Now.A group of people gathered at Zeng Xingwu's home.These people come here.It was because Zhang Fan didn't wait for the Yamen to act.They didn't even notify the Yamen at all.So he sent his Jin Yiwei to investigate the matter about Ding Guangyou.It is because of this.That's what makes these people think it's too much.

But now they gather here.It's not about brainstorming.Find a way to solve this matter.we can even say.This thing is for them.There is simply no way to solve it.They are here today.Just to complain.Maybe it's because of yesterday.After Zhang Fan wants to investigate Zeng Xingwu's incident.These people have always had an idea in their minds.But ideas are ideas.They can't do anything.Now came across such a thing.They naturally became angry.Now.Just looking for a place to vent.But venting is venting.They do.In addition to making Zeng Xingwu even more headache.But it can't solve any problems.

But Zeng Shengwu is now.It is indeed a headache.original.Zhang Fan accepted Ding Guangyou's case.Said to investigate this matter.This in itself troubled Zeng Xingwu very much.After all, this matter involved him.Although he himself has not done much in this matter.But in officialdom.This is the case again today.inaction itself.Originally, it could be regarded as a crime and a crime alone.

so.Now Zeng Xingwu is quite troubled.And now.These people said so in his house.Not only can't solve the problem.It would only annoy him even more.But don't worry anymore.No matter what these people say in front of him now.But Zeng Xingwu couldn't say anything at all.He couldn't say anything comforting.After all, he is the biggest sufferer present at the moment; but he can't say anything in favor of these people.Against Zhang Fan's words.Because this matter comes to the end.After all, it was because of the mistakes he made that he developed into what he is now.

Although even at this point.Zeng Xingwu still didn't feel sorry for Ding Guangyou.Even now.His dislike for Ding Guangyou not only did not decrease.On the contrary, it is even worse.Zeng Xingwu is such a contradictory person.What he did wrong to himself.And will not do anything to cover up.But for people who make a lot of trouble by their own mistakes.But not sorry.

so now.What did these people say in front of him.Zeng Xingwu completely ignored it.

But it was Zeng Xingwu's business to ignore it.But the people on the side didn't think so.Actually.They were wrong.Thought of going elsewhere.and.Just at such a time.what these people think.Surprisingly consistent.

What are you thinking.It is precisely because of Zeng Xingwu's current appearance.Let them have this idea.After all, what kind of person Zeng Xingwu was originally.Naturally, they, the officials of the Chengdu government, are the clearest.It's not that Zeng Xingwu has talent.Will you be an official?Or how much Sichuan has changed because of him in the past two years.None of these things have anything to do with it.

what they think of.Zeng Shengwu is such a person.Such a strong one.And the eyes are higher than the top.He doesn't pay too much attention to the powerful.People who dare to go their own with such a matter, he became so silent.For those who don't know what Zeng Xingwu is thinking now.It's easy to feel like that.Now the situation is stronger than people.Because there is a big man like Zhang Fan investigating this matter.

If so.Just imagine.Even a person like Zeng Xingwu.Now it's because of one reason or another.bowed to the others.Zeng Shengwu himself may not feel anything.But this is for other officials in Chengdu.But it is an incredible thing.

In their view.It's a symbol.Symbolizes.The whole of Sichuan.It's just because of a foreign imperial envoy that they all bowed their heads and professed their ministers.This is for those who are officials.Naturally, it is unimaginable.I don't want to do anything anymore.It was only an imperial envoy who came.The most the most.The identity of the commander of Jin Yiwei is indeed quite scary.But this does not mean that they have to give up even their own dignity.Is there any morals in this way?

people present.Except Zeng Xingwu.Almost everyone has this mindset.This may be a kind of thinking unique to these scholars who are officials.But at the end of the day.This kind of thinking is nothing more than standing and talking without back pain.Maybe they should be right.But if you really want to do that.That's almost impossible.Say nothing else.Just the name Jin Yiwei can scare the crap out of them.They can still think that way now.It's just because they didn't encounter anything.

here.Zeng Shengwu's home.A bunch of people are here to complain.But it doesn't solve anything.And over there.Zhang Fan was quite relaxed.Leave this matter to Wang Meng.Zhang Fan didn't have any worries at all.He believed that Wang Meng could handle this matter well.Don't pay him too much attention.

