Zhang Fan said before that this matter should be handed over to the local yamen first, and if the yamen can't handle it well, then his Jin Yiwei will go out to investigate.

After Zhang Fan went to Zeng Shengwu's house in the morning, after Ding Guangyou went to file a complaint, he didn't know who it was. In short, this matter spread out that afternoon, and it was widely spread, not only On the bright side of the entire Chengdu Mansion, even the ordinary people knew about this matter. In a short time, it could be said that the entire Chengdu Mansion, regardless of officials and civilians, knew about it.

As soon as this incident came out, there were those who were surprised, shocked, and gloated. Those who gloated were not the officials, but ordinary people. Perhaps it was because these ordinary people were really given by these officials. The bullying is ruthless, and even if some people have never encountered such a situation, it is definitely not uncommon. Now I heard that this kind of thing happens between officials and officials. How should I say it, for the common people? In other words, it is this kind of "dog eat dog" thing, and they will naturally feel this kind of gloating.

Of course, these are just the thoughts of those people who don't know the truth.

For people in the officialdom, or those who have some relationship with the imperial court, this news really shocked and surprised them. After all, Zeng Xingwu's previous style was seen by everyone, and he His achievements are obvious to all. Zeng Shengwu has only been in Sichuan for more than two years, but in just two years, Sichuan has undergone many changes and has become much better.

Now, what’s more, because of Zeng Xingwu’s proactive attack, he didn’t waste time. Not only did he wipe out the Bo people, a troublesome ethnic group who had been robbing money in the southwest for many years, but also Liu Xian came back with a big victory. It should be credited to Zeng Xingwu's decisiveness, and a great contribution should be made.

But now, such a thing came up, which made everyone who heard it feel a little unbelievable. After all, in their eyes, Zeng Xingwu is a good official with integrity.

Therefore, as soon as this incident was spread, there was quite a commotion in the official circles of the entire Chengdu Mansion. Almost everyone was discussing this incident. It seemed like it had happened for a while and had reached its peak, but thinking about it, it was no wonder that it was so lively. After all, Zeng Xingwu was the governor of a province. Now that something happened, how could people not react.

However, this kind of fierce reaction is only limited to the level of discussion. Almost everyone is discussing this matter, but it is just a discussion, but no one stands up to say anything. The reason is actually It's very simple, because when everyone is discussing this matter, these people in the officialdom have ideas. When they think of something, they naturally think of Zeng Xingwu.

Zeng Xingwu is indeed a good official, this need not be discussed again, and Zeng Xingwu is not only a good official, but also has talent, learning, and talent, which is completely the material for an official, and Zeng Xingwu will not be limited to Things that follow rules and regulations, dare to do things that others dare not do, speaking of it, he dares to bet.

But the so-called no one is perfect, Zeng Xingwu is flammable, no matter how good Zeng Xingwu is as an official, he can't hide his shortcomings, and his shortcomings are not just one or two, there are many, those who think highly of themselves, Almost everyone in Sichuan knows about the problem of looking down on people.

It is precisely because of these shortcomings of Zeng Xingwu that everyone was shocked and surprised when they heard that Ding Guangyou went to Zhang Fan to sue Zeng Xingwu today, but after the shock and surprise passed, people Calm down and think about it, but no one stood up to speak out, let alone defend Zeng Xingwu, why, because what they thought about Zeng Xingwu made them feel that maybe Zeng Xingwu was serious about these things Can do it.

This is a good one, although it only took half a day, but all of a sudden, things seemed to change direction, Zeng Xingwu stood on the wrong side, and Ding Guangyou, who used to be looked down upon not only by Zengsheng, but also by other people in Chengdu Prefecture. People who are looked down upon by officials are now being sympathized with by people as suffering masters. This sounds really unbelievable, but it is true in fact.

However, this is only on the surface, but in fact, although many people think that Zeng Xingwu may have done something wrong and Ding Guangyou is the victim, but , and that’s all, even if everyone thinks that Zeng Xingwu did something wrong, but it’s over, and I won’t think about it, let alone do something .

