Zhang Fan originally thought so.It was Fang Yueling herself who came.after all.At that time, he gave the token to Fang Yueling.Now if this token comes back.And I heard that it was another woman.It must be Fang Yueling herself.Think here.Zhang Fan couldn't help being a little surprised.If it is Fang Yueling.Then she is quite courageous.

Let alone.Now her father is still in the hands of those people.It can be said that Fang Yueling's actions were hindered by many parties.Although it is said that Zhang Fan is now sending undercover people to Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.It has already gained their trust initially.But the news about Fang Zhenqian.It's just a little bit of fur.Didn't even know he was being held there now.I don't even know if he is still alive now.

In this way.In other words, Fang Yueling is still under the control of those two people.For the safety of my father.Had to do what they told them to do.But if they found out that Fang Yueling dared to go to the government in such broad daylight.He was also the imperial envoy of the imperial court.That's definitely not a good thing.

perhaps.Fang Yueling's skills are amazing.Can avoid people's eyes and ears.Let those who spy on him find no trace.but.Zhang Fan didn't believe it.After all, Fang Yueling is a very steady person.Especially she is quite concerned about her father's affairs.Zhang Fan is sure.It was absolutely impossible for Fang Yueling to risk her father's life.

And now.A woman came over with the token that Zhang Fan gave to Fang Yueling.Or Fang Yueling came over in person.if that is the case.I am afraid that something very serious has happened.either...

The door opened.Or the men who came to report earlier.Followed by a woman.Zhang Fan took a look.It's immediately clear what's new.It really wasn't Fang Yueling who came.It was the one who had tied him up.And that Yu'er who stabbed him once.The last time the two met was rather unhappy.But it is also because of this.Zhang Fan's memory of Yu'er is very deep.

now.It's been such a long time since we saw each other.This Yu'er hasn't changed much.That face is still so beautiful.It's just the look on the face.But it felt better than before for Zhang Fan.It's going to be even more deserted.It is even more important to keep people away from thousands of miles away.Just like... just like the bitter woman who has been abandoned for many years.Although it sounds more than indecent to describe it that way.It is a kind of contempt for the other party.Whether the opponent is your enemy or not.Such words really should not come from the mouth of a gentleman.Even just thinking about it.

but.this moment.This was the only thought in Zhang Fan's mind.After all, he couldn't find another word to describe the woman in front of him.

"I thought it was Fang Yueling who came here in person. I wondered why she became so bold. After all, this is Sichuan. It can be regarded as the boundary of those people. If Fang Yueling came in person, her father. Your old leader. Just Aren't you afraid that something will happen to you?" Although Zhang Fan thought wildly in his mind.But he recovered quickly.Immediately said with a smile. "Now it's you who came here. This is the solution to the doubts in my heart. It's just that you can come here. You are still alone. It's very bold."

"Hmph." Facing Zhang Fan's words.Yu'er snorted coldly.Although did not say anything.But his face was as cold as frost.Obviously he hated what Zhang Fan said.I don't know if it's because I hate Zhang Fan.Or because of what Zhang Fan said just now.

But for Zhang Fan.Yu'er's expression.It was in his expectation.If it is Fang Yueling.It must be deserted.Even when it is not a last resort.She might not even speak.But Yuer.She absolutely hates Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan himself didn't know the reason.But he knew that Yu'er hated himself very much.Now she has such an expression.It is also a matter of course.

"Things are busy in the church. Where is the teacher free to leave?" Yu'er said.That sound is nice though.Even her tone is very cold now.But the coquettishness in those words couldn't be concealed at all.It's just that Zhang Fan could hear it.But she also understands this Yu'er's dislike for her even more. "I am here today on behalf of the leader. Naturally, I am here to deliver a message."

"Let's not talk about anything." Zhang Fan interrupted Yu'er.But regardless of her looking at him with an even more disgusted expression.said with a smile. "I just said that. Now, it seems that even if you come here, it is a very bold thing. Fang Yueling will not mention it. If I remember correctly, you stabbed in first. You are not afraid .Such a person came over. It was a sheep entering the tiger's den. Did it come back or not?"

"Hmph. If you really want to do this, I'm powerless to resist." Yu'er put on a more icy expression.Said. "But I'm here this time. I have something to tell you. And. You will definitely be interested."

