The three of Zhang Fan and Wang Xilie entered Zeng Xingwu's house and started talking. Before Zhang Fan entered, he gave Liang Chao who was staying outside the door a look. After receiving Zhang Fan's look, Liang Chao also Without the slightest delay, he called one of his subordinates and whispered something to him, and the first one left immediately.

That Liang Chao's subordinate didn't go to any special place, but went directly to Na Ding Guangyou's home. Not wearing an official uniform, coupled with the ability of Jin Yiwei, stealth is indeed the minimum, so even if this Liang Chao's subordinate is not too careful, his whereabouts have never been discovered.

But then again, after all, apart from the people on Zhang Fan's side, Ding Guangyou himself knew about what Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou planned, and Zhang Fan can be sure that the people on his side are absolutely impossible. To disclose this matter, that is to say, unless Ding Guangyou said it himself, it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to know about this matter. Followed.

Of course, for Jin Yiwei, everything should be cautious.

And the place where that person went, Ding Guangyou's home, Ding Guangyou agreed with Zhang Fan's words yesterday, after the two talked about what to do today, Ding Guangyou returned home, but Ding Guangyou returned home was not calm , he considered many things.

Zhang Fan is willing to come forward, although even because the two can use each other, Ding Guangyou doesn't think there is a big problem. After all, in the officialdom, it is not uncommon to help each other. I don't feel any resentment about it, and it's even more normal to use private affairs to help public affairs.

In short, Ding Guangyou agreed with Zhang Fan's words, but speaking of it, even if he agreed, he didn't seem very happy. After all, no matter what happened to him, no matter if anyone helped him, what he lost was indeed lost. No matter who helps, it cannot bring people back from the dead.

Zhang Fan's help, to Ding Guangyou, is not so much a help, it's better to give Ding Guangyou a chance to vent, so that he can be freed from that matter, and Ding Guangyou himself doesn't know this, but For this result, Ding Guangyou obviously accepted it. Although his wife died less than half a year ago, in just a few months, this incident really tortured him so deeply that he couldn't live a normal life at all. It's time.

Even if he wanted to kill himself just like that, it wasn't that he couldn't do it, it was just because he still had no escape in the world, and he couldn't just get rid of the world like this, but Zhang Fan gave him a chance to be free .

It's just that he was somewhat contradictory to what Zhang Fan said to him in his heart. Zhang Fan had indeed given Zhang Fan a chance to be relieved. If things went well, Ding Guangyou would no longer feel guilty about his things, but , In that case, while those worries are gone, there will also be no worries that cannot be shaken off. In this way, for Ding Guangyou, there is no need for that kind of relief.

But in this way, Ding Guangyou has no purpose for the future and what he should do with himself in the future.

However, although Ding Guangyou is thinking about these problems now, these problems are not at the top of his mind now. What he thinks about now is how to solve the things agreed with Zhang Fan.

For this reason, after returning home that night, Ding Guangyou thought of many ways, and he practiced for a long time. In the end, he finally felt that he was in place. After all, his goal was not actually Zeng Xingwu, although his brother-in-law and Zeng Xingwu has to bear a lot of responsibility for his wife's affairs, but in the final analysis, he is not the culprit.

If it is said that Ding Guangyou only wanted to trouble Zeng Xingwu, then he couldn't get out by himself. After all, in the end, Ding Guangyou was looking for Zeng Xingwu when he dealt with this matter. Zeng Shengwu is a personal problem, and he himself has a responsibility for it.

Although in this way, Ding Guangyou seems to be evading responsibility, but no matter how he looks at it, in the eyes of outsiders, what Ding Guangyou does is his own decision. Whether he feels guilty or not, it is definitely his own decision. How he should face his own guilt in the future is also his own business.

All in all, all of this has been rehearsed now, so when Liang Chao's subordinates found Ding Guangyou's home, although Ding Guangyou became a lot nervous, he did not hesitate and followed him out of the house.

