"Now, it's not a question of whether you want to talk about it or not," Zhang Fan was obviously dissatisfied with Yu'er's answer, "If I don't know about this matter, then that's fine; It's not for this matter, so I won't ask too much, but in the current situation, do you think I will ignore it?"

Zhang Fan's words are really not threats or anything like that, but the current situation is like this. If in the past, he heard that a Jianghu gang actually sent eyeliner in the palace, Zhang Fan would naturally He would also care about it, but what he cared about would naturally not be about the affairs of the Jianghu. After all, if this happened, it was usually because the prince wanted to use the people in the Jianghu to do something.

As Jin Yiwei, for Zhang Fan, it is natural to investigate this kind of matter, but he doesn't need to work too hard. He just needs to check the general situation, and that's enough. As long as the matter doesn't get bigger, he doesn't need to do anything.

However, the current situation is different. Now, what Zhang Fan is most concerned about is the affairs of Prince Duan's Mansion. First, he has to find a way to get in touch with Prince Duan's Mansion, and he has to take the initiative. Fan must pay attention to the situation of Prince Duan's Mansion at all times, for fear of any problems.

Now, Yu'er said that some of them were in the palace, how could Zhang Fan not ask to understand.

After hearing Zhang Fan's words, Yu'er no longer showed a cold look, and said, "I knew that this matter must not be fooled, but fortunately those people are still delusional. Now that the conversation has already reached this point, it is useless to hide it.

"Actually, this matter is very simple, and you don't need to think too much about it. You are a member of the imperial court, so this reason should not trouble you. If you don't think about it, there are many gangs in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains. There are big sects, but there are corresponding big gangs corresponding to them. Even if they have a good relationship, they are not very friendly. Therefore, although everyone knows that your court is very strict with the affairs of the rivers and lakes, but the people in the Central Plains Side, in fact, you don't need to spend much effort.

"However, this is the Southwest, which is not the same as the Central Plains. Here, there are several big sects. There is a Qingcheng sect. It is true that there are many disciples under the sect, and the people in the sect are skilled in martial arts. However, they are A group of Taoist priests don't like to fight with others on weekdays, and other than that, there are not many big sects here.

"In this way, my Five Immortals Sect has become a dominant force, even though we didn't want to do this, but it is true, there is nothing we can do.

"However, there are no big sects here, but there are not no small sects, not only there are, but there are as many as a cow's hair, but there are just a few people who rose up temporarily, got such a name, and it's nothing.

"However, in this way, my Five Immortals sect has become the biggest faction here, and it has suddenly become the target of public criticism. It seems to you now that we are concealed in form, but we were not like that in the past. It is not because Are you afraid of being troubled, forced to do this, and act in secret?

"But even so, sometimes we still can't avoid trouble, and sometimes even the official uniform is involved, so, in order to avoid a little trouble, we need to find a backer, find someone who can be in this southwest With the unimpeded backing of the land, the words are effective, and as for the rest, I don’t think I need to say any more, "

Yu'er's words can still be accepted by Zhang Fan. What she said is correct. In the Central Plains, the imperial court has very strict management of affairs in the Jianghu. There are dossiers in it, and not only that, the court also has their handles in their hands. The reason is that if something happens in the future, they can respond in time without being in a hurry. So something really messed up.

But in the southwest, it is different. There is a Qingcheng faction, and Zhang Fan is very familiar with this Qingcheng faction. Is it the people of the Qingcheng faction? However, the Qingcheng faction is also like what Yuer said, they are all Taoists. Although these people, although it is impossible to achieve Taoism and become immortals, they are still cultivating. It's not too much, so even if the court guards them, it is not strict.

As for those like the Five Poison Sect, it is different. The Five Poison Sect is very special, not referring to their actions, such as the use of poison, but their identities. Yes, the Five Poison Sect is composed of It was established by Miao people, and most of its congregants are Miao people, which makes it stamped with the imprint of a minority.

For the ethnic minorities, especially in such a multi-ethnic place in the southwest, it is really difficult to start. Even, as far as this side is concerned, as long as the Han people are not involved, the imperial court will let them go. Killing each other, it's better to die cleanly, that's fine.

