Although Ding Guangyou didn't say exactly what he wanted to sue Zeng Xingwu, but even if the words he said were not complete, they made people hear some things. Those things in this era, no, should be said in anything They are all uncommon, so even if they only heard Ding Guangyou mention a few names and general things, the few people on the side can still think about what happened.

However, even though they thought about what might happen, they did not blindly blame Zeng Xingwu or sympathize with Ding Guangyou. Both Yu Rongjin and Liu Xian, who is a military commander, all understand that when things are not clear, they must not jump to conclusions, otherwise, it is very likely that they will die because of some small misunderstanding. Produce something irreparable.

However, even so, after Ding Guangyou's words came out, the way everyone looked at Zeng Xingwu had changed.

As for this, Zeng Xingwu was very angry, but unfortunately, what Ding Guangyou said was not a problem at all, although when he told it, his eyes and the way he rendered it with tears added more to what he said. However, at this moment, Zeng Xingwu couldn't speak at all, because no matter how emotional what Ding Guangyou said, the very important point is that what he said All are facts.

Since what he said is the truth, even if it is because Zeng Xingwu thinks highly of himself and looks down on Ding Guangyou, no, it should be said that he is not willing to lie to deal with Ding Guangyou because Zeng Xingwu thinks highly of himself and looks down on Ding Guangyou. Putting aside this level of relationship, with Zeng Xingwu as a person, although he has a lot of bad temper, he is not the kind of person who would make up things indiscriminately in order to avoid responsibility.

In short, that is to say, after Ding Guangyou uttered such a remark, Zeng Xingwu did not refute it, obviously he has admitted that what Ding Guangyou said is correct.

"Master Zeng, what he said..." And Zhang Fan, once again appropriately, with a look of surprise on his face, looked at Zeng Xingwu, and said in a tone of disbelief, "Could it be that what he said These are all really impossible, "

"That's right," and this time, although Zeng Xingwu still had a flushed face, he didn't have the slightest intention of escaping. He faced Zhang Fan and said, "Master Zhang, what Ding Guangyou said is not wrong at all. , I just look down on him. Although he is not a bad man, he has been an official for so many years, but he has made no achievements. There is such a person in the imperial court, who was born as a Jinshi, and he is only a sixth rank after all these years. Even if this kind of person He won’t do anything wrong, but he won’t be able to do anything great if he goes up there, so it’s possible that after ten years of poverty and passion, he’s going to be as useless as him.”

Zeng Xingwu's words stunned everyone present, but Ding Guangyou, who was still kneeling there, blushed. No one would have thought that under such circumstances, Zeng Xingwu would actually say However, the reason why Ding Guangyou blushed was very simple when he made such a remark. He understood that even if Zeng Xingwu still made such a remark under such circumstances, it was tantamount to sophistry, but he also understood at the same time , Zeng Xingwu's remarks are not without reason.

Yes, Zeng Xingwu may think highly of himself and look down on others, but he even has a reason for looking down on others, and it is a reason that can be articulated and makes people feel reasonable. A person, as a court official , although he has never had any bad intentions, let alone done any bad things, but he has made no achievements. Anyone who replaces this kind of person will think it is a waste to let him stay in the court, especially for Zeng Xingwu. This is especially true for those with ambitions.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Ding Guangyou received such treatment in front of Zeng Xingwu. The key problem is that Zeng Xingwu never regarded him as an official or a colleague. In Zeng Xingwu's eyes, even Ding Guangyou A different ordinary commoner can't compare.

The reason for this situation is not because of Zeng Xingwu. In the final analysis, it is all the trouble that Ding Guangyou found out by himself, or it should be said that Ding Guangyou did not do anything wrong, but his personality is different from The environment he is in is inherently incompatible, which has caused his current tragedy. In fact, no one is responsible for this kind of thing. People who are so unfavorable are all placed in the same place as officials, and the person who feels disgusted with one of them is still his superior.

This kind of thing is indeed embarrassing.

