The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 997 as it should be

After sending Yu'er away, Zhang Fan didn't ask anyone to follow her. Now, Zhang Fan is not interested in the Five Poison Sect, and the news Yu'er gave him brought him additional information, and it was still a big deal. In favor of his information, nowadays, although the things that have been planned before generally do not need to be greatly changed, the details need to be fine-tuned.

And obviously, the news that Yu'er exchanged with him is very beneficial to him, but Zhang Fan didn't just prepare one plan, originally there was only one plan, that's because this matter is too difficult, He had no other choice but this, but now, the news that Yu'er brought him gave him another choice.

If it is feasible, the eyeliner of the Five Poison Sect next to Zhu Xuanqi will be able to bring him news in the future. This will definitely save Zhang Fan a lot of effort, so this method will naturally become Zhang Fan's first choice.

However, Zhang Fan did not let go of the other one, which was the method he had originally prepared. It didn't mean that he didn't believe in Yu'er. Well, how should I put it? It wouldn't be right to say that he believed it completely. In order to let Zhang Fan help them, this is what they said. In fact, they have no eyeliner in Duanwang's mansion. Things, wouldn't everything be over.

Moreover, even if what Yu'er said is true, there is another kind of contingency. If something happens to the eyeliner they sent in the palace when it comes to it, what should we do? Maybe Saying that, it sounds a little too worrying, but in fact, there are too many precedents of screwing things up because of the occurrence of such unexpected situations. Regarding these situations, Zhang Fan has to guard against them. of.

And thanks to the news brought by Yu'er, Zhang Fan had to make one more preparation, which has now become his first choice, and what he had prepared before, naturally he did not give up. More importantly, Zhang Fan also needs to prepare a way, in case something changes in the middle of the process, how to deal with it at that time.

These are also unavoidable things that Zhang Fan has to think about clearly. The matter in front of him has no ambiguous ending. For Zhang Fan, he has been ordered to die by the Queen Mother Li. If it is not a success, it is a failure. .

Needless to say, if he succeeds, although he will not get any real reward from Queen Mother Li, Zhang Fan also knows that it will be more convenient for him to walk in the court in the future. In other words, in the future, either he can only walk in the dark, or simply let him disappear. After all, everyone knows that the best thing to keep a secret is a dead person.

But Zhang Fan is different. With his current status, it is absolutely impossible for the Empress Dowager Li to make him disappear without a sound. Especially after such an incident, if Zhang Fan disappears, the court Whether the people in the court are fools or not, they can naturally see the connection between him and this matter, and the ministers in the court still don't care, but if those princes know, they will not be able to turn the world upside down. If that happened, even with Queen Mother Li's current status and power, she would definitely not be able to suppress it.

Well, since you can't do anything to Zhang Fan, even suppress it, then you can only do it in another way. The so-called change here is actually to try your best to support Zhang Fan and let Zhang Fan get more benefits. If there are many benefits, there are only two ways, either to make the other party disappear completely, or to let the other party taste enough sweetness so that he will not leak the secret.

As for Empress Dowager Li, she didn't care about these two methods, as long as Zhang Fan could accomplish this matter, even if it gave him great benefits, so what.

However, these are just good things, and since there are good things, there are also bad things. If Zhang Fan failed this time, what would happen?

If Zhang Fan fails this time, if he doesn't catch Zhu Xuanqi, and if he doesn't succeed in framing Zhu Xuanqi, then all he needs is for Zhu Xuanqi to let the wind out quietly, and then almost everyone will know that this matter is caused by the Empress Dowager Li. What a mess behind the scenes.

However, after all, Empress Dowager Li is the birth mother of the current son, and she was acquired by the empress dowager later. Even if she did something wrong and was blamed by others, she herself would not suffer any harm at all. The face of the royal family was damaged.

However, this is the most important point. For the royal family, face is more important than the actual success or failure. As far as the imperial court is concerned, it is not beautiful.