This is even more true for the Five Poisons Sect. At that time, when Zhang Fan heard the words "Five Poisons Sect" for the first time, Wang Meng and Liang Chao on the side all knew it, but Even if they asked them about the details, they couldn't answer them. This was because the imperial court didn't care too much about the issues here.

As for the Five Poison Sect, as the largest gang composed of ethnic minorities in the Southwest area, it is naturally very popular, not to mention the feuds in the rivers and lakes on weekdays, coupled with their "magical" skills, many people are against it. They have huge interests, which has made this gang, from the beginning of its establishment, troublesome.

Moreover, the troubles didn't just come from the rivers and lakes. Sometimes, the imperial court would also be involved. Of course, the so-called imperial court here were mostly local officials.

Because of this, the Five Poisons Sect needs a person who can speak effectively in the southwest, stand up and support them when they need it, and obviously, in this place, the most effective person to speak , not a governor or general soldier, but such a vassal king who holds real power.

If the power of a vassal is placed in the whole country, or if he enters the capital, it does not appear too conspicuous, but if it is on his territory, such a vassal is no different from the imperial decree, even In many cases, his words are more effective than imperial edicts.

"It seems that it took a lot of effort for you to 'befriend' the King of Shu," Zhang Fan said, "But I'm not asking what you did to make Zhu Xuanqi agree to speak for you, but this is still an explanation. No, why do you send people by his side to watch over him?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Seemingly dissatisfied with Zhang Fan's words, Yu'er rolled her eyes and said, "This kind of thing, after all, is what we get in exchange for the benefits. Some things may not matter to us. It is everywhere, but they may not be able to find it. It just changes the place and becomes a rare item. However, this kind of good for good thing really makes people feel that it is not very reliable. Therefore, in order to prevent We have to be more careful about what he is doing behind the scenes, I say that, are you satisfied?"

Zhang Fan smiled and nodded, noncommittal, and said, "But..."

"Don't ask any more." This time, before Zhang Fan could finish speaking, Yu'er interrupted him, "I've said everything I need to say, and you know we can help you a lot. What else do you want to ask, I can't, who told you?"

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to ask who you sent in Prince Duan's mansion," Zhang Fan waved his hand and said, "What's more, I still know some habits of that prince. You can probably guess what kind of person you put next to him, it must be a woman, and she is an extraordinary beauty, right?"

What Zhang Fan said is very interesting. He guessed who was in the Five Poison Sect through his understanding of Zhu Xuanqi. Moreover, the answer of the woman is easy for people to accept. After all, beauty tricks have been used throughout the ages. They are all enduring, even after thousands of years, or even thousands of years later, as long as there are human beings on this earth, this strategy will never fail.

However, there was something in Zhang Fan's words. What he said actually meant that the Five Poisons Sect used this kind of trick. Just imagine how he and Yingyue met in the past, and it can be easily figured out from this.

Yu'er is a smart person, she could hear the implication of Zhang Fan's words as soon as she heard it, but no matter what, Zhang Fan guessed it right, facing this situation, Yu'er had no choice but to snort again.

Seeing Yu'er's reaction, the smile on Zhang Fan's face became even wider, obviously he knew that he had guessed right.

"Okay, don't gossip anymore," Yu'er said, "It's almost the same now, what do you say, promise or not, will you help us?"

"Help, of course we want to help," Zhang Fan said, "No matter what we say, there was an agreement between us. Even if we share similar interests, an agreement is an agreement. Now that our allies are in trouble, how can I just sit idly by?" Woolen cloth,"

"Humph, that sounds good." Yu'er was very dissatisfied with Zhang Fan's face changing so quickly, "It was obvious that she was still acting reluctantly just now, but she changed her face when she heard that it was beneficial."

"However, I still have one condition," Zhang Fan said, regardless of Yu'er's dissatisfaction, "I don't ask you who put someone in Duan Wang's mansion, but when the time comes, the information obtained by this person must be directly handed over to you." In my hands, there may be some among you, but it’s the same, if you pass the news directly to me, you can’t teach me as well,”

"Deal," this time, Yu'er didn't think about it, and agreed directly. It seems that they have already considered this situation.

"Then it's settled," Zhang Fan finally said,

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