And when Ding Guangyou followed Liang Chao's men to Zeng Xingwu's house, he didn't go there immediately, but hid in the dark corner of the street. Ding Guangyou was absolutely at ease with Zhang Fan's arrangement, so he was just repeating Prepared, didn't care when it was time to play, while Liang Chao's men were watching over there, waiting for the signal.

On Liang Chao's side, after Zhang Fan entered Zeng Xingwu's house, although they did not follow in, they were inquiring about the situation inside. They had to wait for the most suitable time before letting Ding Guangyou play. At that time, the best effect can be achieved.

Finally, inside, Zhang Fan and Zeng Xingwu could be regarded as "clearing up their suspicions", and resolved the "misunderstanding" that occurred when they met yesterday, and the content of the conversation also changed from this time's official business to private matters. If it is a private matter, it is just a small talk, that is to say, it is about the affairs in the court, or about Zhang Juzheng, etc. After all, a lot of things have happened in the court for more than a year, countless It is also embarrassing for people to leave.

When the topic came to this place, Liang Chao outside realized that the time had come, and he winked at the street corner, and after Liang Chao's men got Liang Chao's signal, they didn't hesitate. Delayed, he turned around and patted Ding Guangyou next to him who was thinking about something in his heart, and said, "Wake up, it's your turn to go up,"

At this time, at Zeng Xingwu's home.

"So, you two adults don't know." Zhang Fan couldn't say that he was beaming at this time, but he also said with a look of high interest, "At that time, Feng Bao didn't talk, but now that I think about it, he also said Nothing came out, and the people below, although no one spoke, but I know that they must have laughed in their hearts, "

"Hahaha," Zeng Xingwu also laughed when he heard Zhang Fan's words, "This Feng Bao has been famous for so many years. Now that he encounters this kind of thing, he can't say it. Who is to blame, isn't he to blame for his own suffering?"

"Yes," even Liu Xian, who was at the side, followed suit.

Just when several people were talking with great interest, suddenly, there was a commotion outside.

After all, this is Zeng Xingwu's home, not only because he is the governor of a province, but now someone has come to his home to make trouble. Someone was there, and after the misunderstanding between Zhang Fan and him was resolved, the few of them were talking happily, that is to say, at this moment, Zhang Fan was Zeng Xingwu's guest, and now, with the guest present, I don't know who it is outside, they don't know the truth at all, and they make a lot of noise here, which is completely disrespectful to him.

After all, Zeng Xingwu is the governor of a province, not to mention his ability in the officialdom, but in terms of his thoughts, he can never escape the thoughts of the officialdom. At such a moment, his first thought was that this trouble It was definitely not a coincidence, after all, Zhang Fan was at his home at the moment, and someone came to make trouble at this time, it was definitely not a coincidence, it must be someone who had a relationship with him and wanted to trouble him.

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Zeng Xingwu's mind. He has not been in Sichuan for a long time. Although he is a good official, he has never offended anyone. It is necessary to do so Those who came to deal with him, as for those who had a feud with him before, they would not come to make trouble at this time, so he became a little curious.

And before Zeng Xingwu figured out the problem, he heard a "bang", obviously the door of his house had been knocked open.

Now, Zeng Xingwu looked completely angry, after all, it was tantamount to provoking him.

On the other side, Zhang Fan, Liu Xian, and the other four people who were also there were all stunned at the moment, and they looked completely unclear, especially Zhang Fan, who became angry after being dazed for a while. , and said in his mouth: "This Liang Chao, what are you doing to eat, you dare to let someone come in like this?" Daringly, Zhang Fan really didn't let go of any small details.

But before everyone digested Zhang Fan's words, they heard a voice from outside, shouting loudly: "Master Imperial Envoy, please make the decision for the next official."

Hearing this voice, the same Zhang Fan still had the same angry look as before, as if he was still blaming his subordinates for not even stopping such a person and letting him in, while beside him, Liu Xian and Wang Xilie were all still A look of confusion, obviously they still don't know what's going on.

On the other side, after hearing this voice, Zeng Xingwu not only showed an angry look on his face, but even his body trembled, and he said in a tone of gritted teeth: "This is Ding Guangyou,"

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