"My lord, please don't worry," Wang Meng said, "The humble official has already told his brothers that although he will not torture this Kang Er, he will not make him feel better. Moreover, what the lord has explained, the humble official has also ordered Going on, this Kang Er is not difficult to deal with, he is just a bully and fearful rascal, I think there should be no problem, when the time comes, he will follow what we explained, and he will never say anything wrong."

"That's good," Zhang Fan said, "In this whole matter, this Kang Er is a key person. If something goes wrong with him, then we will have trouble handling the following things."

"Understood," Wang Meng nodded, and said, "It's just that I don't understand what my lord is going to do. If it's what my lord said before, let all the officials in the Sichuan officialdom If you exclude the adults, there is no need to do it specially. We have already made the people here very unpopular. As long as the adults don’t do anything, or force them with words, there is no need to be so troublesome now. of,"

"That's what you say," Zhang Fan shook his head, and said, "But if you do this, it would be too obvious. If the people at Duanwang's Mansion see something, then we have made so many preparations. It’s just wasted, but if it’s like this, it’s almost hard for them to see what’s wrong, and it will be much more convenient for us to do things by then,”

"So that's how it is," Wang Meng also nodded, and praised, "My lord's method is really good." It's not that Wang Meng is flattering. After all, no one knows his temperament. He even spoke coldly, but now he said that, naturally because the method was really good.

Originally, if Zhang Fan and the others did nothing, the situation would be the same as when they first came to Sichuan. People in the official circles of the entire Sichuan territory absolutely hated them and didn't want to see them. As long as Zhang Fan came here Do nothing, or go a step further and do something they hate even more, for example, putting on a high profile and persecuting Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian more.

As long as this is the case, let alone crowding out Zhang Fan, someone will hand over a memorial to the court to impeach Zhang Fan.

But in this way, although it seems natural, there is actually a big flaw. Although Zeng Xingwu and Liu Xian have never met Zhang Fan, nor have any direct relationship, but In practice, this means that there will be no direct conflict between them.

However, although there is no direct connection between them, it does not mean that there is no connection between them. In fact, logically speaking, the relationship between them should be very good.

Let’s talk about Liu Xian first. As a famous general in the Ming Dynasty, Liu Xian has a very good relationship with several other generals today. Among them, Qi Jiguang is one, and the relationship between Zhang Fan and Qi Jiguang is also very good. Therefore, if Zhang Fan and Liu Xian talked, they could talk, and the relationship was pretty good.

And Zeng Xingwu is actually the same. Although there is no direct relationship between Zhang Fan and Zeng Xingwu, the relationship between Zeng Xingwu and Zhang Juzheng is very good. "After the incident, officials from all over the country came forward to oppose or support it. Among those who supported it, Zeng Xingwu was the first one. The person who can do this must have a good relationship with Zhang Juzheng.

After Zeng Xingwu became a Jinshi, he stayed in the court. At that time, he made Zhang Juzheng stronger, so the relationship between them was quite good. Moreover, Zeng Xingwu also understood Zhang Juzheng's thoughts, although Zhang Juzheng did not He didn't mention to him in detail about his plan to reform, but Zeng Shengwu naturally agreed with Zhang Juzheng's idea.

Therefore, after Zhang Juzheng just brought up the matter of "Testing into the Law", Zeng Xingwu didn't even think about it after knowing about it, and immediately played it and agreed with Zhang Juzheng's method.

As for this matter, Zhang Juzheng has mentioned it to Zhang Fan more than once, and also mentioned Zeng Xingwu's name many times. Zhang Juzheng attaches great importance to Zeng Xingwu, not just because he was the first to give a speech in favor of " The reason for the "Examination into the Law", and the reason is that Zeng Xingwu is talented. Although he has many shortcomings, it is undeniable that he is very talented.

Moreover, in Zhang Juzheng's view, the current Zeng Xingwu, the governor is definitely not his limit, he can still improve to a higher level, and by that time, Zhang Juzheng will definitely be busier than now, and if If Zeng Xingwu could go up one day earlier, he would be able to help Zhang Juzheng more in the future.

And here, what is the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng? It is the relationship between master and student. Don't underestimate the relationship between teacher and student. This is not the kind of school in later generations, nor is it in a school. That kind of ordinary relationship, this kind of master-student relationship, has too many entanglements in it.