"Oh. Then tell me." Zhang Fan heard what she said.I'm also interested.asked. "What the hell is it?"

"Hmph. Do you think I'm a fool?" Yu'er seemed to feel more resentment towards Zhang Fan.Hum before every sentence. "If I told you that, it would be too worthless. This news. It's not such a simple thing as today's price increase."

"Then tell me. You will tell me what you want." Yu'er's words.It really made Zhang Fan's interest even higher.He was not afraid that she would use some false news to deceive him.And Fang Yueling would never do that.After all, now Zhang Fan is Fang Yueling's greatest help in finding her father.There was absolutely no way she would just give up like that.

"I'll tell you about this. You also have to do our leader a favor." Yu'er said. "And. This favor is not something that can't be done. As long as you are willing to help, you can definitely help. But you must agree."

"Yeah. This kind of exchange is fair." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "But I want to hear what the job is. Only then can I agree. You know. There are many things I can do. But there are many, many things. If I promise you. And you have something to embarrass me. What can I do then?"

"Hmph. Don't deliberately refuse here." Yu'er snorted again.Said. "I asked you to help me. You can definitely do it. And I will never embarrass you. Even. It will also give you a lot of benefits to the Han court."

I heard what Yu'er said.Zhang Fan immediately thought of a possibility.Fang Yueling is indeed very important.But that said.It was also for Zhang Fan.As for the two people Fang Yueling was related to, Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.If Yu'er was talking about this matter.I'm afraid it's not enough for her to use it for such a high-sounding reason.If you tell the things about Zhang Yong and Wang Xin.Then only...

"In that case, I agree to come down." Zhang Fan said. "Tell me. What news do you have?"

"You are refreshing. Since that's the case, then it's settled." Yu'er said. "There are actually two pieces of news. It is one for you. The first news is that this time the imperial court conquered the Bo people. It won. This is not only for you. It is also a good thing for us Miao people. These Bo people have not only caused trouble for you Han people for many years, but also caused troubles for other tribes. Now that you have eliminated him, you have done a good deed.

"It's just that. Once the Bo people died, there are many problems behind them. The land occupied by the Bo people. Although most of them have been taken over by your court. But there are still many places. Now they have become unoccupied." The land of the Lord. And the southwest side. There are too many tribes. Now facing these open spaces, they all started to fight for it."

"Of course I know about this." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "Speaking of it. Since you have such a relationship with me, then I'm not afraid to say something bad. Those places are not good places. Even if the court accepts them, there will be more troubles than now. And put If it is there, it will still allow all ethnic groups in the southwest to compete for it. At that time, the court will also benefit from the fisherman."

What Zhang Fan said was not a lie.And the reason why he dared to tell Yu'er so clearly.It was because he was not afraid at all.Those places are for the court.Although taking it away did expand the territory.But it was very desolate there.It is useless to collect.And those places are too close to other races.If you get it, there will be infinite trouble.

And the reason why he dared to tell Yu'er so clearly.It's really because those ethnic minorities even know about it.It is absolutely impossible to stop fighting.after all.Those tribes are relatively small.Although there are a lot of people.But there are very few places.In the past, it was because of the strength of the Bo people.Obviously next to the open space.But dare not take it.Now the Bo people are dead.They naturally have to make plans for themselves.so.Even the imperial court announced it to the world.Those lands are reserved to let the local ethnic minorities kill each other.It is absolutely impossible for them to stop fighting.

"I knew it. You Han people. From top to bottom. From the emperor to the common people. None of them are good things." Even at this time.Yu'er didn't forget to smell Zhang Fan. "But that's not what I'm going to talk about. Zhang Yong and Wang Xin also took a fancy to these places. Although they don't know what they plan to use them for. But they did take a fancy to those places. It's just that. They are hiding very deeply now. There is no way to come forward. So, these people thought of a way. Let someone help them rob them."

"This..." Hearing what Yu'er said.Zhang Fan was stunned.Think about it for a while.asked. "It can't be. They let the Five Poison Sect help them grab the territory."

"It's not like this, what else." Yu'er showed a disgusted expression again.Only this time it was obvious.The target was not Zhang Fan. "My family leader asked me to come to you. I just want you to help with this matter."

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