"How did you know about this?" Zhang Fan's expression became extremely stern all of a sudden, and he looked at Yu'er sharply, without any intention of letting her go, as if, if Yu'er couldn't give him a satisfactory answer, It seems that something bad will happen next.

"Hehe, you finally changed your face." Now, it seems that Zhang Fan and Yu'er's roles have been reversed. Now facing Zhang Fan's face, Yu'er put on a very relaxed look , "Oh, don't be so anxious, this kind of thing is easy to know.

"Some time ago, the emperor in the capital was assassinated. Before your court announced this matter, in fact, our sect already knew about it," Yu'er said. I can't get away with it. It hasn't been long since the news spread, and you have come here together. I am afraid that except for ordinary people who don't care too much about this matter, everyone with a little bit of insight has already known it. , Why, is it possible that you still want to keep it a secret, or that I will tell you about it, so you didn't expect it, "

What Yu'er said was not unreasonable, but now, Zhang Fan didn't care about Duan Wang or his purpose for coming here this time, what he cared about was a sentence in Yu'er's words just now.

"You just said... that the emperor was assassinated, and you already knew about it before the court released the news," Zhang Fan said about it, "How did you know it? Could it be that there are some of you in the court?" No way,"

"Who knows," Yu'er naturally wouldn't tell the truth, but said such ambiguous words, "After all, you officials are hiding filth and stealing from themselves, and some of you may even I can't remember how many corrupt and law-breaking things I have done, and I have to get a ledger to write it down. So, we naturally have news. As for who it is, you can find out if you go back and check it. Anyway, you guys Jin Yiwei, isn't it good at finding trouble?"

Facing Yu'er's provocative words, Zhang Fan didn't care, he was still thinking about it.

If it is just that the Five Poison Sect has people in the court, no, it is not even counted as people, at most they can only be regarded as one or two people they have bribed, then it is not unusual for them to know about this matter.

But Yu'er had said before that they knew about Zhu Yijun's assassination before they announced it to the public. Zhang Fan was very concerned about these words, because at that time, the only one who knew about this matter was A very small number of people, and when the people in the court know about it, this matter will also be known to outsiders. In fact, this is the next day.

In other words, before the announcement of what Yuer said, it should be the day when the incident happened, and if it was that day, those who knew about it, except those who were closer to Zhu Yijun at that time, were already limited in the capital. Apart from a few people, there is no one else. From this point of view, things are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

And as Zhang Fan continued to think about the past, he remembered another thing, and this matter immediately made Zhang Fan unable to maintain his current calmness. He stood up with a "huh" and looked at Yuer's face. His eyes became sharper, as if if she dared to make any bad moves, he would do something.

And Yu'er was also frightened by Zhang Fan's sudden suddenness, she stood there dumbfounded, a little at a loss: "You...what do you want to do?"

"Let me tell you, the relationship between us is not good," Zhang Fan said in a tone of gritted teeth, "You have to understand, the reason why I didn't arrest you now is because there was an affair between me and Fang Yueling. It's just an agreement. If it wasn't for that incident, you would have been imprisoned long ago. You can think about the consequences of being imprisoned by a beautiful woman in Jin Yiwei's prison. Don't worry, I will never locked you up alone,"

Zhang Fan's words, coupled with his expression at the moment, really frightened Yu'er: "You...what do you want to do,"

"It's not bad, I'm just reminding you," Zhang Fan said, "Also, you remember, you deal with me, I'll accompany you, but if you dare to involve my family, then I'm sorry,"

That's right, Zhang Fan thought of this matter. On the night Zhu Yijun was assassinated, someone went to Zhang Fan's house to report the news. This matter has always worried Zhang Fan, and he spent a lot of effort afterwards The investigation, but in the end, in order not to startle the enemy, even though the suspect had been identified, he did not take action, which finally led to the fact that this matter has remained unclear until now.

It was precisely because of this matter that Zhang Fan was worried before he left. Fortunately, Wang Degui came back in the end, allowing him to find the best way to protect his family.

