The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 978 The so-called future

"Since this matter is now considered to be clear, then the following matters will be easy to handle." Zhang Fan smiled.Said. "This time the younger generation came here. Needless to say, the most important thing. In fact, it is to present the rewards from the court. This time, the money and silk rewarded by the court are indeed quite a lot. But it may not be necessary for the two adults to come. I will look up to those vulgar things. But these things are indispensable after all. Besides, after such a big battle with the terracotta warriors below, if there are no such practical rewards, it is really unreasonable.

"And about the matter of the two adults. I believe that the two of you will be absolutely satisfied by then. I will not hide it from you. The imperial decree is now in the post house. Just wait for a good day. Gather the soldiers of the three armies and read it out It's over. This matter is considered to be understood."

"It's so good." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Both Liu Xian and Zeng Xingwu smiled.It's not that they have any selfish motives.Or they value vulgar things such as rewards and so on.It is because.these things.After all, they deserve it.Even if they don't want it.But the people under also needed.and.They don't pay attention to these though.But focus on something else.For example.official title.

After such a big battle.After all, it was a battle of great victory.And since it is a big victory.So that means.Many of them will benefit.Who will be below.What will be the benefit.Let's not mention these for now.But Liu Xian and Zeng Xingwu are completely different.

Zeng Xingwu.I have been an official until now.It's been almost ten years too.within ten years.Sit on the seat of governor of a province.And there is no alternative method.Being a man and an official is also clean and honest.It can only be said that he can achieve what he is today in a short period of time.That speaks volumes about his talents.certainly.It is not without problems.Even Zhang Fan didn't let people investigate Zeng Xingwu too deeply.But even through a few words of Ding Guangyou.Zhang Fan could hear it.Zeng Xingwu really thinks too much of himself.For those who are lower than yourself.It may not be worth it.certainly.This is the case in this day and age.It is ubiquitous in any era.It won't be a big problem.

In short.What Zeng Xingwu wanted was very simple.He's not a bad guy though.But it's obvious.He's a guy who wants to get on top.And this time.The court was able to defeat the Bo people in one fell swoop.Let the ethnic conflicts that have spread here for thousands of years be resolved.The most important thing is Zeng Xingwu's decisiveness this time.If he slows down a little bit.If you have to wait for the approval of the court.Then it was impossible for Liu Xian to attack so early.After wasting time.Even now it is still possible to win.But will there be such a big victory now?No one knows.

so.This time Zeng Xingwu can be said to have done a great job.And since it is credit.Then it should be rewarded.Today's court.Money is abundant.And don't skimp on this.But for Zeng Xingwu.He may not wish to want these.right.Does he want money?uncertain.Maybe.Probably not.But there is one thing Zhang Fan can be sure of.He definitely wanted the status.

And about that.Zhang Fan definitely won't be disappointed by Zeng Xingwu this time.After all, nowadays.The structure of the imperial court has undergone major changes.nowadays.The imperial court can be said to be headed by Zhang Juzheng.Something changes almost every day.After Zhang Juzheng implemented the "Testing Method".It has changed a lot.

Now.Zhang Juzheng is starting to formulate the "One Whip Law".And it is when he employs people.There are many people in the court.There are also many talents.But those people.After standing in that position early.Psychology has long become powerful on its own gradually.If it is someone who supports Zhang Juzheng.That is of course needless to say.Definitely will stick to it.but.If it is those who disagree with Zhang Juzheng's method.That's hard to say.

Those who disagree.Perhaps facing the current situation.There is no way.Had to choose to surrender.But this is only on the surface.Real inner objection.Definitely not much less.In this way.I don't say what will happen in the future.As far as now.These people will do little things secretly.

Today's Zhang Juzheng.What is most needed is to have someone who can support him in the court.Stand up and speak for yourself at critical moments.And this kind of person.Status cannot be too low.To get everyone to agree.otherwise.Words spoken have no effect.That's also completely useless.

And this Zeng Xingwu.Obviously there is such potential.And not just this time.Because of his proposition, Liu Xian was asked to conquer the Boren and win a big victory.In fact, Zeng Xingwu was quite famous in court.and.He very much agrees with Zhang Juzheng.A few times ago Zhang Juzheng wanted to implement the "Testing Method" in the court.There are many people from all over the country playing.There are those who agree.There are also objections.And among those who agree.Zeng Xingwu is the first one.It is said that he is the number one person in Zhang Juzheng's support team.No exaggeration.

