The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 984 Ambivalence

Zhang Fan accepted Ding Guangyou's case.Actually.Whether it can be said that this is a case is not certain.After all, since it is a complaint.Then you need paperwork.If ordinary people complain.Then you have to hand over the pleadings to the Yamen.Only in this way can the Yamen start to handle the case.But for Ding Guangyou.Since he is a court official.Something like paper.You can do it with a wave of your hand.

But the problem is.Ding Guangyou's favorite is Zhang Fan.But what about the pleadings?Actually.Nothing at all.It was entirely based on Ding Guangyou's dictation.If it is placed in an ordinary yamen.This is absolutely against the rules.Yamen will never accept it.But now.Zhang Fan took it.The others didn't say anything either.

Actually.It's no wonder that other people don't have any ideas.It was really because of what Ding Guangyou said before.It really shocked the few people present.Patronize and think about the things in it.There is no time to pay attention to whether Zhang Fan's acceptance of Ding Guangyou's case conforms to the rules.

Especially Zeng Shengwu himself.Now it's even more froze there and doesn't move.He was not very surprised because Zhang Fan accepted Ding Guangyou's case.It was because of what Ding Guangyou said before.It made him stunned.Not because of what Ding Guangyou said.After all, what Ding Guangyou said just now.He Zeng Xingwu is also very clear.It was because of Ding Guangyou.How dare you say such a thing now.This has greatly surpassed his understanding of Ding Guangyou.The former Ding Guangyou.It is absolutely impossible in front of so many people.Said something like that.

Some people may be surprised.after all.What happened to Ding Guangyou.How miserable it is.And after such a tragedy.become suddenly explosive.Do something that you would not normally do.Seems normal too.If say this time.Ding Guangyou was really overwhelmed by the things in his heart.To put it mildly.It's "jumping over the wall in a hurry".There's nothing wrong with that.

but.Even if things can be explained in this way.But Zeng Xingwu was still in disbelief.What kind of person is Ding Guangyou?He Zeng Shengwu only came to Sichuan to serve as an official for more than two years.But he dared to say it.I still know this person very well.

At first.When Zeng Shengwu came here.Also made a lot of preparations.One of them is included.Officials familiar with Sichuan.certainly.How many officials are there in a province?He is only Zeng Xingwu, so he will definitely not be able to remember.but.At the very least.He became governor of Sichuan.It's in Chengdu.So.Officials in the Chengdu government.He wants to understand clearly.

And among the officials of the Chengdu government.Zeng Xingwu never met.But someone who made a deep impression on him.It's just that I have a bald head.then.Now I know Ding Guangyou.And after learning about his situation.Zeng Xingwu was also very surprised.Just after Zhang Fan heard of Ding Guangyou's identity.It is the same feeling.after all.A man of Jinshi background.And it was clearly written on the dossier.A person who had such a high ranking in the palace examination back then.After ten years as an official.It's actually just a fellow student of the sixth rank.This situation.Change it to anyone.It's all wrong.

According to the time when Ding Guangyou entered Beijing to participate in the examination.Zeng Xingwu didn't even have to look it up to guess it.Ding Guangyou will come to such a point.It is definitely thanks to Yan Song's party who was controlling the government at that time.How else could it be so.

so.After knowing about Ding Guangyou.Zeng Xingwu was very optimistic about him.There is nothing miraculous about this.In fact, you can imagine it if you think about it a little bit.There will be people who have this experience.Nothing more than two.One is to dare to fight against Yan Song's party members; and the other is that Yan Song's party members have taken a fancy to it.But he himself didn't want to be in the same boat.So he was annoyed by Yan Song's party.The status of Jinshi.He was brought to this place as a small sesame official for seven or eight years.

but.It doesn't matter which of the above two situations this Ding Guangyou is.But they all have one thing in common.That is, he is definitely not a mediocrity.This.That's what Zeng Xingwu thought of after seeing Ding Guangyou's dossier.

but.It looks like this.It's not bad for Zeng Xingwu to think so.A person who dared to fight against Yan Song's party, who was in power at the time.Absolutely impossible to be mediocre.And that's what Zeng Shengwu saw at the time.Nothing happened to Ding Guangyou.At best, it's just demoting officials.visible.Either Ding Guangyou is insignificant.Either he knows how to advance and retreat.Even if something goes wrong.But it will not lead to murder.