On the other hand, even if one thing fails, if the face of the court and the royal family is not lost, then it will be easy to talk later, and at that time, it can even be prevaricated with some unreasonable reasons.

As for the matter in front of Zhang Fan, it is obvious that if he does not handle it well, it will definitely not be a glorious thing at that time. If it is really the case, then what should we do.

It's also simple, pull a scapegoat out, push all the responsibilities on him, and let him take the blame. In this way, maybe other people will talk about it, but they won't say anything on the surface, and the court And the face of the royal family is considered to be saved.

As for what will happen to the person who took the blame, other people may not care, but in the face of such a big matter, there is no need to think about it at all. At that time, you will definitely feel that life is not as good as death, maybe death If you die, you will have nothing, but you will also end up quickly. If you are alive, you will not only be spurned by everyone, but even your family will suffer along with you.

If possible, Zhang Fan didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing at all. After all, the stakes are too high. If he is not careful, he will fall into the abyss and never recover from eternal life. In order to rectify the thoughts of the vassal king, Zhu Xuanqi who is sleeping is not good at being his prince, so he must have this kind of thought. Who told Feng Baocai to have an accident at that time, so that Zhang Fan became the only candidate for Queen Mother Li? Zhang Fan's identity is so suitable for this kind of thing, who...

In short, there are too many factors to count, and almost every one of these factors sounds like a coincidence, but Zhang Fan is not naive. Coincidences can be one or two. Don't repeat it again and again, if this happens, then it means that this is definitely not a coincidence, but inevitable.

Now that the final conclusion is that this matter is inevitable, then there is nothing to complain about. Besides, there is no way back now, and Zhang Fan can only move forward.

Therefore, Zhang Fan after that just thought about it for a while, then quickly came back to his senses, found Wang Meng and Liang Chao, and after telling them about this matter, the three of them started to discuss again .

And over there, Joanna was very disappointed that Zhang Fan couldn't accompany her again, although there was no change on her face, but she was different from Zhang Fan's other women. Being in such a complex interest field, Joanna naturally understood what Zhang Fan encountered, so it was absolutely impossible for her to make trouble for no reason.

In other words, from some perspectives, Joanna understood Zhang Fan's difficulties better than anyone else.

Zhang Fan naturally didn't know what Joanna was thinking, and now he was only concerned with planning the future with Wang Meng and Liang Chao.

Naturally, Wang Meng and Liang Chao knew about Yu'er's coming here, but they didn't go in to listen to what Zhang Fan and Yu'er had said. They were just guarding against the possible dangerous situation in front of the door.

Afterwards, when Yu'er came out, Zhang Fan told them not to send anyone to follow her. This in itself made them feel very strange.

And after the two listened to what Zhang Fan said, they also became interested.

"My lord, if that's the case, then it's good," Liang Chao couldn't hold back, and said first, "Now, there is an eyeliner in the Duan Palace, and it will be much easier for us to do things in the future. Unexpectedly, The Five Poison Sect has some skills, even our people can't get in in that Duan Wang's mansion, but I didn't expect them to have a way to get in, "

"If it's really the case, then it's good," Wang Meng said without showing too much joy on his face, "It's just that, my lord, what she said is not credible."

"Although, now that they want something from me, it is very likely that they deceived me with fake news and asked me to help them," Zhang Fan had already thought about this matter, "but I don't think they would do that. Let’s not mention Yu’er and the other members of the Wudu Sect, but Fang Yueling will not be like this. She is a smart person, and she will never do such a thing of killing chickens and eggs. You know, we will not only help them this time in the future. Well, she still relies on us to find her father. If she deceives us with her fake news, then she won't be afraid. We will turn against each other in the future.

"To fight against the court, even if these people say they are not afraid, but once they start their hands, it will not be the case. At that time, she will not be afraid. Not only can her father not be rescued, but even Do the Five Poison Sects have to join in?"

"That's true," Wang Meng nodded after hearing Zhang Fan's analysis.

"But even so..." Zhang Fan interjected, "We still have to be careful with this matter, in case there are any accidents."

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