The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 995 Someone Inside

Zhang Fan was asking about things clearly.After knowing the current situation of the Five Poison Sect.He has already weighed it in his heart.Of course he can help with this matter.And there is no trouble at all.All he needs to say is the last word.

Even now.Because there are many things to prepare.And with the help of Ding Guangyou.The relationship between Zhang Fan and Zeng Xingwu today is not like the relationship between two people who solved the misunderstanding.But this matter didn't seem troublesome to Zhang Fan at all.He didn't need to go to Zeng Xingwu at all.He can even skip Zeng Xingwu directly.Go directly to Liu Xian and talk about it.But in terms of Liu Xian's temper.Zhang Fan can be sure.Just tell him that the Bo people have not been wiped out yet.There is also a small group of remnants stirring up trouble outside.Just saying that.There is no need for Zhang Fan to say anything later.Liu Xian will definitely take the initiative to send troops to attack.

As for saying.This scene was arranged by the people of the Five Poisons Sect.At that time, someone will inevitably die because of it.But these things.Zhang Fan can't control it.In fact.Even if he has an agreement with Fang Yueling now.But they don't like each other.He even wished that the other party would suffer some loss.Now that there is such an opportunity.Then Zhang Fan naturally didn't want to give up.

But he also understands.This kind of thing can't be too impatient.Even if someone is begging you.If you act too impatiently.But it is possible to let the opportunity in front of you slip away.Only calm down.In this way.It's not just your own mind that can think calmly.more importantly.The other party will feel extremely impatient with your lukewarm attitude.Only in this way.To maximize your profit.

Now.Zhang Fan did it.Although Yu'er's face has not shown any impatient expression until now.But she was really anxious.

After Zhang Yong and Wang Xin gave the Five Poisons Sect this order.Fang Yueling didn't want to do this from the bottom of her are superficially in high spirits.One side sent people to investigate the situation.This side is still blocking power.It looked like it was about to drive over.But actually.Fang Yueling was taking this opportunity to stall for time.

And even then.Fang Yueling could hardly hold on any longer.There are people over there.Seeing that the Five Poisons Sect was well prepared.But he hesitated to take action.They have been urged many times.Fang Yueling also had no choice.Originally, she wanted to ensure the safety of her father.Almost planned to do so.

Fortunately.Then they received the news that Zhang Fan was coming here.Fang Yueling immediately thought this was a turning point.Gossip.Finally, it has been delayed for more than half a month.It was finally when Zhang Fan arrived in Fan had just arrived in Chengdu for a few days.Yu'er found it.

Although in these cases.There are many things that Zhang Fan doesn't know.But for Zhang Fan.It is not necessary to master all the details to be able to act.He just needs to remember.Now the Five Poisons Sect has something to ask for from him.that's enough.

so.It can be said now.Zhang Fan had just started talking about serious business.

As for Zhang Fan's change.Yu'er didn't adapt very well.just like.Obviously do one more thing.It looks like it will be done.But it was suddenly interrupted.It's like doing something else first.This feeling.I'm afraid it doesn't matter who it is.It won't feel good.

But just like the situation the two of them are in now.Yu'er is asking for something from others.It is standing low.So.Now she can only be at the mercy of Zhang Fan who is standing on a high place.

"You people..." Even if it is powerless to change anything.But Yu'er still hummed dissatisfied. "Forget it. Since you want to talk about it, let's talk about it.

"Although we don't know. You came here this time. What exactly are you here for? I don't know what you plan to do to that Zhu Xuanqi. But now it seems that you really want to get close to him. But he is like a piece of iron now. .No flaws. No leaks. No chance at all. We don't know what you're going to do now. We can't help you with that.

"However, when you can enter Prince Duan's Mansion, we can help you a lot. At the very least, we will inform you about the daily affairs of the Palace. These are not a problem. At critical times .Maybe it can help you a lot. Tell you what's going on inside or something."

"This condition is very attractive." Zhang Fan said bluntly.Explain that you really want this lead.To know.Jinyiwei and Dongchang are on the intelligence side.I have always cared about it.And they do pretty well.Down to the people of Limin.Up to the nobles of the palace.All have their eyeliner on.And among them.A place like the palace.Nature is indispensable.even.Even those who live in the capital.There is no fiefdom under his command.It's just a person who bears the name of a prince.People from Jinyiwei or Dongchang were all around them secretly watching.

but.Of course there are exceptions to this.There are places.It is definitely the place that Dongchang and Jinyiwei most want to infiltrate to investigate the situation.But the difficulty of getting in.It is even more difficult than sneaking into Mobei to investigate the movements of the Tartars.These people are generally in control.And the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.People with real power on the ground.