And on the side of Prince Duan's Mansion.Although Zhang Fan had already sent people to investigate.But the current Duanwang Mansion is like a quiet lake.Not just nothing.I can't see any news at all.Let him now simply have no way to start.In this way.Zhang Fan can't do anything now.a.Just in case it will startle the snake.

That is.The current Zhang Fan is not greedy and lazy.Instead, there is nothing to do at being the case.There was nothing to do.It might as well do something else.

then.This so-called other.In fact, it was Zhang Fan who planned to accompany Joanna.The two traveled around the mountains and rivers.If so.In addition, Chengdu Mansion has reached such a point now.Zhang Fan believes that there will never be fewer people who pay attention to him.It won't take a few hours.The news that he was wandering around with the woman would spread.In this way.The "hate" of the officials of the Chengdu government towards him will be further improved.Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone in this way?

and.Speaking of sightseeing.Although Zhang Fan is only in Chengdu Mansion right now.And can't go anywhere else.Or too far away.But it's only in this Chengdu mansion.There are also many places worth visiting.Plus.There are beauties around.This kind of leisure.Anyone is willing to change.

so.This is Zhang Fan's plan for today.

only.Obviously his plan was about to be interrupted again.It's not that something happened.Nor is it temporary again.It's just that someone else came to the door.

Just as Zhang Fan changed his clothes.When ready to go out.There are own men outside to call the door to announce.Said that someone came to see him.

I heard that someone was coming to see him.Zhang Fan became curious.Because I don't know many people here.There are not many who will take the initiative to see him.And if it is those few people.Naturally, Ding Guangyou would not have anyone below to report.know each other.Naturally, they would bring him in directly.And Zhang Fan also told Ding Guangyou before.Things are just beginning now.Don't always come to him.Take Ding Guangyou's temperament as an example.Of course not.

As for Zeng Xingwu, it was even more impossible to come to him.No matter where you look at it.It's not appropriate for Zeng Xingwu to come here at this time.After all, nowadays.Zhang Fan did this.Not through the local yamen.He directly sent his own men to investigate the case.This is clearly to punish Zeng Xingwu.Zeng Shengwu came at this time.It feels like giving in and admitting.And what kind of person Zeng Xingwu is.Zhang Fan also understood.He's definitely the kind of guy who's even convicted of a crime.But people who won't admit it until the last moment.How could it be possible to find him now.

Could it be that... the officials of the Chengdu government failed.Not right.If other officials from the Chengdu government came to him.Be it anything else.Or something about Zeng Xingwu.Since the other party is an official look.This report should not be the case.

What is...

Just as Zhang Fan was thinking.Those who came to report.Seeing that Zhang Fan has been talking for so long.Wait for a while.Finally he spoke, "My lord. The person who came to see your lord is a woman."

"What did you say?" Hearing such a sentence.Zhang Fan immediately asked. "It's a woman. Who is it? Did she announce her name?" What Zhang Fan heard really surprised him.A woman came to him.Nowhere is it normal.After all, the person who came to him like this.Almost something he is not too familiar with.Another woman.This made him even more confused.

"My lord. I don't even know who she is. She didn't say anything." The visitor said. "But she brought this." Said it.Come and take out an object.Handed it to Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan accepted it in doubt.Take a look.Immediately, I knew who the person was.

something in his a party token.It belongs to Jinyiwei.only.This is no ordinary stuff.Even apart from Jin Yiwei.No one else knew about this token.This is something unique to Zhang Fan, the commander of the capital.Every Jinyiwei commander has a piece.And every term is different.

And now.Zhang Fan has a piece on his body.And this should be something unique.Zhang Fan still has one piece in his hand.but.Neither of these pieces are fakes.

because.This piece in Zhang Fan's hands now.It was when he gave it to someone.For liaison purposes.And that person.It was that time that Zhang Fan was captured.It almost killed him.The leader of the Five Poisons Sect.So did Fang Yueling.

And now.This token appeared in his hand again.Explain what.

"You go. Call someone in." Zhang Fan ordered. "Be careful. Don't let too many people know."

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