And if it is another situation.If it is said that Ding Guangyou was taken by people from Yan Song's party.But he vowed to die.That's how it ended up where it is now.That would explain the problem even more.At that time, Yan Song was in the same party.The power in the court is great.It is absolutely unimaginable for ordinary people.And it is for this reason.A lot of people don't join passively.Many of them took the initiative to recommend themselves.After all, as long as you have a relationship with Yan Song.In a short period of time, it will definitely be able to rise to the top.

And it is for this reason.Since there are so many people who come automatically.People in Yan Song's party are not fools.There are so many options out there.Of course it is a can be chosen by them.Definitely talented.And be able to be seen by them.And take the initiative to find people.They are definitely talented.

That is.Even Zeng Xingwu didn't know what kind of situation Ding Guangyou encountered.But either way.He is definitely a talent.

After knowing this.Zeng Xingwu was really happy.After all, he went to Sichuan to take up the post of governor.There was an ambition in my heart.Nor does it say whether his ambitions are public or private.But he really wanted to have a big fight.Regardless of what he wants to do.In this officialdom.Just relying on him alone.That is absolutely Xingwu at that time.most needed.Someone who can help him.

About identity or something.Zeng Xingwu really didn't care too much.Whether as a subordinate.Still as his superior.As long as it is a capable person.He will be optimistic about him.

but.Maybe someone will ask.Didn't Zeng Xingwu say before that he thinks highly of himself?

good.While having that thought.Zeng Xingwu still has the problem of high self-esteem.But what I said earlier is too general.Not exactly.Zeng Xingwu has a very high self-esteem.Not everyone.It has nothing to do with that person's status.If the other party is just a market person.Is a common people.But there are real talents in the stomach.Then Zeng Xingwu definitely treats him with courtesy.There is absolutely no room for arrogance or contempt.

But if you encounter the kind of people who don't have real talents.Even if the official rank is higher than Zeng Xingwu.But he still looks down on this kind of person.

And when Zeng Xingwu, who was full of hope for Ding Guangyou, came to Sichuan to take office.After knowing the real situation of Ding Guangyou.His opinion changed.

That's right.If it is true talent and learning.Ding Guangyou is not lacking.Regardless of his rank among Jinshi.Or in terms of how much Yan Song's party paid him attention back then.Ding Guangyou lived up to Zeng Xingwu's expectations of him.

but.What Zeng Xingwu didn't expect was.Although Ding Guangyou is full of knowledge.But he was born with such a cowardly temperament.

Zeng Xingwu wanted to find a talented person.And people who can help him.It's not enough just to be talented.You have to be able to use your talents.And obviously.Ding Guangyou did not meet Zeng Xingwu's request.

Before Zeng Xingwu came.There were great expectations for this matter.we can even say.Zeng Xingwu was concerned about his Sichuan post.A big impetus.It gave him the idea to do a good job.Ding Guangyou played a big role in it.

And in learning.Ding Guangyou is simply a useless empress.One can imagine.How disappointed Zeng Xingwu was.This disappointment is so strong.So much confidence in Ding Guangyou.At this moment, it turned into full of resentment towards Ding Guangyou.

This.In fact, it is why Zeng Xingwu is among so many officials in Sichuan.The reason why I look down on Zeng Xingwu the most.To use a sentence that is not too appropriate to describe it.That is "the depth of love. The depth of hate".

therefore.As for the few times Ding Guangyou went to him.He didn't even bother to listen to anything Ding Guangyou had to say.They all thought he was here to mess around.

until now.After what Ding Guangyou said just now.He already knew it in his heart.It seemed that he had indeed made a big mistake.Perhaps Ding Guangyou is not up to the task.cowardly character.Waste your talents.But these do not mean that Ding Guangyou is a bad person.Nor does it mean that what Ding Guangyou said was all nonsense.

perhaps.It is precisely because of his thinking.This has caused all that Ding Guangyou is experiencing now.Lost two family members.

for this.Zeng Xingwu really wanted to say sorry to Ding Guangyou in his heart.But only in my heart.It is absolutely impossible to put it in your mouth.and.Even in his heart, he already felt guilty towards Ding Guangyou.But he didn't want to admit his mistakes at all.

after all.Now things have developed to such a point.Once he admits his mistake.That would be tantamount to admitting to the crime of dereliction of duty.Maybe in the end.It will not affect him in any way.But it will definitely cause great damage to his reputation.

And for things like fame.Whoever it is.Good guy or bad guy.It's all about caring.I care very much.Zeng Xingwu is no exception.

so.nowadays.What Zeng Xingwu faced was.How to separate the relationship between this matter with myself.

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