For officials, there are many unusual things between the teacher and the students. The master-apprentice here does not refer specifically to academic ability. Although there is such a factor in it, it is not this kind of teacher-apprentice. Everything about the apprenticeship relationship, and also, including the teacher's support for the students.

Although it is said that there is no money between master and apprentice, it seems that the teacher uses the contacts and status relations accumulated in the officialdom for so many years to help his students for no reason. A person who has nothing to do with him is very likely It sounds like a stranger who is related to help such a person get a position. It sounds good, it is selfless, and it sounds bad, it has no brains. However, people in the officialdom are the kind of people who are qualified to recruit students. How can a person of this level have no brains?

Because the benefits are mutual, for example, Zhang Juzheng is Xu Jie's disciple, at the beginning Xu Jie accepted Zhang Juzheng because of his talent, after that Xu Jie not only knew many things about Zhang Juzheng, but also hid him. Let him be protected from Yan Song's persecution. At the same time, Xu Jie also arranged Zhang Juzheng in the court. In this way, Zhang Juzheng will not only be in a safe environment and will not suffer any persecution; Things that will allow him to apply what he has learned in the future.

And this kind of effect is even more obvious. Because of Xu Jie, Zhang Juzheng first served in the court, and then went to work in Yuwang's mansion, which made him famous in the court. The future Emperor Longqing had contacts and acquaintances, and as a result, as soon as Yan Song fell, Xu Jie became the first assistant scholar of the cabinet, and after Emperor Jiajing died and Emperor Longqing ascended the throne, Zhang Juzheng was recommended by Xu Jie to join the cabinet , and Emperor Longqing agreed directly.

Just imagine, Zhang Juzheng was a Jinshi in the 26th year of Jiajing, and he became the throne in Longqing, which is the 45th year of Jiajing. In less than 20 years, Zhang Juzheng entered the cabinet as a prime minister. It sounds like 20 years may be a long time, but from zero If you are an extremely human minister, it is really nothing.

As for what Zhang Juzheng has gained today, his teacher Xu Jie can be said to have helped a lot. It can be seen how important this master-student relationship is in the court, and it is precisely because of its importance that this kind of master-student relationship is very important. Almost all of them are very close.

As for the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng, although it cannot be said that there is no conflict at all, Zhang Juzheng took a fancy to Zhang Fan and accepted him as a student; and Zhang Fan also ignored Zhang Juzheng's minor problems, After all, generally speaking, everything Zhang Juzheng proposed was of great benefit to the dead Ming Dynasty, so the two of them could almost talk about everything.

Because of such a relationship, Zhang Fan and Zeng Xingwu should actually be able to talk very well. After all, with Zhang Juzheng such a very convenient bond, as long as there is a little talk between the two of them, there will be absolutely nothing. There will be too many contradictions.

From what happened today, it can be seen that Zhang Fan just lowered his stance a little and explained it to Zeng Xingwu, and Zeng Xingwu stopped being angry with Zhang Fan. It was reconciled.

And if Zhang Fan doesn't do this, he will continue to stalemate with Zeng Xingwu, but his result has been achieved, but for others, especially now that they must know what happened in the capital, they can guess that Zhang Fan came to Sichuan What the hell are they here for? The Shuduan Palace will definitely not think that this is normal for the two of them. If this happens, Zhang Fan will be exposed.

It doesn't matter if you reveal your secrets so much, what matters is that in this way, Prince Duan's Mansion may not contact Zhang Fan at all. In this case, how can Zhang Fan do things.

But now, with Zhang Fan's method, the reality is to reconcile with Zeng Xingwu, let Duan Wang's mansion relax its vigilance, and then through Ding Guangyou's incident, once again quarrel with Zeng Xingwu, it seems that If so, it seems natural.

And Zhang Fan did this in the hope that through this matter, people from Duanwang's Mansion would automatically come to his door. Regarding this matter, Zhang Fan was [-]% sure that the people from Duanwang's Mansion would come to him on their own initiative. After seeing such a big thing as the emperor being assassinated, and now it is rumored that the person who instigated it was his Duan Wang Zhu Xuanqi, Zhang Fan didn't believe Zhu Xuanqi, so he didn't worry at all. He must also want to find some news from Zhang Fan. of.

Now that everything is ready, let's hope that the probability of that happening will be relatively high, otherwise, the matter that Queen Mother Li entrusted to Zhang Fan will be really difficult.

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