What Ding Guangyou said before.The reasons for those lawsuits against Zeng Shengwu.It already made it impossible for everyone present to say anything.Even Zeng Xingwu's sophistry later made sense.But that doesn't negate what he did wrong.

And when Ding Guangyou began to describe what happened to him.The people present still did not speak.Or.than just now.What Ding Guangyou said now.Let them say nothing more.

After hearing about Ding Guangyou.Several people present.In fact, Zhang Fan felt the same as Ding Guangyou yesterday.Although there is no indication on the surface.But in their hearts.I don't think so.This is indeed a human tragedy.

Waited until Ding Guangyou had finished speaking.Everyone present looked melancholy.These few people.Including Zeng Shengwu.They seemed to want to say something.But I don't know if it's because things are too heavy.Or maybe the atmosphere in this room is too depressing.For a moment no one spoke at all.

"Ding Guangyou...you..." It took a long time.In the end, Zhang Fan spoke first. "Your matter. It does make people feel sympathetic. It's just. This kind of thing. I really don't know who to blame. If what you said is not true, maybe it's not you who lied. It's just you I just don't know. Maybe your brother-in-law really did those wrong things of cheating and abducting. It's just that you don't know it.

"Of course. It's also possible that what you said is the truth. Your brother-in-law didn't do anything wrong. He was framed. In the end, it caused the current situation. But no matter what it is, I will investigate carefully .If what you said is true. I will naturally give you justice. But if what you said is not true. At that time..."

"Master Zhang." Seeing what Zhang Fan said, he hesitated.Everyone on the side knew what he was going to say.And Wang Xilie was the first one who couldn't bear it.The one who spoke. "If it is found out at that time, it is indeed Ding Guangyou's wife and brother who did something. But what he said now is false. Please forgive me for having something to say. I think this matter. Even if it is time It really became like this. It doesn’t seem to be Ding Guangyou’s fault. After all, he was deceived by others. The so-called ignorant is not guilty. If Master Zhang and Ding Guangyou are also punished by then. Isn’t it... "

"Master Wang is right." Zhang Fan said. "However. This matter is not determined by human feelings. If it is true at that time, as Mr. Wang said, I will not punish Ding Guangyou. But the so-called human heart is separated from the belly. It is difficult to draw bones. Heart. How did I know that Ding Guangyou was really ignorant of the matter and was deceived. If this precedent is set, what kind of troubles will there be in the future. I think Mr. Wang should be able to imagine it."

"This..." Zhang Fan said.It made Wang Xilie silent.

good.What Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all.The current situation is.If it is said that Ding Guangyou was not deceived by others.Instead, they simply know what's going on.Now he just wanted to sue Zeng Xingwu and made up what he said just now.Wait until the truth is found out.Zhang Fan did not punish Ding Guangyou in any way.

In this way.What will happen next.At that time, there will inevitably be countless people running to complain.And even if it is finally found out.Nothing like that.But the complainants need only say that they did not know the truth.If you have been deceived by others, you can escape responsibility.If so.What kind of chaos will the scene be at that time?

"So, Ding Guangyou." Zhang Fan looked at Ding Guangyou again.Said. "I will investigate this matter. And I believe that the police from Chengdu Mansion will be able to find out the truth of the matter. If the arrest is not successful, then I will send the local Jinyiwei to investigate again. I must investigate Come out in the end what is going on.

"Wait until the truth is found out. If it is really what you said. Then I will give you justice. But. If it is found out that is not the case. You can't get away with it easily. Do you understand?"

"The lower officials understand. The lower officials understand." Ding Guangyou said hastily.But actually for Ding Guangyou.Even if he didn't settle the matter with Zhang Fan yesterday.But as long as he knows that Zhang Fan will help him investigate.He would still be grateful to Zhang Fan.

"Also. I haven't finished asking questions yet." Zhang Fan continued. "Today I don't count the responsibility for your intrusion. But after you intruded, what you said was to sue Mr. Zeng. But now after I have heard your story, I feel that this matter is as you said But Mr. Zeng should not be regarded as the person you want to sue. After all, the person who did this thing and framed your brother-in-law was not Mr. Zeng himself. It was his subordinates. In this way .Who are you going to sue?"

