Finally.Zhang Fan's explanation.Let Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian agree.The expressions on the faces of the two have softened.It's obvious.This.It was the purpose of Zhang Fan's coming here this time.certainly.Just a small part of the purpose.That's not all.

After listening to Zhang Fan's explanation.Seeing Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian.Wang Xilie and the two on the side.Especially Wang Xilie.I am more happy in my heart.He wasn't just happy that this matter was about to be resolved.I will be able to return to the capital by myself.He was even happier.Zeng Xingwu did not cause more conflicts with Zhang Fan.This is what he wants to see most.After all, he has a very good relationship with Zeng Xingwu.At Zeng Xingwu's age.He will have more chances in the future.He didn't want to see his future ruined just because of such a thing.

now.Now that the two sides have reconciled.Then everything will be fine.

"Oh. I didn't expect it. It turned out to be like this." Liu Xian, who had never spoken.Now he said in a very helpless tone.Obviously.Even just now he didn't say a word.But he also knew.This matter is really no wonder Zhang Fan.

"Oh." And Zeng Xingwu sighed again.Said. "To be honest. The current state of the court. It is a blessing to have the Empress Dowager Li in power. What the Empress Dowager Li has done since she took power. Never made a mistake. Also extremely far-sighted. Even this matter. Actually. The queen mother did nothing wrong. It's just that she was a little too conservative.

"Forget it. Weiming. Compared with the two of us here complaining about ourselves. But I have never seen it. The current situation is already very good. Sigh..."

What are the two sighing about?Zhang Fan is not ignorant.But they are.Zhang Fan also had the same idea in his heart.indeed.Just like what Zeng Xingwu said.Although the two of them sighed and said such words.But actually.That's exactly what the two of them said.This is indeed a blessing.

Empress Dowager Li is not Lu Zhi.It wasn't Wu Yan either.Can sit on this seat.While holding power.But not greedy.Not an abuser.To know.It looks easy.But the person who can maintain such a mentality after actually sitting in that seat.There are very few of them.

But Queen Mother Li did it.Even in her current status.Holding the power of the world.But she still hasn't lost her true nature.Very sensible.even.She is even more able to make up for her weaknesses.She is good at mediating things between people.Then once this kind of thing happens in the court.She'll do it.And since Zhu Yijun came to the throne.Every time she encounters such a situation that requires her to take action.She can handle it all very well.

But she is not good at dealing with government affairs.So she has to avoid it.even.She simply gave up on this one.Put the right of this piece down.Let the following people who are proficient in government affairs handle it.For example, Feng Bao.For example, Zhang Fan.For example, what is most important to Queen Mother Li now.Zhang Juzheng is right.

And Queen Mother Li is obviously right to do the big and small affairs of the DPRK.Everything was handled by Zhang Juzheng.Although it is because of this matter.Anyone who knows Zhang Juzheng can feel it.Since Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.Zhang Juzheng has undergone obvious changes.But anyway.Now Zhang Juzheng is in power.Everything in the DPRK is running very well.Even if he offended many people because of this.I also did a lot of different things.But it is undeniable that the situation in the DPRK and China is improving now.

And these.All thanks to Queen Mother Li.If not for her.It's not yet known what will become of it.

and.The benefits of Queen Mother Li doing so.And that's not all.It is not only because she appointed Zhang Juzheng that the situation of the court and the country has improved.But be aware.any change.Neither is a peaceful transition.Even the series of reforms implemented by Zhang Juzheng today.Although for his sake.It has already reduced all kinds of influence to the lowest point.But not completely.

That is.Now many people are dissatisfied with this matter.It can even be said to be viewed with an attitude of hatred.

But be aware.These causes and effects are all concentrated in today's executors.That is Zhang Juzheng's body.If there is a day in the future.This change has made it impossible for people to sit still and swallow their words.It's very likely that there will be trouble.And mess together.It's not just about suppressing things blindly.An explanation must be given to those who caused trouble.That is.Give those people a purpose.

And Zhang Juzheng.It's obvious.He became a target of this matter.By the time.You just need to push everything on Zhang Juzheng.Then come.The imperial court will not be affected in any way.Wait until Zhu Yijun will reach the age when he can take charge of the government.When Empress Dowager Li returned to power.All of these effects will be minimized.

all in all.It can be said that this is a way to kill multiple birds with one stone.It is also okay to say that she is impartial.After all, it can be said that he did this for the court.For the Ming Dynasty.But there's nothing wrong with saying she's selfish.After all she does.The most direct reason.It is for his children to be able to secure the throne in the future.

