Zhang Fan was stunned by what Yu'er said, he never thought that such a thing would happen.

The remaining places have been agreed a long time ago, and they are reserved for those ethnic minorities to fight for. The intention of the court to write the lyrics was originally to make them hate each other. To make the future smoother.

Of course, let these ethnic minorities attack each other and die in the process of scrambling. The imperial court will not think about such a naive thing. It only needs to let them weaken naturally, and the imperial court has no plans to do anything later. , There is no plan to send troops again. Although I think in my heart, most of these ethnic minorities have never had any troubles with the court, so there is no righteousness in sending troops.

But now, Fang Yueling asked this Yu'er to come to Zhang Fan and asked him to help with this matter, which made Zhang Fan stunned for a moment. Naturally, Zhang Fan could do this favor, and he didn't need it at all. No matter what the price is, he just needs to tell Liu Xian that there are still some remnants of the Bo people infesting there, and let him lead the troops to wipe them out.

But the crux of the problem is not here. The crux is that Yu'er's request itself is very strange. Although this matter was made by the court, in the final analysis, it has now become the responsibility of those ethnic minorities themselves. It's a matter, and among the hundreds of tribes in the southwest, it is impossible to ask the court for help in this kind of matter, so Zhang Fan doesn't understand this request made by Yu'er.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but said: "Although I can help with this matter, it is very troublesome to do it. Those two asked the Five Poison Sect to help them grab the territory, but the expensive sect is using it as their own. What identity do you do? Speaking of your teaching, almost all the people in the teaching are Miao people. From this point of view, the name of the Five Poisons Sect's actions is in the name of the Miao family, but after all, your teaching is also a Jianghu gangs, and now this kind of thing has nothing to do with Jianghu, but the plans of various ethnic groups. If it is said seriously, it can be regarded as a political matter.

"No matter how stupid Zhang Yong and Wang Xin are, they should be able to figure this out, and even if they figured it out, they still let your teacher do this kind of thing,"

"Those two Tai Cao Nai, we shouldn't have asked about this kind of thing," Yu'er obviously didn't have any good intentions for those two people, and now she even uttered cursing dialects, but it didn't seem to be enough Ruthless, "For this kind of thing, once the people in the Jianghu intervene, the various ethnic groups will not have any troubles, and even have a lot of manpower. Naturally, it will be of great benefit, but the person who joined is not very easy to explain. If There are only one or two people, and if you want to do this kind of thing, it's okay to say, after all, you can control most people, but you can't control everyone, and there will always be people who have different ideas.

"But if it is a sect, it will basically not disturb this kind of thing. If it gets involved, it will be difficult to walk in the rivers and lakes in the future. Others will say that there are people behind you, and they have big backgrounds. So For one thing, others will see that you are not a member of the Jianghu, but someone sent by other people to inquire about the news of the Jianghu. In this way, no one wants to make friends with you, so how can you mess around?"

"Well, you're right," Zhang Fan nodded, and said, "But now that you think about it, you can't help yourself now, those two have your old leader as a bargaining chip, and your leader can't do what he wants. ,"

"I never obey, it sounds so ugly," Yu'er obviously didn't intend to let go of anyone who said Zhang Fan was wrong, "It's a shame you came from a number one scholar, but your words are so ugly."

"..." Faced with Yu'er's endless resentment, Zhang Fan was a little at a loss, but in the end, he decided not to dwell on this issue any more, and continued to talk about the important things, "That is to say, now, you If you want the imperial court to take action, then if the imperial court steps in, they will naturally not be so stupid as to let the people of your religion fight against the imperial court. In this case, not only the two people will not get any benefits, but your education will also be able to save strength, is that the case, "

"That's right, that's what happened," Yu'er said naturally, "I came back to see you today mainly because of this matter,"

"So that's the case," Zhang Fan nodded, then put on a smiling face, looked at Yu'er, and said, "If that's the case, please go back."

