"Absurd, absurd, really absurd." Hearing that Ding Guangyou said he wanted to sue him, although Zeng Xingwu understood why Ding Guangyou did this in his heart, he didn't feel that he was in the wrong, it was just because Ding Guangyou's words really made him Feeling very upset, he couldn't help saying loudly, "Now that the matter has come to an end, you want to sue this officer," the unbelievable look on his face showed without reservation.

"Hmph, Zeng Xingwu, don't think that you can confuse the public so much because you have a higher rank than me. You can't distinguish between black and white." Ding Guangyou was still kneeling there, but he turned his head to look at Zeng Xingwu with a look on his face. He sneered and said, "I, Ding Guangyou, have been cowardly all my life. No matter how others say or bully me behind my back, I have never said a word or argued about anything, but I am also a human being. Is it possible that I am now , have reached this point, do you still want to keep your mouth shut?"

"You...you..." For a moment, maybe it was because he didn't expect that Ding Guangyou, who is usually silent, would act so hard at this moment, and dare to talk to himself like this. Zeng Xingwu never thought of it What happened in the past, but it actually happened at this moment, and it was still in front of so many outsiders.

Just for a moment, Zeng Xingwu was stunned for a moment, and Zeng Xingwu was so stunned, even Wang Xilie and Liu Xian, who had a very good relationship with him and knew that he was not the kind of person who did evil, were also There was a look of suspicion on the face, not because they began to doubt the people they had known for many years just because of Ding Guangyou's one-sided words, it was because Ding Guangyou could still say such a thing under such circumstances. After hearing these words, Zeng Xingwu not only did not refute, but was speechless on the contrary, even if it were any other person, he would be suspicious.

And taking advantage of Zeng Xingwu's stupefied opportunity, Zhang Fan seized the opportunity and asked, "Ding Guangyou, you just said that you want to sue the person in front of you, the Governor of Sichuan, Zeng Xingwu, right? ,"

"Yes," Ding Guangyou replied immediately when he heard Zhang Fan's words, and his tone became even more affirmative than before, "My lord heard right, and my subordinates did not say anything wrong. I just want to sue the governor of Sichuan. Zeng Xingwu, he..."

"Stop it," Zhang Fan stopped Ding Guangyou without waiting for Ding Guangyou to repeat what he said before, "I'm not asking why you sued Governor Zeng, nor what happened. I just want to ask, you are also an official of the imperial court, you should know about this kind of thing, since you want to sue the governor of a province, you should hand over the paperwork to the imperial court, otherwise, you can simply go directly to the capital to sue the imperial court never mind.

"And what I heard just now, it seems that the matter between you and Governor Zeng is not a one-day or two-day affair. Why have you not filed a complaint after a year or two, but you have to wait until this time , You didn't come to sue until after I came here. If General Liu hadn't won the Bo people this time, the imperial court would not have sent people here. No, from what you said just now, even though you don't know what's going on, you know it won't be a trivial matter. Could it be that if I don't come, you don't plan to sue?"

"No, my lord, that's not the case." After Zhang Fan finished speaking, Zeng Xingwu immediately refuted, but it looked like he was being asked for a while, and he wanted to find something to refute. , "Xiaguan...Xiaguan never thought of giving up on suing, nor did he think about not doing it because of the various things in front of him, but, Xiaguan... Xiaguan really has difficulties, not that Xiaguan doesn't want to do so. do, but simply can't do that,"

"Ding Guangyou, don't talk nonsense here," Ding Guangyou had just finished speaking, and Zeng Xingwu, who finally came to his senses, immediately sternly stopped him.

"Oh, Mr. Zeng," Zhang Fan waved his hand at Zeng Xingwu, and said, "Don't panic, let's listen to what he has to say about this matter first. If what he said is reasonable, I will naturally make the decision for you, but If you are really talking nonsense like Mr. Zeng said, then you can't just let it go, you must give me an explanation, I think you should know my identity, the name of Jin Yiwei, but It wasn't blown out,"

Although Zeng Xingwu still wanted to speak, Zhang Fan had already said this, saying that as long as Ding Guangyou could not give him a reasonable explanation, he would punish him, and it would be difficult for him to speak again. However, even so, Zeng Shengwu is not too worried, after all, Ding Guangyou knows about the matter between him and Ding Guangyou, so he should know, but according to what he remembers, he has not done anything excessive, at most, he looks down on others , but this is not a crime, so at this time, Zeng Xingwu was not afraid of what Ding Guangyou would say.