As for why Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian sighed so much.It's not because they expressed dissatisfaction with what Queen Mother Li did.Just sighing.It's just that I didn't have a good time.who called.This is what the imperial court looks like now.Can be like this.It can already be said to be the best appearance.

"Sigh. Let's not talk about this." Zhang Fan also sighed.Said. "What will happen in the imperial court? It's not something we ministers should worry about. Of course. Even if we want to take care of it, we can't take care of it much. Everything will be known when the time comes.

"Now. Since the two adults believe what the junior said, then let's not say anything more. We should hurry up and do the things in front of us so as not to waste time."

"Yes, yes, yes, what Master Zhang said is absolutely true." Wang Xilie heard what Zhang Fan said.Naturally nodding in agreement.He came today to hope that the two sides can clear up the misunderstanding.Finalize the rewards early.In this way.Get over it early.He can go back sooner.Although it's really nice here.But nothing can compare to the comfort of your own home, right?

"Then let's get down to business." Zeng Xingwu also nodded.Said. "The battle report this time. It has been sent to the court before. The actual situation is also the same as what is written in the battle report. There is no difference. Although the preparations for this war have been started since last year. But it didn't start until this year. Among them There is also a reason. At the beginning of this year, I received news that the chieftains in Syria were planning to rebel. After hearing the news, I knew that things could not wait any longer. Let Liu Xian get ready After that, we set out to fight. There was also a memorial to the court. That’s how it happened.”

"These are foreigners." Zhang Fan listened to Zeng Xingwu's words.Said. "Originally, the situation here was chaotic. If you want to talk about the struggle between the imperial court and the Bo people, it has lasted for more than a hundred years. Although the Bo people seem to have the upper hand during this period, in the final analysis, neither side is very good. And The reason for this. Although I can't tell the world. But I also understand. Neither side can say that they are doing the right thing. But now these things don't matter.

"Old General Liu sent the battle report to the imperial court. I have also read it. I still remember that it said 'more than 93 villages were conquered. [-] prisoners were killed. The land was expanded for more than [-] miles. Zhuge Bronze Drum [-] was obtained'. At that time, I read When it came to this news, even the younger generation knew the prestige of Old General Liu, but they thought it was fake for a while. Now, the younger generation would not see it like this. It is absolutely true.

"It's just that I came here this time. I was also ordered by the Queen Mother. The most important thing is not how much we have won. It is to know how much our side has been injured."

"This Bo man really deserves the reputation of fighting against the imperial court for more than a hundred years." Hearing Zhang Fan's question.Liu Xian couldn't help showing a look of exclamation. "This time, I was able to lead the troops to conquer the Bo people and win a big victory. The first merit must be recorded on the heads of the three provinces. At that time, after the news of the rebellion by the chieftain of the Syrian state, it is said that there has just been an action there. No date has been set. If the three provinces hadn't made a decisive decision. Let me go out first and then give a memorial to the court. The current battle situation will definitely not be like this.

"This time. It can be said that we caught those barbarians by surprise. They didn't expect me to come so soon. At that time, they were all preparing for the rebellion. So all the villages were mobilizing troops. It wasn't too much Defense. This is what made me take advantage of the loopholes. But even so. The Bo people are still not easy to succumb. Even if I was caught by surprise here. There were a few fierce battles there. Fortunately, the damage here is not too much. I The 14 officers and soldiers brought in. There were no more than 3000 dead and no more than [-] injured. And almost all of these [-] wounded and injured have survived. There is not much damage. Supplies and the like. Because preparations have already begun last year So it was replenished in a timely manner. Finally, it was calculated. It would cost money. If it is not counted as food, it would only be less than a million taels. The money was prepared last year. It is also because of this that I was able to wait for the imperial court’s approval. Troops are dispatched."

"I see." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "It's really good luck this time. And there's old General Liu in the battle. It's really a great fortune. So it can indeed be called a great victory. Regardless of other things. The most pleasing thing is that there will be no Boss here in the future." The troubles of life are gone. That's the most important thing."

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