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Yu'er's face immediately became very ugly: "What do you mean by that? Is it possible that you don't want to help? Don't forget that your little life can live to this day. But we must thank our leader for his mercy, "

"Hehe," even in the face of Yu'er's appearance, Zhang Fan still had a smile on his face, and no one could see that he was angry at all, "If I remember correctly, I will That kind of thing happened, in the final analysis, it is thanks to you, don’t worry, my memory is very good, it is absolutely impossible to remember this incident wrongly, "

"You..." Facing Zhang Fan's words, no matter how angry Yu'er was, she couldn't say anything. What Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all. Indeed, she was the one who stabbed Zhang Fan first. Afterwards, Fang Yueling held Zhang Fan hostage in order to allow them to escape safely, and almost killed Zhang Fan. In this way, it seemed that Zhang Fan still blamed them a lot.

But now, although the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, speaking of it, if Zhang Fan wants to settle accounts with them, they have nothing to do, and at this time, they still come to Zhang Fan for help. There is no need to find any reason to reject them.

"Don't look at me with that expression," Zhang Fan said with a wider smile when he saw Yu'er like this, "Now that I haven't arrested you, it means I still need you. You should be grateful to me, but you still want to think about what I can do for you, and, as you said when you first came here, we only use each other, but there is no favor in it. Now, you gave me a I have useless news at all, so I want me to help you, if it were you, do you think you would agree?"

"You..." Yu'er seemed to want to say something else.

"Okay, don't waste my time," Zhang Fan waved his hand, interrupted her, and said, "The weather is nice today, I have an appointment with a beautiful woman, and I'm going out for a visit, of course, even if we just use each other relationship, but I still want this kind of courtesy, how about it, are you interested in traveling with me?"

"You are very leisurely." Zhang Fan's words not only did not make Yu'er more annoyed, but made her sneer, "There is no need to go out together, I am afraid that I will be contaminated with all of you. The smell of people, it will make me feel terrible for a few days, so let’s forget it.” Speaking of this, it seems that Yu’er also understands that it’s useless to talk, she stood up, turned around and walked towards the door .

As for Zhang Fan, watching Yu'er stand up and prepare to leave, he didn't show the slightest sign of being organized, and still sat there with a very leisurely appearance, not moving at all.

And Yu'er stopped when she was about to reach the door.

Originally, the purpose of her coming here was to ask Zhang Fan to help, with the help of the power of the official uniform, to save the Five Poisons Sect from losses, and not to make it difficult for the Five Poisons Sect to gain a foothold in the world in the future. Originally, she thought that Relying on the agreement reached between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling, Zhang Fan could be asked to help, but she never imagined that Zhang Fan didn't want their cooperation and flatly refused.

Although now, Yu'er really wants to leave like this, she doesn't want to see Zhang Fan and his playful smiling face even if she takes a little more time now, but even No matter how upset she was, she definitely couldn't just walk away like this now.

And Zhang Fan naturally saw that it was absolutely impossible for Yu'er to just leave like this. After all, at this time, she would come to find Zhang Fan. No, let alone her, anyone from the Five Poison Sect would Coming to him at this time shows that the problem they encountered is definitely quite serious, and it is not a problem that they can turn around and leave without helping. In this way, even if Zhang Fan does not know what problem they encountered , but definitely not something pediatric.

And in this way, Zhang Fan could understand that Yu'er stood still at this time, but now Zhang Fan had a more smug smile on his face.

Yu'er turned her head and saw Zhang Fan's current "face". That's right, for Zhang Fan, Yu'er could only use these two words to describe him.

"I have one more piece of news to tell you," Yu'er said.

"Oh, then I'm all ears," Zhang Fan said.

This situation was naturally within Zhang Fan's expectation. The members of the Five Poisons Sect were also not fools. They would never think that just relying on such an innocuous matter could persuade Zhang Fan to help. Look, the non-toxic religion has also reached a very difficult time, so Yu'er must have brought something that they are sure will interest Zhang Fan when she comes this time.

"What did you come to the Southwest this time?" Yu'er suddenly mentioned this matter.

"You guys don't know what I'm here for," Zhang Fan didn't answer her, "Stop playing charades here now, hurry up and talk about things, and I'm going out after I'm done,"

"That's right, of course we know what you're here for," Yu'er suddenly laughed, and said, "I heard that Duanwang's mansion hasn't moved at all since you came, isn't it?" ,"

Hearing Yu'er mention the three words "Duanwangfu", Zhang Fan's complexion immediately changed,

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