"I want to sue those who framed my brother-in-law." Ding Guangyou obviously had an idea about this matter.Zhang Fan had just finished asking.He said it immediately. "However. It's not just them. The subordinate officials will sue Zeng Xingwu for conniving with his subordinates. The charge of lax discipline."

After listening to Ding Guangyou's words.Zeng Xingwu at the side still gritted his teeth with hatred.But he didn't say anything in the end.Perhaps he has figured it out.What Ding Guangyou said.Not gibberish.Or maybe he already realized it.He himself was not a perfect man.He did make some mistakes.And now.It's just that Ding Guangyou exposed his own shortcomings.

Zeng Xingwu really thinks highly of himself.And look down on a lot of people.But he also has some weird demands on himself.This may be a contradiction.But it appeared on a person.But it's not a problem.The issue is.Zeng Xingwu realized it now.He ignored Ding Guangyou.

That's right.Even at this point.Even Zeng Xingwu already understood in his heart.Up to now, he himself has a lot of responsibility.But even at this time.He still felt that Ding Guangyou was wrong.It wasn't entirely his fault.This may be the so-called "the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change".Even now.Zeng Xingwu still held this idea.

"Pamper your subordinates. Discipline is not strict." Zhang Fan repeated the two sentences Ding Guangyou said just now.Said slowly. "That's right. This is indeed a pretext. Even if it's not Mr. Zeng's fault. But if you insist on suing Mr. Zeng for these two things, I can't say anything. It's just. These two things. From the perspective of ordinary people, it is not a big deal. But if it is placed on an official, it is a big deal. Not to mention that Mr. Zeng is the governor of a province. This is no different from suing Mr. Zeng for dereliction of duty.

"But it's the same. If it is not the case once the truth is found out, my punishment for you is not that simple. After all, you are equivalent to falsely accusing the imperial court officials. And it is still such a big crime. If you are not severely punished Punishment. What is the face of Mr. Zeng? What is the face of the court. These. Have you thought about it clearly?"

"Your Excellency, this officer has already thought of all this." Ding Guangyou looked resolute.Said. "This plan of the next official. It will never be changed."

And Ding Guangyou's affirmation.For those on the sidelines.It is indeed very vibrating.after all.Although Zhang Fan directly said that he would be severely punished.But he didn't say exactly what would happen to him.But this kind of thing doesn't need to be said at all.Even if it is not directly stabbed to death.But in this way.Or just shut it down.Or they were dispatched and sent to the army.It can be seen from this.How great is Ding Guangyou's resentment now.And his plan.Basically, he wanted to embrace Zeng Xingwu's awareness of dying with him.

But Ding Guangyou's decision was the most astonishing.There is also Zeng Xingwu himself.Just what he thought.It's not Ding Guangyou's problem.It's his own problem.

What Zhang Fan said just now.Although it almost sounds like defending Zeng Xingwu.The possible consequences of intimidating Ding Guangyou.So that he can drop the lawsuit against Zeng Xingwu.But from Zeng Xingwu's point of view.That is quite the opposite.That is to say.The truth about Ding Guangyou was finally found out, but it was as he said.When the time comes.It is tantamount to confirming his charge of dereliction of duty.

This charge is not small.If it is manipulated by someone with a heart.This charge allows a person to suffer only minor penalties.But it can also ruin a person's reputation.

Naturally, Zeng Xingwu didn't want to see that happen.after all.How old is he now.Coupled with the great victory against the Boren now.He also has a huge credit for it.It is a good opportunity for him to show his ambitions.But never thought of it.At this juncture.Unexpectedly, a Ding Guangyou came out halfway.Sued him.And as long as it succeeds.He once saved my official career.Even if it is the end.

even.Even the results of the final investigation.He once told me that I don't have to worry about it at all.But this has become his stain.

this kind of thing.No matter who is changed.Neither will feel good.

And now.This happened to Zeng Xingwu.

It's just a moment of effort.Not only did the slightest bit of guilt towards Ding Guangyou disappear.Became even more hated the other came.even.He also developed a kind of resentment towards Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan naturally didn't know what Zeng Xingwu was thinking.He just looked at Ding Guangyou.Said: "In this case, Ding Guangyou. Your case. I accept it. Don't worry. I will definitely investigate this matter. But when the time comes, I will definitely not show any favoritism to any of you."

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