Just like Zhu Xuanqi, king of Shuduan.He can even be said to be a representative of such people.Zhu Chengyu, king of Shukang in the previous generation.Although it is also a real power task.But he is better at talking.And he didn't have any disobedience.So that time.Beside Zhu Chengyu.There are meticulous works of Dongchang or Jinyiwei everywhere.but.This comes down to it.It's just that Zhu Chengyu himself doesn't care about these things.Even if he knew that someone around him was a spy.But he pretended like he didn't know it at all.

However, it is also for this reason.The court was able to keep abreast of Zhu Chengyu's movements.So there is no fear of what he will do at all.that time.The imperial court has never done anything excessive to Zhu Chengyu.He didn't even stop him from developing his own private army at all.And that's exactly why.A kind of transparency and reassurance.

And when Zhu Chengyu died.And when his son Zhu Xuanqi ascended the throne.That all changed.Zhu Xuanqi naturally knew.His father was surrounded by people from the imperial court.And he himself was not at ease about it.Because he wants to make some.You can't say you can't see people.But it is something that cannot be known by the court.

but.Who are those people from the imperial court?Who is not.He himself does not know.And even his father knew it.But it is absolutely impossible to get a roster to record who is in the court.who are their own people.therefore.He did one thing at that time.People from the old palace.from top to bottom.They were all replaced by him.Not even a small concierge was spared.Even people who come to deliver food on weekdays.Also changed to a company to investigate the background.the rest of the people.Zhu Xuanqi was replaced by his own people.

All of a sudden.Any news from the court about the King of Shu was immediately cut off.No one was there.Naturally, there is no source of news.And what is Zhu Xuanqi going to do?They cannot know in advance.Wait till they know.Zhu Xuanqi has already done everything.It is already hopeless.

Because of this matter.Long Qing had paid attention to it before.But finally.Long Qing didn't think it was necessary.After all, he is the king of Shu.No matter what.It's impossible to do anything big.Since they are all of the same race.The ancestors are all the same ancestors.Blood is thicker than water.Why bother to be so stalemate?

Because of Long Qing's thoughts.Therefore, the imperial court also let go of its infiltration of Zhu Xuanqi.Thinking about it now.If Long Qing hadn't given up at that time.But the words of the death order.I'm afraid it won't be so troublesome now.But this kind of hindsight is wise.Anyone can speak.But now we can't go back to the past after all.

And wait until Long Qing dies.After Zhu Yijun ascended the throne.Here comes the this time.I want to get more information about the King of Shu.Then it will not be easy at all.But even if it is not easy.Even if it is difficult to enter the sky.Empress Dowager Li still gave the order.But even at this time.No matter how much effort you spend.There is no other way.

And until now.Empress Dowager Li didn't want to wait any longer.She decided to use a neat method.Fix this problem once and for all.So now.Zhang Fan is here.

And now.Zhang Fan was wondering what to do.This Yu'er came in front of him.Tell her that they have a way to know the situation inside the palace.In the future, he will also be able to provide news to Zhang Fan.This made Zhang Fan immediately use his brain.

"Why. Could it be that you have eyeliners in the palace?" This matter is not difficult.Very simple.Zhang Fan also immediately thought of this reason.But even though he thought of it.But he was also a little surprised.after all.After two or three years in the imperial court.But it was a waste of effort in Duan Wang's mansion.Not at all.And now.Yu'er said they had someone inside.This naturally surprised Zhang Fan.

"It's up to now. I won't hide it from you anymore." Yu'er said with a smile. "That's right. We have people in the palace."

"You guys are just a Jianghu gang." Zhang Fan got a clear answer.But he frowned. "It's just a Jianghu gang. Why did you send people to the palace. Do you want to inquire about something?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said.Yu'er first smiled wryly.Then he said: "There is a reason for this. If it is unnecessary, we will never do that. After all, the king of Shu is not easy to get along with now. If there is any mistake, then Trouble. If I may. The things involved. I really don't want to talk about it."

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