The reason is very simple. After all, no matter how miserable Ding Guangyou was, no matter how wronged he was, he even cost two lives. However, he is only a sixth-grade co-instructor after all. In comparison, if Zeng Xingwu was put down just because of this matter, it would be a bit worthless. After all, although Zeng Xingwu was at fault for this matter, it was not directly at fault, and it was not his fault. It's not a mistake. Compared with the mistakes he made, if he has nothing to do, he will bring more benefits.

This is a very simple principle of trade-offs, and we must not lose too much because of small things.

Originally, if this matter was just brought to the government, it would be easy to handle. It only needs a few people in the middle to move around, and it would be easy to handle. But now, the problem in front of me is not as simple as the government themselves That's right, Ding Guangyou went directly to report to Zhang Fan, the imperial envoy who came here, and whoever Zhang Fan was, if he just talked about his identity as the imperial envoy, it didn't matter, but Zhang Fan was the Imperial Guard He is the commander of the capital, and this alone makes it impossible for people to ignore his existence, not to mention that Zhang Fan is still the grand tutor of the dynasty.

Nowadays, it makes people feel very bad that such a person should intervene in this matter. Judging from the way the imperial court handled such matters in the past, it is almost worthless. Credit, but once you do something wrong, even if it is only a small wrong thing, you may never turn over because of it. This kind of thing, whether it is heard or seen with your own eyes, is really too much. too much.

And if Zhang Fan intervenes in this matter, this situation is likely to come true, which makes these people feel very bad, and no matter who they are, they feel that if Zeng Xingwu is only because of this matter, the If something goes wrong with his official career or his future, then it's really not worth it.

Therefore, for these people nowadays, they are very contradictory. On the one hand, they naturally don’t want Zeng Xingwu to have anything happen because of this, but on the other hand, although they don’t know the truth about this matter, How, but they can guess that there is a great possibility that Zeng Xingwu will do that. If so, Zeng Xingwu has done something wrong after all. Since he did something wrong, he should naturally be punished. punitive.

As a result, these people are in a dilemma. If they stand up and say something, it will obviously be detrimental to Zeng Xingwu. Judging from the current situation, no matter who among them, whoever stands up and says something If it is finally found out that it was Zeng Xingwu who caused Ding Guangyou's current tragedy, then what they said can only have a negative impact on Zeng Xingwu.

And if they didn't say anything, they just watched Zeng Xingwu ruin his future because of such an incident, and they seemed a little unwilling. Now that Zhang Fan is involved in this incident, it means that Jin Yiwei They also have to get involved, and once Jin Yiwei gets involved, there is absolutely no way to hide anything, and the truth will definitely be investigated, so Zeng Xingwu still cannot escape this disaster.

It seems that this is neither advancing nor retreating. It is a dilemma that makes people unable to make a choice.

However, although none of the officials or civilians in the Chengdu government said anything, these people actually turned to Zeng Xingwu. Naturally, there were many reasons, so I won't go into details here.

But in this way, these people turned to Zeng Xingwu, that is to say, they made the person who brought up this matter disgusted.

Ding Guangyou, no, it’s not Ding Guangyou, Ding Guangyou is a sufferer after all, even if he sued Zeng Xingwu, but what he experienced is in front of his eyes after all, and cannot be ignored, so no one blames him nowadays What about Ding Guangyou?

In this way, that is to say, Ding Guangyou has no one to blame, so there is only one person left, which is naturally Zhang Fan.

This sounds really funny, after all, Ding Guangyou is the plaintiff, if Ding Guangyou did not file a complaint, this matter would not happen naturally, of course, maybe even if Ding Guangyou does not file a complaint now, it will be high in the future, but, right It is because Zhang Fan is here that this matter has happened now. Therefore, he should not have been attacked by others for this matter at all. He was just managing this matter as the chief judge. Zhang Fan, who was born in China, has now become the target of public criticism.

And all of this was within Zhang Fan's expectation, and it was also the scene he needed. However, what Zhang Fan wanted was not just these. Next, he had to do some other things, so that these things were already very important to him. The annoying officials of the Shu region should become even more annoying to him,

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