Fan to help Ding Guangyou now.There is also the future.

It can be said.Joanna crossed the line in doing so.Although she has not been here for too long.But she also understands a truth.Now that I have made that plan.Well as a woman.Just don't meddle too much in what men are going to do.if that is the case.Although once or twice.Perhaps because of Zhang Fan's doting on her, he would agree with him.But if it's too much.But it will backfire.Maybe it will cause men's disgust.

at this point.The former Joanna didn't know.after all.She is the sole heir of her family.Even a woman.But you have to carry the burden of the the past, it was her who made the decision.But now it is different.Here she is.Abandoned the past.A new life is about to start.And for Joanna.The center of her new life.It's just Zhang Fan.

It's not that Joanna doesn't understand this.She naturally knew it in her heart.And now.She even knows.Still did it.One is that she really wants to help Ding Guangyou who is in the same condition as her; the other is that Joanna has the advantage now.after all.She hasn't become Zhang Fan's woman yet.Although this matter has been determined.All that is required is the waiting of time.But even so.Joanna is very clear about her own advantages.She knows herself now.As long as the demands made are not excessive.Zhang Fan would agree.

To this.How could Zhang Fan not know.only.while he was doing these things.All have been considered.After weighing the gains and losses.will do it.Although Zhang Fan loves her.But not to the point of that madness.

In short.Anyway.Here Zhang Fan brought in Ding Guangyou to help him solve the immediate problem.And over there.Joanna also got a satisfactory answer.Now.No.It should be said Fan has prepared everything that needs to be prepared.Now just wait for tomorrow.Watch the show go on.

Came to Chengdu.It's been a whole day.But Zhang Fan's main purpose this time.The one from Duanwangfu.But there was no contact at all.It's not just that Zhang Fan has no contact.And there is no news there.That in itself is a weird thing.

originally.As Zhang Fan.come here.Pay a visit to the vassal king here.This is understandable.In this way.Still can take this opportunity.Inquire about the reality of the other party.

But Zhang Fan understood.I can't do this by myself.After all, the purpose of his visit this time.That's it.And even now he hasn't done anything.But the other party is not a fool.Definitely have a lot of thoughts about his arrival.There may even be many ways to deal with it.The last thing Zhang Fan can't do right now.Just to scare the snake away.In case let the other party who is in a tense period.There was some misunderstanding about his behavior that had no other intentions.Then everything in the future will be difficult.

That is.Zhang Fan can't take the initiative to attack now.You can't take the initiative with Duan Wangfu.And all he needs to do now is.Let the other party take the initiative to find yourself.This may sound a bit unbelievable.There is no action here.If you don't want to take this muddy water over there.How could he take the initiative to contact Zhang Fan?Zhang Fan had to find a way.Just lure the snake out of the hole.

the next day.Since now.Zhang Fan and his party are outside.Don't go to morning court.Also get up early.So until the hour of Chen is about to pass.This is how many people go out.There are not many people.Except Wang Meng and Liang Chao.As well as the guards they brought.There are only three people.It was Zhang Fan, Wang Xilie, and Yu Rongjin, the head of the military department who followed Wang Xilie to Zhang Fan that day.

It's not that other people are too lazy.It's not that they don't want to participate in this matter.It is this time to go.They've all agreed.Although it is impossible to say.But this time it was to apologize to Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian.If there are too many people here.On the contrary, it will appear inappropriate.But just the words of three people.Then there is no problem.After all this kind of thing.It's not okay to pose too high.But it won't work if you put it too low.In front of them is the battle formed by the three of them.Just right.

over there.After discussing this matter with Zhang Fan yesterday.Wang Xilie was not idle either.Immediately went to find Zeng Xingwu.Talk to him about it.The meaning in the words is.This incident was not Zhang Fan's fault.It's really because he can't help himself.The implication.Just hope things get resolved.Don't always stand still.This would do no one any good.

And facing the words of his old friend Wang Xilie.Although Zeng Xingwu was still a little angry.But he finally agreed.It was Liu Xian.This old general who has fought all his life.Not happy with this arrangement.After all this matter.In the final analysis, Zeng Xingwu didn't have much to do with this matter.Even now the court has released such a gesture.But in fact, he himself has not been implicated too much.

The most important thing this matter.Liu Xian was the most useless person.Obviously he won the battle.Still a big win.But no one in the court believed in him.Now Empress Dowager Li even sent Zhang Fan, the governor of Jinyiwei, to investigate this matter.Even Liu Xian is not a rough person.I also understand that this matter may not have much to do with Zhang Fan.But his temper.Make it impossible for him to turn a blind eye to this Xiancai was involved in this matter.The most aggrieved person.It is also the person who needs to deal with the most.

but.Zhang Fan didn't take this matter to heart.After all, he came today.It's for "reconciliation".Not to quarrel.Moreover.Today's drama has already been arranged.Zhang Fan didn't need to do anything to fight each other.Just wait until the actors are all on stage.Things will be easy to handle later.

The three came to Zeng Xingwu's home.I heard that Liu Xian is here now.And before Zhang Fan went in.He flirted with Liang Chao who was standing outside the door.This is the last one to go in.

After Liang Chao got a hint from Zhang Fan.I naturally understand it in my heart.He turned around and called one of his subordinates.Whisper something in his ear.After the man got Liang Chao's order.nodded.Turned around and left.

It looks normal.There is nothing unusual about it at all.But that's exactly what's unusual.That's where it really shines.

After Zhang Fan entered the door.I also looked at this place a little bit.This Zeng Xingwu.It's just like his reputation.There is no luxury here.Although the yard is not small.But this place.It's not even prosperous.Various decorations inside.It all looks normal too.There's nothing wrong with it.

Several people came to the lobby.I saw Zeng Xingwu wearing ordinary clothes.sit inside.And aside.There was also an old man in his sixties sitting there.A look of energy is quite good.It's just that the complexion is really not very good-looking.Especially after Zhang Fan came in.Everyone can find out.His face paled a bit.want to come.This one is the difficult old general Liu Xian.

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