But this matter did not end here. Even though his family has security now, Zhang Fan still hopes to solve this problem fundamentally. If the other party really wanted to do something, with Wang Degui around now, Zhang Fan would definitely not be worried.

However, Wang Degui is also a human being, and as a human being, he will make mistakes. No matter how much he cares about the tasks Zhang Fan entrusts to him, there will always be moments of negligence. If they make a move at such a time, the chances of them succeeding are very high.

Therefore, Zhang Fan has been worrying about this matter until now, and what worries him most is that he has no clue about this matter, and he has no idea who the other party is at all. .

Now, what Yu'er said inadvertently revealed a piece of news. Perhaps it was the reason why Zhang Fan's mind was always on this matter. Immediately thought of this possibility, which may also be interpreted as caring and chaos.

However, as Zhang Fan thought about this possibility, he felt more and more that this was really the case.

And in this way, how could Zhang Fan not be angry, put his family in a crisis, and make him extremely worried, this is absolutely not allowed by him.

"You...why are you crazy?" I don't know if Zhang Fan felt guilty for puncturing his heart, or because he was frightened by Zhang Fan. Uneasy, "What are you talking about, what kind of family is not family, I don't know,"

"Hmph, do you know that you know what you are doing?" Zhang Fan said, "But I would like to advise you, get rid of them quickly. I will give you a month. If I wait until after the first month, I can still hear the people in the capital. If there is news of suspicious people appearing near my house, then don’t blame me for being ruthless, and I will immediately lead someone to defeat your Five Poison Sect."

"You..." Facing Zhang Fan at this time, Yu'er was completely stunned. At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through her heart, and she also blamed herself for slipping the tongue, but what frightened her most was that, Zhang Fan's reaction to this incident was so intense, his attitude of not caring about gains or losses at all, as long as he kept his family safe, made people shudder.

Yu'er really didn't expect that such a person who looks harmless to humans and animals, always has a gentle expression on his face, and what's more, he is so weak that he can be caught easily. Fan, who would have thought that when he got angry, he would be in such a terrible scene. This was indeed something Yu'er had never thought of.

Now, Zhang Fan's appearance really shocked Yu'er, yes, it's not scared, it's just shock, the reason for the shock is just that she saw something she hadn't seen before, or something she hadn't thought of before, that's all. However, Yu'er came back to her senses quickly and calmed down immediately.

"You don't need to be like this, what's the use of just scaring me," Yu'er tried her best to put on an unscrupulous look, her face calmed down, but her heart was still a little shaken.

"Why, now that you have come to this point, do you want to deny what you have done?" Zhang Fan still looked at Yu'er with a cold look, and said, "I still say that If you don’t want to, people hurry up and evacuate me, or don’t blame me.”

"You..." Seeing that Zhang Fan was so soft and stubborn, Yu'er couldn't help but lose her mind, "Okay, since we've already talked about this, then I don't have to hide it anymore, yes, Jingcheng There are people from us, but I have to say one thing, that night, our people never went to your house at all, yes, our people received the news that the emperor was assassinated, and it was almost like you At the same time, but we did not send anyone to your house, "

"It's come to this point, you still want to lie to me." Apparently, Zhang Fan still doesn't believe what Yu'er said.

"Believe it or not," Yu'er said, "but that's all I've said, and, I think you can figure it out now, I came to you this time because I was in big trouble, so In this situation, I naturally want to win your trust, so why would I deceive you?"

"Really not." Now, even Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.

"Who is it, I don't know," Yu'er said, "But that's your business, it has nothing to do with us, I still want to talk about the previous things, we need your help, but we will give you something in return, "

"Hmph, what can you give me?" Zhang Fan snorted coldly.

"Didn't I mention Duan Wang's mansion just now?" Yu'er said, "Although I don't know what you plan to do with Zhu Xuanqi, that's your business, but if you think about it, you have to find a way to meet them. We can help."

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