If this person goes to the capital.Naturally, it is of great benefit to Zhang Juzheng.And if you don't look at these one-sided things.Look at the big picture.After Zeng Shengwu entered the capital.It is also of great benefit to the court and the country.

Besides, it was Liu Xian.Liu Xian's prestige.That was much louder than Zeng Xingwu.It is the present day of the Ming Dynasty.Can be tied with Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou.A well-known general.Only now.Yu Dayou is over seventy years old.Too old.He only has a name in his hometown in Fujian.Besides, there is no war there now.And Qi Jiguang was stationed in Jizhou.Defend the capital.In addition, the imperial court has now exchanged tribute with Alda.There is no more fighting.Only Liu Xian, a veteran in his sixties, was the only one.Also galloping on various battlefields.

certainly.He didn't do it for fame.

Liu Xiannai was born in the army.Because of family relations.So when he started joining the army.The official position is the deputy thousand households.But he has not been negligent because of this.Leading troops is also very serious.After that, he served as the general of Zhejiang Dusi.At that time.He defeated the Japanese pirates at Pukou Gang.Because of this credit.Not long.Liu Xian was moved to be the deputy general.

but.Even at a young age, he was already a deputy commander.Liu Xian didn't care about these things.He didn't care at all whether his official position was hidden.I only care about whether I can go to war.really.Not long after he was promoted to deputy commander.Liu Xian attacked again.Wipe out all the Japanese pirates in Liujiazhuang.

These battles.Not only played Liu Xian's prestige.It also made the Japanese pirates frightened by hearing about it.In the minds of Japanese pirates.He can be said to scare them even more than Qi Jiguang.After all, although Qi Jiguang did a lot better than Liu Xian.But after all, Qi Jiguang did not take as long to suppress the Japanese as Liu Xian.

After such a record.Jiajing 41 years.Liu Xian was officially promoted to the post of general soldier.Guard Guangdong.But even as a general.Liu Xian couldn't be free either.At that time, what he often did was to lead the army to Fujian to aid in the fight against the Japanese.He, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou.Repeatedly defeat the Japanese pirates.The achievements during this period are countless.

after.Liu Xian succeeded him as the commander-in-chief of Langshan.The duty is to control the north and south of the river.Beware of the invasion of Japanese pirates.certainly.The word "control" must be viewed separately.It's not a fief, a king or something like that.

nowadays.Because the imperial court strengthened the coastal defense.Not only opened the sea ban.It is also the reason why warships are patrolling offshore.It is simply difficult for Japanese pirates to approach the territory of the Ming Dynasty.Plus.Inside Fuso today.Because Oda Nobunaga did not know where he got the assistance.The strength is really a huge increase.After he wins.Facing the opponent's surrendered troops.If you refuse to belong to him.Also executed on the spot.Basically very few people will be released as Japanese pirates.In short.The Japanese plague encountered by the Ming Dynasty has almost disappeared.Even if there are occasional fish that slip through the net.It's just a number of three or five.It's hard to make waves.

In this way.Liu Xian is also free.You must know that he has been a soldier all his life.How uncomfortable it is for him not to year when Zhu Yijun had just ascended the throne.There was news that the Bo people were going to be attacked in the middle of the court.He volunteered.Came to Sichuan.And then.Zeng Xingwu also just arrived in Sichuan not long ago.I am worrying about how to deal with this difficult bone of the Bo people.I saw Liu Xian arrived.He is naturally very happy.

Anyway, that's it.

And this time.Liu Xian's big victory.It is indeed a great contribution.The imperial court naturally wants to reward.But as for how to reward.Honestly not too sure yet.after all.Generals sent out by the imperial court.For Liu Xian, the general soldier.It is already the largest.The reason for saying this.It's because Liu Xian doesn't care about political affairs.I don't want to worry about it either.Just the words of the commander.The commander-in-chief is indeed the largest.

And now.The Bo people were defeated.There are almost no wars in the world.Although the Northeast side is about to fight.But Li Chengliang was there.Don't worry at all.And the north.There is Qi Jiguang guarding.Don't worry too.The most the most.There is only this southwest corner.Although the threat of the Bo people has been lifted now.But Zhang Fan knew.It's not just the threat of the Bo people here.There is another threat.Although not as powerful as the Bo people.But it's also tricky.

so.Zhang Fan planned to let Liu Xian stay here for a while longer.Time to do yourself a favor.

That's it.And after solving the misunderstanding.Zhang Fan, Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian.It is also a happy conversation.only.This time did not last long.The next scene arranged by Zhang Fan is about to start.

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