However, now is not the time for Zhang Fan to think about these things. His purpose today is not to help Ding Guangyou get justice, nor to embarrass Zeng Xingwu, neither of which is the case.

so now……

"This kind of thing..." Zhang Fan looked like he didn't know what to say. This was not what he was pretending, but what he was thinking in his heart now. After all, the situation in front of him was really something he had never thought of before. , "It's useless for us to talk about these things now, but since we have already talked about this, I can't pretend that I have never heard of this matter. My lords, and Master Zeng, I am very sorry. I want to hear what happened to Ding Guangyou."

Facing Zhang Fan's words, none of the people present objected. Even Zeng Xingwu, although he looked like he wanted to say something, in the end he still didn't say anything.

That's how things are. Although Zhang Fan, as an imperial envoy, is obviously over the line to manage the affairs of these local officials, but that is also on his own initiative. If he takes the initiative to find these local officials for no reason If it's troublesome, then it's his problem, and someone with a heart will definitely come to investigate him, but if it is changed to the current situation, something has happened before his eyes, then Zhang Fan naturally has the right to intervene , even, if something happened in front of him, but Zhang Fan ignored it, then he would be in trouble later.

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Fan has made it clear that he will intervene in this matter, but as a result, the people next to him, even Zeng Xingwu who does not want this to happen the most, can't say anything .

"Ding Guangyou, now I don't care what happened before, or what kind of grievances you have with Master Zeng." Zhang Fan turned his head and said to Ding Guangyou, "But since you said that just now, Thinking about it, there must be a lot of grievances. Nowadays, with so many adults around, I will also make decisions for you. Now tell me what happened, and speak out boldly, "

"That's how it happened..." At that moment, Ding Guangyou was also unequivocal, and directly began to tell his own affairs.

I don't know if it's because he discussed it with Zhang Fan before, so he went home last night and practiced for a long time; It hurt deeply. In short, when Ding Guangyou narrated his experience, even if he didn't cry, he definitely choked up his words. In addition, what happened to him really made people feel terrible.

The few people present may have heard of similar things a long time ago, but those were just what they heard from others. In addition, these people present are all dignified men, whether they are civil servants or military generals, they will naturally feel in their hearts. There is such a trace of arrogance, so for them, when they heard this kind of thing in the past, at most, they just sighed and didn't say anything else.

However, the current situation is different. Although it seems that there is no change, they are still listening to a person narrating this kind of thing, rather than seeing it with their own eyes, but the person who narrates it in front of them is the one who suffered the most. , Moreover, a big man, when talking about this kind of thing, actually has such a crying appearance, even because this Ding Guangyou is not a stubborn person, but he can make a man, a court official, cry and talk about it This kind of thing, it can be seen that this matter has indeed made him extremely sad.

"That's the thing... that's what happened," Ding Guangyou finally said, "Ever since the news of my brother-in-law's death in the battlefield came, my wife was exhausted because of his imprisonment. Now that she heard the bad news, she fell ill immediately I'm sorry, and then... In less than a month, she passed away. How should I deal with this kind of thing.

"I don't blame this battle. After all, the imperial court was able to conquer the Bo people. This is naturally a great thing. I am also from the southwest. Naturally, I have heard of the behavior of the Bo people. This problem can be eliminated. I am sorry for the deceased wife. In other words, even if it cost the life of my brother-in-law, I think it is worth it, so although I have complained to Old General Liu in my heart, I don't think it is his fault.

"But, my wife shouldn't, she has nothing to do with this matter, she's just a woman, but why...why does she have to...and..."

At this point, Ding Guangyou was speechless, and the person listening to his narration, even Zeng Xingwu, was silent.

Yes, if it is possible to conquer the Bo people, it is indeed worthwhile to die a few people, but Ding Guangyou's brother-in-law did not go voluntarily, even if he was dragged into cannon fodder as a prisoner, should he be It is really doubtful to pay such a heavy price as a prisoner.

But now, the life of Ding Guangyou's wife is still on the line. This kind of thing is simply unacceptable.

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