The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 986 Start arresting people

After coming to Sichuan, to be precise, after entering Chengdu Mansion, today is only the second day Zhang Fan has been here. Although he hasn’t learned much yet, these things are not what Zhang Fan cares about now. What he was thinking about was how to complete the task entrusted to him by Empress Dowager Li.

They still plan to live in the post house today. Speaking of this matter, it is not a big problem, although the conditions of the post house are not very good; although it is said that whether it is Zhang Fan or Joanna There is no objection here, but after all, this is not a long-term residence, and they don't know how long they will stay in Sichuan, so living here is definitely not a long-term solution.

Of course, Zhang Fan still has other choices now. For example, he can spend his own money to stay in an inn. Naturally, he doesn’t have to worry about money. Therefore, even if he bought a house here, it would not be a problem at all.

However, Zhang Fan did not do this, not to show off his style. After all, he is rich. He may be the richest person among all the officials who legally owns the money. This matter is almost unheard of in the world. I don't know, everyone knows, so Zhang Fan is not because of incorruptibility.

It's not because I don't want to, or because I want to save or something. Let's not talk about saving or not. It goes without saying whether I want to or don't want to. Even if it's Zhang Fan or Joanna, they don't care about the environment they live in, but In comparison, no matter how indifferent, people will feel that it is best to be more comfortable.

But Zhang Fan still didn't choose to do that, the reason was actually very simple, it was because Zhang Fan wanted to use this place as a cover for what he wanted to do.

But now, it's not time to talk about these things.

In short, after Zhang Fan and his party returned to the post, it was natural that his subordinates brought Ding Guangyou to make a statement.

But here, after Zhang Fan came back, he didn't go back to his room immediately, but went to Joanna's side first, but found that there was no one at all. When Zhang Fan saw the empty room, that's when he remembered. Anna mentioned to him last night that she was going to go shopping in the city today, and since Zhang Fan was on business, I am afraid that Joanna might not come back at noon today.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but wryly smiled. To be honest, Zhang Fan rarely had the opportunity to go to other places. Before, he hadn't been the commander of Jinyiwei, and he was only a fourth-rank commander. At that time, he didn't need to worry much about Jin Yiwei's affairs, so at that time, if Zhang Fan went to other places, even if he was on business, he would still have a lot of leisure time.

It's just that at that time, Zhang Fan basically never went out. The only time was when he went to Mobei to help Long Qing find medicinal materials. As a result, he didn't see the scenery of the desert, but he almost lost it. Life, of course, Zhang Fan didn't have many complaints about that trip, after all, it might be a blessing for him to let him explain Yingyue that time.

After that, after Zhang Fan was promoted to be the commander of Jinyiwei, he really got busy. After all, the dignified Jinyiwei has never had a decline in the 200 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, unlike Dongchang, which has good times and bad times. It's not the West Factory or the Inner Factory, it's just a whim of the Emperor Liang Dynasty. Jinyiwei has always been very stable, and stability for Jinyiwei means that it is constantly growing.

And now, perhaps in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, it is really a little weak. Although it has gradually re-emerged due to many people, and there has been a lot of improvement, the entire imperial court has weakened a lot compared to when the country was founded.

However, Jinyiwei is the only one that has always stood firm. Maybe the quality of the emperor directly determines the nature of Jinyiwei, but nothing can stop its development.

In short, the staff is only [-] Jinyiwei. Now the whole world, even a three-year-old child knows that the number of [-] is definitely deceiving. The actual number is definitely more than this number. Because of the wide scope of jurisdiction, in short, there are many things that need to be managed by the Jinyiwei almost every day, so the work of the Jinyiwei is very busy, and as the leader of this organization, Zhang Fan needless to say.

However, just like a country, countless things happen every day in a country. Even if it is possible for the emperor and ministers to discuss major issues of concern, there will always be one or two things every day, and the same is true for Zhang Fan. What's more, because Jin Yiwei is engaged in intelligence after all, there are many things that haven't happened yet, which Zhang Fan needs to pay attention to.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan has always been very organized in his work, and he also has Wang Meng and Liang Chao, two trustworthy and capable subordinates, and Zhang Fan can trust them to do the work at hand. In this way, there are actually a lot of things every day, but when they are brought in front of Zhang Fan, there are actually only a few things left, and most of them only need to be reviewed by him and approved. Normally, Zhang Fan doesn't seem so busy, but even so, he lives a very tight life every day. Apart from the relatively fixed time to go home, he usually doesn't have too much free time.