"Since your lord asks that, let me talk about it," Ding Guangyou said, "as my lord asked, I will not tell you what happened, but what happened next. In fact, what happened just now At that time, Xiaguan couldn't stand his wife's nagging every day, so he went to Mr. Zeng, but Mr. Zeng didn't want to see Xiaguan at all, and he didn't listen to Xiaguan at all, insisting that it was Xiaguan. The officer’s brother-in-law made a mistake, it’s not his disciple’s fault,”

Although Zeng Xingwu had promised Zhang Fan not to stop Ding Guangyou from speaking, when he heard what Ding Guangyou said, he couldn't help but said: "Ding Guangyou, how dare you..."

"Master Zeng," Ding Guangyou turned his head to look at Zeng Xingwu before finishing his sentence, shouted loudly, and said, "Could it be that what I said just now is all false?"

Ding Guangyou's words were full of momentum, and it could even be said that the momentum alone could make people speechless for a while. However, after Ding Guangyou said these words, he didn't say anything else immediately, but just Looking at Zeng Xingwu like this, but Zeng Xingwu didn't speak for a long time, even from the expression on his face, it can be seen that he has obviously recovered, but he still didn't speak. It can be seen that what Ding Guangyou just said What he said seemed to be true.

In this way, everyone present looked at Zeng Xingwu's complexion became a little weird, and being watched by so many people with such weird eyes, Zeng Xingwu couldn't help but turn red and show anger, but He still didn't say anything.

"Ding Guangyou, keep talking," Zhang Fan mentioned.

"Afterwards, the first emperor passed away, and the current sage ascended the throne," Ding Guangyou turned his head and continued, "It happened last year, when it was time for the amnesty of the world. Originally, the lower officials thought that since the amnesty of the world, my brother-in-law would also He didn't commit anything, even if he was framed, it wasn't a big deal, he should be released, but he wasn't.

"When I found out about it, I immediately went to Mr. Zeng. I didn't mean that Mr. Zeng had anything to do with this matter. I also knew what it was like to be an official, but Mr. Zeng still wasn't sure what I said. I just dismissed the officials with the phrase 'the imperial court has its own rules', and since then, it has been even more difficult for the officials to go to see Mr. Zeng."

When Ding Guangyou said this, he paused, and because of this pause, all the people present once again looked at Zeng Xingwu at the side in unison, and Zeng Xingwu's face turned redder, but But he still didn't intend to refute. It can be seen that Ding Guangyou's words are still correct.

This time, the faces of the people present became even weirder.

"And what happened after that," Ding Guangyou said, "At that time, my wife was crying at me, and I couldn't do anything about it. It was like, let's just sit in this wronged prison. Anyway, there are still a year to let him go. came out, but who would have thought that this time the imperial court's conquest of the Bo people would not have enough vanguards, but they caught some prisoners from prisons to be vanguards.

"For this matter, I once went to see Old General Liu,"

"Oh, now that you said that, I remembered it." Liu Xian who was on the side slapped his forehead when he heard Ding Guangyou say this, and said, "Now I remember, it was indeed you who came to look for me at that time. However, I can't control that much, after all, there is a reason why it has already entered the army and is released, not to mention that the military order is not correct, if other people know about it, once the momentum drops, how can we fight?" Liu Xian has such a temper. It's not that he wants to be the first to explain that he is right. It's because he is just such a person, he does what he should, and he says what he thinks.

"Old General Liu is right," Ding Guangyou said, "I don't want to blame Old General Liu. Although I also have blame in my heart, I understand that Old General Liu only cares about the war and can't control other things. So, I went to look for Master Zeng again, but the result was still the same, this time I was kicked out without even seeing Master Zeng, "

When Ding Guangyou said this, everyone no longer needed to go to Zeng Xingwu to confirm what he said. After all, what Ding Guangyou said was a kind of humiliation to Zeng Xingwu. Once Ding Guangyou said something wrong, Zeng Xingwu It is absolutely impossible to keep silent, but if Zeng Xingwu is silent at all, it means that what Ding Guangyou said is correct.

"Until now," Ding Guangyou continued, "actually, if it wasn't for what happened later, the lower official was going to go to Beijing to file an imperial complaint, but now that your lord is here, the lower official really can't hold back anymore. "

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