And in this way, if Zhang Fan, who has lived so far, is sent to other places on business, it means that it is indeed a big problem. If so, even if Zhang Fan goes somewhere, he will definitely not be able to go anywhere. There is no such leisure time to go shopping.

Now that Joanna is going out to play, if possible, Zhang Fan also wants to go. Speaking of which, who doesn’t want to go to play? In this season of winter, there is a warm climate like the beginning of spring. It was a place that I only heard of its name but had never been to. Anyone who changed it would want to go out for a visit, but Zhang Fan didn't have the time.

Helpless but there was no other way, Zhang Fan had to go back to his room and think about what he had to do now. Although he had thought about this matter a long time ago, made thorough preparations, and considered many details, but After all, the nature of this matter is so important, for Zhang Fan, it is worthwhile to think more about it.

However, before Zhang Fan could think for long, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Zhang Fan said directly without asking who it was. He knew in his heart that only Wang Meng and Liang Chao would be knocking on his door at this time.

Opening the door, it was indeed Wang Meng who walked in.

"My lord, the matter over there has been settled," Wang Meng said after he came in.

"Oh, let's hear it," Zhang Fan immediately became interested when he heard Wang Meng mentioning this matter, and asked.

It turned out that after the conversation between Zhang Fan and Ding Guangyou yesterday, he had already started to prepare for Ding Guangyou. In the end, this matter was not to help Ding Guangyou. Although there was such a thing, Zhang Fan The main purpose of this is not here, and helping Ding Guangyou is just incidental.

Zhang Fan's real purpose, in the final analysis, is to make Zeng Xingwu hate him, or to be more specific, he wants to make all the officials in the entire Sichuan territory hate him by intervening in Ding Guangyou's matter. It's unbelievable, after all, he didn't come here to find fault, nor did he come here to make trouble. What's more, he just went to Zeng Xingwu's house this morning to reconcile with him.

But speaking of it, the reason why Zhang Fan came to Sichuan was not because of Zeng Xingwu or Liu Xian, so...

So, after finalizing the matter last night, Zhang Fan called Wang Meng and asked him to do something.

Going to reconcile with Zeng Xingwu today is already planned by Zhang Fan, and Zhang Fan is not worried about whether the reconciliation can be achieved. He has considered it before coming here, and has also conducted a detailed investigation of Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian. Although Liu Xian is quite old, he is a soldier who has fought all his life, so he is not difficult to deal with. Zeng Xingwu looks a little troublesome, but in fact it is not difficult. Zhang Fan knows what Zeng Xingwu wants, Therefore, Zhang Fan is very confident that he can reach a settlement with Zeng Xingwu today. He only needs to lower his stance, and things will be easily accomplished.

In fact, Zhang Fan succeeded in doing so.

What he asked Wang Meng to do last night was to find the culprit who framed Ding Guangyou's wife and brother. Zeng Xingwu's subordinates found and arrested him. Of course, Zhang Fan did this for a reason.

So, early this morning, Wang Meng went, and this matter was too easy, especially for Jin Yiwei. His name was Kang Qiusheng, and he was called Kang Er. He said he was Zeng Xingwu's subordinate, but actually It's just a school inspector who has not yet entered the mainstream. It is said that it is because of some relationship with Zeng Xingwu, that is why he got such a job.

And this person, because of his relationship with Zeng Xingwu, became extremely arrogant and often harmed those common people, and Ding Guangyou's wife and brother can be said to be the worst person he has ever framed.

Wang Meng found the Jinyiwei Yamen in Chengdu Mansion, found out about this matter without any effort, and immediately found this Kang Er, without further ado, arrested him and left.

"Where are the two Kangs now?" Zhang Fan asked.

"It's locked in the yamen of Weizhong here," Wang Meng said, "Don't worry, my lord, I'm very careful when arresting people. Except for my two brothers, no one else will know about it."

"That's good," Zhang Fan nodded, "Don't torture this Kang Er, but you don't have to make him too comfortable. It will be of great use for us to keep him."

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